Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/260

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swer to it [by William Beckford, Lord Mayor of London] L. 1761,

Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Natal, The. Rt. Rev. John William Colenso, D.D. The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua critically examined. By . . . L. 1862-65.

Rigolo. Nicolas Lon Thieblin, in the Monday financial article of the K.Y. "Sun."

Rinaldo. James Edwards, in Dibdin's "Bibliomania."

King, Ivar Alfhilda (Svenson) Mecklenburg. Fortǎllinger, 1871-72 and 1878-80.

Ringbolt, Captain. Capt. John Codman. Sailors' life and sailors' yarns . . . N.Y. 1847.

Rlngletub, Jeremiah. Rev. John Styles. The legend of the velvet cushion . . . L. 1815.

Rinmon. Simon Blocquel. Nouvel album pittoresque . . . Lille, 1835.

Ripon, John Scott. John Scott Byerley. Buonaparte ; or, the freebooter. A drama. L. 1803.

Rit Tonjours, M. A. Peccatier. Le veritable farceur perptuel; ou, propos comiqnes de . . . Paris, 1851.

Rita. Mrs. Eliza M. J. Gollan von Booth. My Lord Conceit. L. 1884.

Rivers, Dio. Samuel H. Dixon, in his contributions to various periodicals of Texas, etc.

Rivers, Pearl. Mrs. A. M. Holbrook.

Rivers, Pearl. Mrs. Eliza Jane ( Poitevent) Nicholson. Lyrics ... P, 1873. Also in her contributions to the "Times-Democrat" (New Orleans, La.).

Rob Roy. John Macgregor. The Rob Roy on the Baltic. L. 1879.

Robert. John T. Bedford, member of the Corporation of the City of London, in his contributions to "Punch" (L.).

Robert, Lord Bishop of Sarum. Robert Drummond. Sermon before the Society for Propagation of the Gospel in foreign Parts. L. 1754.

Robert, Jules. Jean Baptiste Mane Augustin Challamel. Une visite à la Galarie "la France littéaire " 1841.

Robert, Karl. Eduard von Hartmann. Dramatische Dichtungen. 1871.

Robert, Karl. Georges Meusnier. Le fusain. Charcoal drawing without a master. Gin. 1881.

Robert, Ludwig. Georg, Baron von Oertzen. Erlebnisse und Studien ia der Gegenwart. 1875,

Robertjeot. John Sanderson, who, in letters signed with this name, insisted upon classical culture in Girard College.

Roberts, Capt. Hon. Augustus Charles Hobart, generally known as Hobart Pasha. Never caught : personal adventures in blockade running, 1863-64. L.1867.

Roberts, George. Robert Walters.

Robertson, Ignatius Loyola, LL/.D. Samuel Lorenzo Knapp. Sketches of public character . . . N.Y. 1830.

Robin, Commodore. William Harding, in Ms contributions to the "Clipper" (N.Y.).

Robin. Sir Robert Walpole. Robin's panegyrick, etc. L. 1729.

Robineau. Alexandre Louis Bertrand Beaunoir. L'amour quêteur, Vénus pèlerine. Paris, 1778.

'Robinson, Doctor. Dennis Hannegan,

Robinson, Jack. Archibald Michie. The Hamlet Controversy. Was Hamlet mad . . . L. 1867.

Robinson, Jack, Junior. David Blair. The Hamlet Controversy . . . L. 1867.

Robinson, Ralph. His Majesty Geo. III., of England.

Huish, in his "Memoirs of George the Third," p. 562, states that " The king's letters were seven in number, all of considerable length, and displaying a most profound knowledge of the subject." The first letter is printed in Young's "Annals of Agriculture," vol. -vii. p. 65, entitled "On Mr. Duckett's Mode of Cultivation," and dated Jan. 1. 1787. The second letter occurs at p. 832, of the same volume, and is entitled "Further Remarks on Mr. Duckett's Mode of Cultivation," dated " Windsor, March 5, 1787." The other letters will probably be found in the subsequent volumes. See "Notes and Queries,"2d Ser., V., May, 1858, p. 439.

Robson, Frederick. Frederick Hobson Brownhill. Nom de théâtre.

Rochester, Mark. William Charles Mark Kent. The Derby Ministry . . . L. 1858.

'Rochfort, Alfred. Major Alfred R. Calhoun.

Rock, Captain. Roger O'Connor. Letters to H. M. George the Fourth. L. 1828.

Rock, Captain. Mortimer O'Sullivan. Memoirs of ... the celebrated Irish chieftain . . . L. 1824.

Also attributed to Thomas Moore.

Rock, Captain, in London. J. M. Whitty.

Rock-man, Constant, M.A. Rev. Nicholas Bowes. Modest account concerning the salutations and kissings in ancient times . . . B. 1768.