Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/219

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Old Colony. Rev. F. N. Zabrishe. Golden fruit from Bible trees N.Y 1862.

Old Conservative, An John Gorham Palfi y. Letter to a Whig neighbor on the* approaching State election, by ... B. 1855.

Old Cormorant, An Constance Bur- dett. Flight of fancy, folly, and fun . . . L and Edinb. 1878

Old Cornish Boy, An. Dr. Samuel WooIcocL Christopher s. From out of the deeps [A Cornish tale.] By... L.1875.

Old Corporal. Rev. Leander S. Coan, of Alton, N H., in miscellaneous dialect poems.

Old Correspondent, An. Mr. Fox, the second son of Lord Holland, in a communication to the "Public Adver- tiser" (October, 1771), which occasioned a reply from Junius, under the signature of "Anti-Fo*" (qv.).

Old Diplomatic Servant, An. Da- vid Urquhart. British diplomacy illus- trated in the affair of the "Vixen. 1 ' By ... L. 1838.

Also ascribed to H. H. Parish.

Old Dissector, An. James Browne. The "Life" of the Ettrick Shepherd anatomized . . . Edinb. 1832.

Old Ebony William Blackwood, in his contributions to " Blackwood's Mag- azine."

Old Etonian, An Bracebi idge Hem- yng. Eton school days ... L. 1864

Old Farmer, An. John Lowell, LL.D. The road to peace, commerce, wealth, and happiness ... B. 1813.

Old File, An. See Waverley."

Old Fogy, An. Judah Lee Bliss. On reform in general and prison reform in particular (N.Y. 1853) ; and Footprints of travel in France and Italy, with occa- sional divagations, by an old fogy. B, 1858.

The latter pamphlet is signed " Cnrtns GaU lus." Conf. also O. F. and A. K."

Old Friend, An. Miss Jane Louisa Willyams. The reason rendered. A few words addressed to the inhabitants of M[awgan], in Cornwall, by ... L. 1847.

Old Friend and Servant of the Church, An. William Jones, F.R.S. A letter to the Church of England . . . L. 1798.

Old Friend of tlie Society for Pro- moting Christian Knowledge, An. Rev. Edward Ward. A letter on the subject of the British and Foreign Bible Society, addressed to Dr. Gaskin. By ... L. 1810.

Also attributed to William Ward, D.&., Preb. of Salisbury.

Old Gardener, An Edwaid Beck. A packet of seeds saved by ... L 1861.

Old Georgia lawyer, An frarnett Andrews Reminiscences of ... At- lanta, Ga., 1870

Old Hand on Board, An. Arthur Benom Eians, DD Britain's wreck; or, breakers ahead . . L. 1853

Old Harlo. Rev. Charles Edwards Abbott.

Old Harrovian, An. Douglas Straight. Harrow recollections. L 1867

The preface is signed " Sidney Daryl."

Old Hickory. Andrew Jackson.

Old Humphrey. George Mogndge. Old Humphrey's walks in London and its neighborhood L. 1843.

Old Inhabitant, An. James Hors- burgh, provost of Pittenweem. A glance at the historical traditions of Pittenweem . . . Pittenweem, 1851.

Signed "J.E."

Old Inhabitant of British North America, An. Sir Brenton Halliburton. Observations on the importance of the Korth American colonies to Great Brit- ain ... Halifax, 1825.

Old Inspector of Schools, An. Jo- seph Bentley. Beligious training for the people . . L. 1862.

Old Itinerant, An. Rev. Henry Smith. Recollections and reflections of . . . N.Y. 18-.

Old Jonathan. David Alfred Doud- neu, D.D. Try and try again ... L. 1864.

Old Knick. Edward Dubois. Old Kmck's pocket book; or, hints for "a Khyghte Pedantique and Manglynge" Publication to be called "My Pocket Book." By himself. L. 1808.

This and "My Pocket Book by a Knight Errant" -were humoious attacks upon the " Tours" of Sir John Carr.

Old Lady, An. Frank CaJrill, in his contributions to the " Saturday Press ** (P.), etc.

Old Liady, An. A. Dawson. A guide to the musical tuition of very young children. By... L. 1868.

Old Ijady In Threadneedle Street, The. The bank of England.

Old Leeds Cropper, An. D. H. At- kinson. See " Odman, Jeremiah/'

Old Maid, An. See "Lounger, A," etc.

Old Maid, An. Miss Phillips. My life and what I shall do with, it. By ... L. 1864.

Old Man, An. Josiah Quincy, Jr. } in the "Boston Gazette," Aug. 6, 1770.

Old Man, An, Sir Francis Bond