Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/105

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Ohio, in his contributions to the " Trib- une " (Chic 1884)

F , J G. A J G-. A. Forster. A chronological abridgment of the Russian history . . . trans, by . , . L. 1767.

F., K J. K. J. Fmlaij By the loch and river side. Edinb. ItfGG

F, M. F. E. Alary Fiances Elizabeth Boscaiwn, Viscountess Falmouth. Bub- bles of Spa water j or, six weeks in the Ardennes in 1876, by ... Brighton, 1877.

F., M. H Mrs. M. H. Fiske, in her contributions to the " Missouri Republi- can."

F, N. Nicholas French. See "A. Gentleman in the Country."

F., N. L. Nathaniel Langdon Fi othing- ham, D D. The home for destitute and incurable women. [A poem.] B. 18-.

F., O Oran Follett. The Shakes- peare plays; The theatre, etc. "Who wrote Shakespeare * By ... Sandusky, 0., 1879.

F., O. Hi Mrs. Olive Leonard Foster, who for 40 years responded to number- less solicitations for an original hymn or poem, and contributed to numerous newspapers and magazines under these initials.

F, P., Minister of the Church of England. Rev. P. Fuller. A letter to the Reverend Mr. Pyle ... L. 1718.

F., R. Richard Frankum. The bee and the wasp : a fable in verse ... "L 1801.

F., R. Richard Finch. Seasonable advice to a young clergyman ... L. 1740

F., R , Gent. Robert Forbes. Ajax . his speech to the Grecian knabbs ; from Ovid's "Metam.," lib. XIH. ... at- tempted in broad Buchans, by ... 1755. 1869

F. R G. S., A, Richard Francis Bur- ton. Wanderings in "West Africa, from Liverpool to Fernando Po. By ... L. 1863.

F., R. It. R. L. Frere. A few plain

  • words on the sacrament of the Lord's

Supper . . . Birmingham, 1831.

F., R. W. R. W. Falconer. Cata- logue of Tenby plants. L. 1848.

F., S. A. Miss Sarah A. Flint. The conqueror. By ... B. 1865.

F S.A Rev. Latham Wainwright, F.S.A. Dr. Paley and Mr. Lytton Bulwer," in "Gent. Mag.," November, 1833.

F., S. H. Sarah Hustler Fox. Poems, original and translated. L. 1863.

F., S. M. B. M. Fitton. The four seasons. L. 1865.

F , T. Thady Fitzpatrick An enquiry into the real merit of a certain popular performer ... L. 1760.

The above work is directed against Band Gar- nek. It consists of a series of letters, which ongi- nally appeared m the "Craftsman, or Gray's Inn Jouinal" o\er the follovtinar pseudonvms: "T. F."; "3: Y. Z.", "Theatricus", "Anti- theatncus " ; e< Candidas " ; " Philo-Tragicus " ; f lngenuus"; *'W. W.", and "A Lo^er of Truth."

F, T. Thomas Foxcroft A funeral sermon, occasioned by several mournful deaths ... B. 1722.

F. T. Robert Fleming. The history of hereditary-right ... L. n.d.

F., T. Thomas Ford. Reminders in grammar and orthography ... L. 1855.

F, T. Thomas Flatman. Virtus redi- viva. [A collection of poems.] L. 1660.

F., T., Assistant-Curate at ,

and Joint-Lecturer of St. . Rev.

Thomas FrancLlm. A letter to r a bishop, concerning lectureships. L 1768.

F., T. V. Rev. Thomas Vincent Fos- lery. Hymns and poems ... L. 1844.

F , W. William Field. An historical and descriptive account of the town and castle of Warwick, and of the neighbour- ing Spa of Leamington . . . Warwick, 1815.

F., W., Esq. William Freke The fountain of monition and inter-communi- cation divine ... L. 1708

F , W., Sir. Sir W Fownes. Methods proposed for regulating the poor * . . Dublin, 1725.

F.,W.A. Lieut.- Col William Augustus Fyers. The Italian crisis ... L. 1859.

F , W. D Wilhelm David Fuhrmann. Leben . . . des Lucilio Vanini . . . Leip- sic, 1810.

F., W. E. W. E. Flaherty The annals of England. Oxford, 1876.

F., W. J. William John Fitepatrick. Who wrote the Waverley novels? L, 1856.

F , R , Gent. Robert Forbes.

Ajas: his speech to the Grecian knabbs, From Ovid's " Metam.," lib. XTII . . . Glasgow, 1755.

F n,C. C. Ferguson. See "3?-r-n, Mr."

F-r-n, Mr. C. Ferguson. A letter addressed to every honest man in Britain ... L. 1738. [The letter is signed < e C.

F y, J n. John Fry. Bibliographi- cal memoranda . . . Bristol, 1816.

Fabian. Mrs. Virginia Dwrant Cw ington, who, during the late war, made her ddbut as a writer in the ** Southern