Page:Infrastructure Protection Act 2017.pdf/78

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(b) the modification of approved security plans of special infrastructures (whether on the requirement of the Commissioner or otherwise);
(c) the implementation and maintenance of security measures for protected infrastructures;
(d) the requirement for owners or occupiers of premises to furnish information and documents that the Minister or the Commissioner may require for the purpose of assessing the need for, or determining the contents of, orders, security directives or notices to be issued under this Act with respect to those premises;
(e) the requirement for owners or occupiers of premises to maintain the documents mentioned in paragraph (d);
(f) the requirement for the Minister or the Commissioner to be notified of the changes, intended changes or impending changes to the ownership or occupation of protected infrastructures (including the persons responsible for notifying such changes and the period within which such changes must be notified);
(g) in the event of changes to the ownership or occupation of protected infrastructures, the duties of the outgoing owners or occupiers;
(h) the approval of competent persons for the purposes of this Act;
(i) the contents of orders, security directives and notices issued under this Act;
(j) the manner of making, and the procedures for, appeals to the Minister under this Act;
(k) the prescribing of fees and charges for the purposes of this Act;
(l) the prescribing of anything that is required or permitted to be prescribed under this Act.