Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/309

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1 T. W / are, I presume, "Notes and Queries," 1 206

r Thomas Warton." , Ser., Vol. IV., p.

W., T. Thurlow Weed.

W., T. Thomas Wilson. A descrip- tive catalogue of the prints of Eem- brandt, by an amateur. L. 1836.

W., T. T. Wilkins. An elegy on the death of A. M. Toplady. By ... L. 1778.

W., T. Thomas Williams. An Ms- tone defence of experimental religion . . . L. 1795.

W., T. Rev. Thomas Webster. On honouring God. A sermon . . . Thames Ditton, 1835.

W., T. D. Theodore Dwight Weld. In memory. A. G. Weld ... B. 1880.

W.,T.H. Thomas H. Wynne. [Byrd's] History of the dividing line, and other tracts, etc. Edited by ... L. 1866.

W. W. Thady Filzpatrick. See "E..


W., W. William West. Fifty years' recollections of an old bookseller. Cork, 1835.

W'., W. William WhewelL English hexameter translations from Schiller, Goethe, etc. By/.. L. 1847.

W., W. W. Wileman. The Lord's controversy with England. L. 1880.

W., W. William Winstanley. The new help to discourse ... 5th ed. L. 1702.

W., W. William Walker Wilkins. [Quarles's] Emblems . . . With a sketch of the life and the times of the author, by... L. 1858.

W., W. A. William A. Wallace. The Great Eastern's log . . L. 1860.

W., W. B William Burt Whitmarsh. Lyra Biblica; or, Scriptural lyrics on the New Testament. By ... L. 1873.

W., W. C. Rev. William Chalmers Whitcomb. The early saved . . . Com- piled by ... B. 1861.

W., W. C. B. William Charles Bona- parte Wyse. Sonnet: a T. Aubanel. By . . . Plymouth, 1877.

W, W. C T. W. C. T. Wilkinson. The Islanders and their crowns : an alle- gory. By ... L. 1874.

W,W. E. W. E. Walker. Propor- tional parallel lines ... By ... L. 1849.

W., W. F. William Francis Wilkinson. The articles of the Church of England ... By... L. 1847.

W., W. G-. William George Ward. A few words in support of No. 90 of the " Tracts for the Times "... Oxf . 1841.

W., W. H. Walter Henry Watts, a gentleman connected with the fine arts, and a member of the London press.

W., W. H. W. H. Wyman. The Bacon-Shakespeare literature. By ... m the Madison (Wis.) "State Journal," April 24, 1882.

W., W. H. William Henry Whitmore. The Norton family ... B. 1859.

W., W. H. J. William Henry James Weale. Plores ecelesiae : the saints of the Catholic Church . . . with the flowers dedicated to them. L. 1849.

W., W. J. D. Rev. W. /. D. Waddi- love. Report of the late Bishop of Que- bec's Upper Canadian Mission Pund. To October 31st, 1838. Hexham, 1838.

W., W. TJ. William Locock Webb. The public telegraph companies (with chart). By ... L. 1868.

W., W. W. W. W. Wright. A nar- rative of facts; with several reflexions relative to the erecting two meeting- houses at Belford ... n p. 1777

W , Z. L Zebulon L. White, in his contributions to the "Tribune" (N.Y.), etc.

W*****^ H*****. Horace Walpole, in Beloe's "Sexagenarian/* Vol. I., Chap. 42, p. 265.

W*******, J. B. James Brydges Will- yams. Compendious treatise of modern education ... by the late Joel McCringer, D.D. . . . with colored designs, delineated by... L. 1804.

W****s [i.e. Willibald Alexis]. Geoig Wilhelm Heinrich Haering. Walladmor, Erei nach dem englischen von . . . 1824.

W*****cks. _ Willcocks. Observa- tions on the conduct of Messrs. . . . and D****n [Dawson], late bankers of the city of Dublin, towards Mr. B**d B**r [Brewer], their cashier. Dublin, 1765.

W****le, B. Robert Walpole. A let- ter ... directed to the E[arl] of Sun- [derlan]d [respecting the report of the Committee of Secrecy]. L. 1716.

W***m, Sir. Sir William Waller. Plot or no plot ; or ... and his spy foil'd. L. (?) 1679(1).

W****n, Lord. Lord Wharton. A letter of thanks from my ... to the Lord Bishop of S. Asaph [W, JFleetwood] in the name of the Kit-Kat Club. [By J. Swift]. L. 1712.

W****s. John Wilkes. W****s feast ,- or, Dryden Travesti, etc. L. 1774.

W ,Mrs. Mrs. Mary (Wolktone-

craft) G-odwin, in Beloe's "Sexagena- rian/' L, 347. 2ded. L.1818.

W , H M . Helen Maria

Williams, in Beloe's " Sexagenarian," I., 356 2ded. L.1818.

W , J , Esq. John Wttkes,