Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/231

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P., R. de Venezuela. Ramon Paez. Ambas Americas contrastes . . . N.Y. 1872.

P, S. Samuel Pegge. "Les bran- dons^ explained. "Gent. Mag./' 1734, p. 508 ; and a few other articles

S. P., his initials. See " Gent. Mag ," LXVI., p. 979, 88.

P, S Mrs. S. Pennington. Letters on different subjects, in four volumes . . . L. 1766-67

P., S. Samuel Pegqe. On the Sordid Philosophers. "Gent. Mag./' 1766, p. 330.

P. S., initials reversed. See "Gent. Mag.," LXVI , p. 981

P., S B Samuel Browning Power. Some school and children's books, under his initials.

P., S. B Miss S. Rugeley Powers. Why do not women swim 2 A voice from many waters. L. 1859.

P., S. W. S. W. Partridge. Rhymes worth remembering, for the young. L. 1848

P., T. Thomas Parsons. Christianity, a system of peace . . . Bath, 1804,

P., T. Thomas Poi/ser, Esq. List of contributors to the " Quarterly Review/' in "Gent. Mag.," February, 1844, pp. 137, ss. ; and other articles.

P., T Theophilus Parsons. Remarks upon " Swedenborgianism reviewed, by Enoch Pond, D.D. ..." By... B. 1846

P., V. W. Rev. Vyvyan Wallis Popham. All my heart this night rejoices: a Christmas carol ... L. 1874.

P. W. Rev. Pierce William Drew. An account of the present state of You- ghal church . . . Cork, 1848.

P., W. William Peck. A topograph- ical history and description of Bawtry and Thome, with the villages adjacent, by ... Doncaster, 1813.

P., W. & I., A. W : PampUn and Alexander Irvine. Botanical tour in ... Perthshire. L. 1857.

P., W. F. W. F. Palmer. Memoirs of S. S. Jamison. P. 1878.

P.,W.P. Willard P. Phillips. Wen- ham water-works. Statements, by ... Salem, 1867.

P., W. S. WIU tarn Stevens Perry, D.D A memorial of the Rev. Thomas Mather Smith, D.D. . . , By ... Camb. (Mass.) 1866.

P., Z. (Pundison, Zachary). L. W. Mansfield. Up-country letters [by Z. P.] Edited by Prof. B. [William W. Bene- dict], National Observatory. KY. 1852.

P*. Rev. Joseph T. J. Hewlett. See "Priggins, Peter."

Mrs. Mrs. Hester Lynch (Thrale) Piozzi, in Beloe's "Sexagena- rian/^ 1.^884. 2d ed. L. 1818.

P*******, Miss. Miss Anne Plumptre, in Beloe's " Sexagenarian/ 1 1 , 362. 2d. ed. L. 1818.

P***, J. A. S C*** de Jacques Albin Simon Colhn de Plancy.

P*****, P**** Esq., FG.H. John Colls. The Bouselliad : or, an apology for Aminadab Shoe's (John Bousell) apostacy. By ... Norwich, 1786.

P****m, Mr. Right Hon. Henry Pel- ham. The discovery. An ode to ... L. 1752.

P , Mrs. C . Mrs. Constantia

Phillips. The happy courtezan ... L, 1735.

P , Miss Susan. Miss Susan Pier- son. See Lamb's "Elia," "The Old Benchers of the ' Inner Temple. ' "

P } p . Poet Laureate, Le.

Peter Pindar. George Dsmel. Modern Dunciad, Virgil in London, and other poems. L 183o

P s, The. The Pitcairns, in Beloe's "Sexagenarian," Vol. I, p. 306. 2d ed. L. 1818.

P y, William. William Pudsey. The constitution and laws of England consider'd ; by ... L. 1701.

Pacificator. Murray Hoffman A letter to the clergy and laity of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York... N.Y. 1850.

Pacificator. Richard Dykes Alexan- der. Observations on the subject of war. 1817.

Pacificus. Alexander Hamilton. The Federalist . . . with an appendix contain- ing the Letters of ... and Helvidius [James Madison] on the proclamation of neutrality of 1793 . . . Hallowell (Me.), 1837.

Pacificus. Joshua ft. Giddings. The rights and privileges of the several States in regard to slavery . . . 1842.

Packard, Mrs. Clarissa. Mrs. Caro- line (Howard] Grt'lman. Recollections of a housekeeper. Charleston, 183-.

Paddy. Henry McChtsTcey, in the "Eagle "(Brooklyn, N.Y.).

Paets, Cornelius. Rev. Arthur Ash- ley Sykes. An humble apology for St. Paul and the other apostles ... L. 1719.

Page of the Presence, A. Philip Withers. History of the royal malady [of George III.] ... By , . . L. 1789.

Page, Abraham, Esa* Mm Soun- ders Holt. What I know about Ben Eccles. P. 1869,