Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/222

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Old Traveller, An. Tfiomas Brown. Reminiscences of ... throughout differ- ent parts of Europe. Edinb. 1840.

Old 'Un, The. Francis Alexander Dunvage, in his contributions to the "Turf, Field, and Farm" (N.Y.), etc. He is also the author of " Stray subjects arrested and bound over, being the fugi- tive offspring of the 'Old Un' and the 'Young Un' (q>v.), that have been 'ly- ing round loose/ and are now * tied up ' for fast keeping." P. 1848

Old Unitarian, An. Thomas Sanden. Unitariamsm, old and new exemplified . . . in three letters [the first and third by "An Old Unitarian/' the second by W. J. Fox] . . . With a preface by ... Chichester, 1817.

Old Vicar, An. Rev. John Wood Warier. The sea-board and the down; or, my parish in the South, by ... L. 1860.

Old Vicar, The. John Samuel Beidey Monsell, LL.D. Lights and shadows; or, double acrostics ... L. 1870.

Old Whig, The. Joseph Addison. a Steele endeavoured to alarm the nation by a pamphlet called ' The Plebeian ' ; to this an answer was published by Addison, under the title of The Old Whig.' "

Old Yorkshire Turfman, An. Henri/ William Herbert.

Oldacre, Cedric, of Sax-Xorman- bury. Rev. John Wood Warier. The last of the old squires: a sketch. L. 1854.

Oldbuck, Obadiah. Rodolphe Tt>p- ffer (*). Mishaps and adventures of ... N.Y. 187-.

Oldbug, John, Esq. Leonard With- ington, D.D. The puritan: a series of essays ... B. 1836.

Oldcastle, Humphrey. Henry St. John, Viscount Bohngbroke. Remarks on the history of England. From the minutes of ... L. 1743.

Oldest Inhabitant, The. Mrs. Julia Mayo Cabell. Sketches and recollections of Lynchburg, Va. By ... Kichmond, Va., 1858.

Oldest School Inspector, The. Jo- seph Bentley. The best uninspired book for teaching children how to become "well off" in this world, and happy in the next. L. 1864

Oldfellow, Polywarp, M.D. Charles Smart, M D. Driven from the path . . . N.Y. 1873.

Oldfield, Traverse. Rev. Georffe Whitffleld Samson. To daimonion; or, spiritual medium ... B. 1852.

Oldham, Dr., at Greystones. Caleb

Spiayue Henry, D.D. Dr. Oldham at Greystones, and his talk there. N.Y. 18CO

Oldpath, Obadiah. James Robinson Neuhall. Lin; or, jewels of the third plantation . . . Lynn, 1862.

Oldschool, Oliver. Joseph Denme. The poetry of the portfolio . . P. 1818

Oldschool, Oliver. Nathan Sargent. Public men and events, 1817-53. P. 1875

Oldstyle, Jonathan, Gent Washing- ton Irving. Letters on the diama. N.Y. 1802. [First published m the N.Y. Daily Chronicle."]

Oldys, Francis, of the University of Pennsylvania. George Chalmers. Life of Thomas Paine. L. 1791-92. Conf. Sabm, "Bibliotheca Americana/' No. 11,703, note

Oleander. David M'Culloch. Dark- ness and sunshine Glasgow, 1876.

Olim Oxoniensis George Wdmot.

A letter to ******* #**** ? M.D L.


O 'Lincoln, Robert. George C. Mason. George Ready ; or, how to live for others . . . N.Y. 1857.

Olive-Branch, Rev. Simon. William Roberts. The looker-on . a periodical paper ... L. 1795.

Oliver, Nathan, Esq Robert Blaley, Ph D. A few remarkable events in the life of the Rev. Josiah Thomson, a Seces- sion minister ... L. 1830.

Oliver, Stephen, the younger, of Aldwark, in Com. Ebor. William Andrew Chatto. Scenes and recollec- tions of fly fishing, in Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. L. 1831

Oliver, William Pynchon. Peter Oliver. His signature in the N.Y. "Church Review."

Olivia. Emily Edson Bnggs, in her contributions to periodical litera- ture.

Olivia. Olivia Wilmot Serres. Olivia's letters of advice to her daughters. L. 1806,

Ollapod. Wittis Gaylord Clark, who contributed "Ollapodiana" to the "Knick- erbocker Magazine" (N.Y.).

Ollapod. Thomas A. Edwards, editor of cycling column in the " Melbourne Bulletin J? (Australia) ; also in his con- tributions to "Springfield Wheelmen's Oazette" and Outing (B.).

Olla Podrida. Frank M. Pixley, who, since 1877, has contributed sketches, un- der this pseudonym, to the San Francisco