Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/229

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Oxford Man and a Wykehamist,

An. Robert B'aclford Mansfield. The log of the Water Lily ... L. 1852.

Oxonian, An. Samuel Reynolds Hole. A little tour in Ireland ... L. 1859.

Oxonian, An Stephen Weston. A trimester in France and Switzerland. By . . L. 1821.

Oxonian, The. Frederick Metcalfe. The Oxonian in Thelemarken, 1856-57. L. 1858.

Oxoniensis. Rev. John PicJcford, M.A. Memoir of Percy, Bishop of

Dromore, 1837, contributor to the "Athe- naeum " and " Once a Week/' and writer of various articles in "Notes and Queries," as " Oxoniensis "

Oxoniensis Henry Bioole. An ap- peal to the pubhck from an unappellate tribunal ... L. 1740.

Oxoniensis. Rev. Thomas Mbnro. Philoctetes in Lemnos . a drama in three acts, to which is prefixed a green-room scene . . . inscribed ... to the managers of Covent-garden and Drury-lane theatres, by ... L. 1795.


IL Rev. Joseph Wasse. Miscellaneous observations upon authors, ancient and modern. L 1731-32.

P. Rev. Richard Polwhele, his signa- ture in the " Gent. Mag ," 1793 et seq.

P. William Frederick Poole, in the "Boston Advertiser" in 1866.

P. Hon. Philip -Yorke, Earl of Hard- wicke, in his contributions to the "Athe- nian letters " . . . L. 1741-43.

P., Mr. Rev. Robert Potter, in Beloe's " Sexagenarian," Vol I, p. 298. 2d ed. L. 1818.

P., Professor. Professor William Pole, in an essay upon the game of whist, con- tributed to a work on that subject by C. B. Coles. See " A*****, Major."

P., A. Anthony Parkinson. Collecta- nea Anglo-Minontica ; or, a collection of the antiquities of the English Francis- cans or Friers Minors, commonly call'd Gray Friers , . . Collected by ... L. 1726.

P., A. Arthur Pemler. Mysteries and miseries of the Great Metropolis . * , N.Y. 1874.

P., A. A. Penjield. Yet another plan for the resumption of specie payments easy and early. Wash. 1869.

P., A , M.D Dr. Alexander Pennecuik t of Newhall. A geographical historical description of the Shire of Tweeddale . . . Edinb 1715.

P., A. E. Ann Eaton Polglase, The shipwreck : a tale of Arabia j and other poems. By ... L. 1827.

P. A. K, Stephen Weston. A supple- ment to the grammar for the use of stu- dents in the German language. By ... L. 1808.

P , A. & Ann & Paschall The home circle. P. 18-.

P., B. K< Rev. Bradford Kinney

Peirce. Stories from life, which the chaplain told. B. 1866.

P., B. W. Bryan Waller Procter. William Jerdan says: "Jl/r. Procter's first appearance in print was, as far as I am aware, in No. 45, Nov. 29th, 1817 [in the ' London Literary Gazette ']. It was signed with the tajtials of his real name . . . and not Barry Cornwall ... It was some time before he adopted the signa- ture by which he is so well known, and Ms numerous charming productions which appeared in the * Gazette' were signed 'B./ or < W ,' or ' 0.,' or <X. Y. Z./ etc"

P., C. H Charles Henri/ Parry. Me- moir of Peregrine Bertie, llth Lord Wil- loughby de Eresby . . L. 1838. See "Descendant in the Fourth Generation, A."

P. D. Prof Thoma* C. James, M.D., who contributed to the Philadelphia "Port-Folio," under this signature, trans- lations in verse of the "Idyls" of Gess- ner, which were highly commended.

P., D. Daniel Parsons. Arms in St. Winnow church, signed . . . Stuart's lodge, Malvern wells, in "Notes and Queries." 1867.

P,, D. Daniel Puseky. Dan's politi- cal note book. Session 1871. L. 1871.

P. D. R. Bentley. A full and true account of the dreadful and melancholy earthquake ... L. 1750

P. E, Samuel Peqge. Explanation of the expression, a "White Crow." "Gent. Mag./ 1 1754, p. 305,

"P. E." ore the first and last letters of Paul Gemscge. Bee " Ctent. Mag.," LXVL, p. 979.

P.,E. Rev.Edvxtrd Pearson. A letter to a member of the Senate of the Univer- sity of Cambridge. Camb. 1799.

P., F. E. Rev. Francis Edward Paget.