Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/180

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a historical romance , . . Louisville, 1867

Llndau, Heinrich, Hermann Ft ancle.

Lindon, Lilia. Mrs. Aggie Graves.

Lington^Burr, D LL. &ay Humboldt. Poems and letters to Don Brown by G. JL, alias Burr Lington, D.LL, Albany, 1857

Linkluwater, Tim. Mr. Waldo, in his contributions to the " Picayune" (Sew Orleans, La.).

Llnois, Georges. Charles de Batz- Tienqueteon, Amafenetre. Calais, 1852.

Linwood, Lottie Mrs. Helen M. Cooke.

Lion-Killer. Ce'cile Jules Basile Ge- rard.

Lips. Wilhelm Oertel

Lisle, Fernand de. Edmond (De- manne et de) Marine, who used the above as one of his pseudonyms.

Listener, The. Rev. John Macgowan. Infernal conferences; or, dialogues of devils. By... L. 1772.

Listener, The. Caroline Fi-y. The listener in Oxford. L. 1839

Literary, Mrs. Mrs Bailie Elizabeth (Hillyer Ballard) Maynard, in humorous contributions to periodicals, etc.

Literary Antiquary, A F. W Fair- holt. Holbein's Dance of Death. Edited by... L.

Literary Lounger, A. J. H. Willis. Scraps and sketches; or, the album of . . . Quebec, 1830.

Literary and Scientific Association of Elgin, A Member of the. Dr. Taylor. Edward L of England in the North of Scotland . . . Elgin, 1858.

Little, Thomas, Esq. Thomas Moore, The poetical works of the late T. L., Esq. L. 1801.

luittlejohjou Dr. R. Slelton Hacken- zie. "The present 'Weekly Times' (I/.) started with some new features. Une of these was an article on the lead- ing events of the week, signed '* Little- John/ The name was a pseudonym, but not that of any actual person. Two of the gentlemen who under it wrote per- haps Longer than any others were Dr. Shelton Mackenzie and Mr. Frederick Guest Tomlins."

Ldttlejohn. Frederick Guest Tomlins. "In Ins early days he was a contributor to Hetherington's 'Poor Man's Guardi- an/ and latterly to the ' Weekly Times/ in which the series of articles signed 'Idttlejohn ' were from his pen,"

Ldttlejohn, Hugh. John Hugh Lock- hart, son of John Gibson Lockhart and grandson of Sir Walter Scott, for whom

the latter wrote " Tales of a Grandfather ' J He died when a child.

Littlepage, Cornelius. James Pent- more Cooper. Satanstoe: a tale of the Colony. NY 18(50

Littleton, Mark. John Pendleton Kennedy. Swallow barn. P. 1832.

Live American, A. Henri/ Moifotd. Over sea, or, England, France, and Scotland as seen by ... N.Y. 1867.

Liverpool Merchant, A. Henry Ar- thur Brtffht (*). Free Trade Policy, ex- amined with respect to ... our Colomal System . . . L 1846.

Lizard, John. Dr Edward Young, m a paper to the "Guardian" (No. 86, June 19, 1713).

Uewellyn, Robert Sanders. See " Spencer, Nath."

Lleyon, Gutto. Griffith Robert Jones, at one time of Lleyn, Carnarvonslure, was once called by a bard " Gwyrgant's Boswell."

Iducen. Rev. John Gulkn, of Ead- cliffe-on -Trent, in his contributions to various British newspapers and reviews.

Local Artist, A. John 0, Fei nihough. Pen and ink sketches of Liverpool town councillors, by ... Liverpool, I860.

Local Preacher, A. William, JECenry Rodd. Impetus. An address to the- members of the Wesleyan Methodist Association . . . By . . . Penzance, 1844.

Locke, Una. Mrs. Una Locke Bailey. The school at Elm Oak and the school of life. NY. 1861.

Locker, Ajrthur J. H. Forbes. Sir Goodwin's ITolly : a story of the year 1795 . . L. 1864

Lockfast. William Henry Simmons, in the "Collegian" of Harv. Univ. Cambridge, 1830.

Locomotive. Rev. Moses Harvey > of St. Johns, Newfoundland, in his contri- butions to various local periodicals

Log, Abel. Rev. Charles Butler Great- rex. Whittlings from the West: with some account cf Butternut Castle . . . Ediab. 1854

Logan. Townsend Ward. Letters .... P. 18-.

Logan. John Neal. Logan, a family history. P. 1822.

Logan. Thomas Bangs Thorpe C 2 ) The master's house : a tale of Southern- life ... N.Y. 1854.

Logan, OUve, Mrs. Olwe (Logan} Sikes. Get thee behind me, Satan 1 a home-born book of home-truths . . . 3MT. 1872.

Lola. Jtfrs. Emma (Moffett) Wynne,.