Page:Infrastructure Protection Act 2017.pdf/55

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NO. 41 OF 2017

(2) If the Commissioner is of the opinion that it is necessary to mitigate the risk of an act of terrorism against any protected area, protected place or public premises, the Commissioner may issue a security directive to the authority of that protected area or that protected place or the owner of that public premises (collectively called in this section the responsible person)—

(a) directing the responsible person to implement and maintain any security measure specified in the security directive, in response to that risk; and
(b) specifying the date on which the security directive is to take effect and the period within which any direction in the security directive must be complied with.

(3) The security measures under subsection (2)(a) must not include any measure for the strengthening of the structural elements of the protected area, protected place or public premises against blast effects.

(4) Where the public premises has more than one owner at any time, each of those persons—

(a) is jointly and severally responsible at that time for discharging the duties of the owner of the public premises under this Act; and
(b) may jointly and severally exercise at that time the powers of the owner of the public premises under this Act.

(5) Before issuing the security directive, the Commissioner must, unless the Commissioner considers it not practicable or desirable to do so in any particular case—

(a) give notice of the Commissioner’s intention to do so to the responsible person; and
(b) give the responsible person 14 days (or such longer or shorter time as the Commissioner may specify in the notice) after the date of the notice to make representations on the proposed security directive.

(6) To avoid doubt, except as provided in this section, the Commissioner is not required to give any person notice of, or