Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/271

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Burgess. Bagley : a descriptive poem . . . Oxf. 1777.

Also ascribed to Rev, Alexander Cr&iocher Schomberg.

Scriblerus Secundus. Henry Field- ing. The author's farce ; and the pleas- ures of the town ... by ... L. 1730.

Scricci. John Swaby. Philosophy of the opera ... P. 1852.

Scrub, Timothy, Esq , of Rag Fair. John Kelly. The fall of Bob; or, the oracle of gin ... 1736.

Scrutator. See " Antiquarius."

Scrutator. Henri Du Pre Labouchere, in his contributions to "Truth" (L.).

Scrutator. John 8. Rarey.

Scrutator. Rev. John Tucker The apparition ; or, the ghost of Archbishop Cranmer deciding the baptismal and pre- destinarian controversy. By ... L. 1850.

Scrutator. K. W. Horlock. The country gentleman L. 1852.

Scrutator. Rev. Malcolm Maccoll. Mr. Gladstone and Oxford. L. 1865.

Scrutator. Charles Pennett Measor. Irish fallacies and English facts ... L

Scrutator Charles J errant, AM. Letters to an Universahst . . . Clip- stone, 1802.

Scrutator. David Macallan. The mode of Christian baptism ... L. 1858.

Scrutator Walter Henry, M.D. The politics of Nova Scotia. Letters dated Halifax, 1843-44, in the New York "Al- bion " under this signature.

Scrutator. Charles Riimgton. Stric- tures on Mr. N. E. S. A. Hamilton's inquiry into the genuineness of the Ms. correc- tions in Mr. J. J. Collier's annotated Shakespeare, folio, 1632. L. I860.

Sculler, The. John Taylor, the Water- poet. Taylor's water-works; or, the sculler's travels from Tyber to Thames, with epigrams, etc. L. 1614.

Sculptor, x Satirlcus, Esq. Samuel William Henry Ireland. Chalcographi- jnania ; or, the portrait-collector and print-seller's chronicle, with infatuations of every description : a humorous poem ... By ... L. 1814.

Sea. Roland F. Coffin.

Sea Officer, A. Lieut. Richard Pick- eisgill, R.N. A concise account of voyages for the discovery of a North- West passage ... By ... L. 1782.

Sea Officer, A. Francis V. Vernon. Voyages and travels of ... Dublin, 1792.

Seab, Denial. D. S. B. Johnston.

Seacole. William G. Hudson, in the Brooklyn "Eagle."

Seafarer, A. Clark Russell My watch below. Yarns by ... L 1883.

Seafield, Frank, M A. Alexander H Grant, M.A. The literature and curiosi- ties of dreams ... L. 1865.

Sealsfield, Charles. Karl PosteL Gesammelte Werke. Stuttgart, 1843-46.

Seaman, A. John Steienson. An ad- dress to the Hon. Admiral Augustus Keppel ... L 1779.

Seaman, A. Thomas Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald. Autobiography of ... L. 1860

Seaman, A. Lieut. Weaver. Jour- nals of the ocean, and other miscellane- ous poems ; by ... N.Y. 1826.

Seaman's Friend, A. Samuel BaLei . A few words of advice to the mariners of England . . . L. 1854.

Search, Edward. William Hazlitt.

Search, Edward, Esq. Abraham Tucker. The light of nature pursued; by ... L. 1769-70.

Search, John. Rev. Mr. Mursell.

Search, John. Rev. Thomas Bmney. The great Gorham case . . . With a preface by J. S. L. 1850.

Search, John. Archbishop Richard Whately. Considerations on the law of libel {L. 1833), and Religion and her name, a metrical tract (1841),

" In resuming on this occasion the signature prefixed by him some years ago to a pamphlet Libel, t

on the subject of Religious Libel, the author of these stanzas takes the opportunity of stating that, except in the present instance and in that of the pamphlet alluded to, he is not accountable for anything that may have appeared under the signature of * John Search.* He is led to men- tion this from the circumbtance of some other writer having assumed the same signature ubout a twelvemonth, more or lets, after 7*ehad adopted it; and forthwith pressed it to sundry publica- tions of his own." Preface, " Religion and her Name."

Search, Sappho, Rev. John Black. A poetical review of Miss H. M.'s [Han- nah More] strictures upon female educa- tion, in a series of anapestic epistles. By... L. 1800.

Search, Sarah. F. Nolan. Marriage with a deceased wife's sister . . . L. 1855.

Search, Warner Christian, IdLiJ}., F.R.S., and M.B.I.A. Sir William Cu- sacl Smith, Bart. Metaphysic rambles . . . Dublin, 1835.

Searcher, Iceland. William Wallace Hebbard, M.D. Will it come ? a story. Hyde Park, Mass., 1870.

Searle, January. George 8earle Phil- lips. Memoirs of W. Wordsworth . . . L. 1852.

Seaworthy, Captain Gregory. James Gregory* Nag^s Head; or, two