Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/165

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yer Bollard] Haynaid, who published poems m various papers under this signa- ture.

Kalula. F. E. Ramsden, in the "New York Dramatic News"

Kames, St. S. Nugent Townshend. Colorado; its agriculture, stock-feeding, scenery, and shooting (N.Y. 1879), originally contributed to the "Field" (L ).

Kaout 't 'Chouk, Tridace Nafé, Théobrôme de. Henri Florent Deimotte. Voyage pittoresque et mdustriel dans le Paraguay-roux et la Palingenesie Australe . . . Mons, 1835.

Kapha, Belsliazzar, the Jew. Robert Dodsley. The book of the chronicle of James the nephew . . . L. 1743.

Karl, Henri Comte Jules de Carné. Marguerite de Keradec. 1876.

Karl, Meister. Charles Godfrey Leland Sketch book of Meister Karl. P. 1855.

Karlsten, Henry. Charles Henry Luders, in his contributions to the " Evening Bulletin " (P.)

Kastus. Charles Waddington. De d'Aristote l' autorité au moyen-age. 1877.

Kata Phusin John Ruskin. The poetry of architecture, with illustrations by the author, and other papers, signed ... In London's "Architectural Magazine" 1837-38. Also an article in the same journal, January, 1839.

Kate, Cousin. Catherine Douglass Bell. An autumn at Karnford , . . Edinb, 1847.

Kathleen. Mrs. Kate Ensworth, in her contributions to the "Detroit Free Press "

'Keeldar, Snirley. Miss My. The winding Wye: a song. The music by . . . L. 1663.

Keen Hand, A. Henry Farnie. The Golfer's manual . . . Cupar, 1857.

Keith, Leslie. Miss Keith Johnston. Nobody's lad . . . L. 1882.

Keld. Harry S Hewitt, in his contributions to the "Syracuse Herald" (N.Y.).

Kemperhausen. Robert Pierce Gillies, one of " Blackwood's " contributors and the " Kemperhausen " of the " Noctes Ambrosianæ."

Kendal, W. H. William Hunter Grimston. A nom de théâtre.

'Kendal, Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Margaret ["Madge"] (Robertson) Grimston.

'Kent, Alfred. J. Dacres Devlin. Two odes on occasion of the Cinque Ports festival at Dover, Aug. 30, 1839, in honour of the Duke of Wellington. L. 1809

Kentuckian, A. Asahel Langworthy (?). A biographical sketch of Col. Richard M Johnson. N.Y. 1843.

Kentuckian, A. Samuel Smith Nicholas. Martial law . . . About 1842.

Kentucky Colonel, The. Col Maynard, in his contributions to the " Sentinel" (Indianapolis, Ind.).

Kenwyn, Allen Rev Samuel Pascoe. On the Cornish coast, a series of thirteen excursions on Cornish shores. Truro, 1878. First appeared in the "Western Daily Mercury" under the above signature. He has been the author of verse and prose articles for the " Graphic," the Plymouth newspapers, and other periodicals

Kerr, Orpheus C. Robert Henry Newell. Avery Grlibun ; or, between two fires. a romance. N.Y. 1867.

'Kerr, Sherill Miss Julia, Magruder, in her contributions to various periodicals.

Ketch, Jack. Thomas Kibble Hervey. Australia, and other poems. L. 1824; also editor of the "Athenæum" (L.) 1846-1854.

Key-note Prof. Nathan Shepard, in the "New York Examiner."

Khalid, Eb'n Abdallah. Sir Henry Taylor, K. C. D.C.L.

Khan, The. Mr. Kernigan, in his contributions to the "World" (Toronto, Can.).

Kllosa. Harriet G. Hosmer.

Kind, K. K. Kaiherine O. Walker, in her contributions to "Harper's Magazine" (N.Y.).

King, Alice. Mrs. Alice King Hamilton, in tales, etc., contributed to various periodicals.

King, Toler Mrs. Emily Fox. Rose O'Connor . . . Chic. 1880.

Kang, The. Mr. Wasborough. A letter from the king. L. 1820.

The letter is signed " Montague Williams."

King of Brobdignags, The. George III. of Great Britain.

"In other papers the conqueror of Europe [Bonaparte] was represented as a mere pigmy as a man in miniature when compared to King George and the Britons. In this spirit, Gillray in 1803 represented the King as the 'King of Brobdignags' eyeing his diminutive assailant through his opera-glass, as he held him in his hand."

King's Friend, A. Thomas Pownall. Considerations on the indignity suffered by the Crown . . . L. 1772.

Kingcups. The Msses Knatchbull The bouquet culled from Marylebone