Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/319

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of many of those against whom its satire was directed. This book is in the Boston Athenaeum Library.

X***#* Le Chev., O.A.S.D.SMS. Le Comte Xavier de Maistre. Voyage autour de ma chambre. Par . . . Ham- burg, 1796.

" O.A.S.D.S.M.S." =B Ancien officier au ser- vice de 3. M. Sarde.

Xariffa. Mrs. Mary Ashly ( Van Vbor-

his) Townsend. Xariffa's poems. P. 1870.

Xenette. Miss Pamela S. Vming t

known to the literary world by this pen- name, has contributed to Wellman's- "Literary Miscellany" (Detroit), has written for New York magazines, and for the "Ladies' Repository" (Gin.).

Xo Ho. Horace Walpole, Earl of Or- ford. A letter from ... a Chinese philosopher at London, to his friend Lien Chi at Peking. L. 1757.

Xylo. John Homer B/z'ss, in the "Printer's Miscellany," St. John's, N.B., 1877-78.


Y. See "Alcasus."

Y. E. V. Kenealy. E. W. Montagu: an autobiography. Edited [or rathejv written] by ... L. 1869.

Y., A. Arthur Young, Esq. Letters to the yeomanry . . L. 1797.

Y., E. Edward Yardley (}. A let- ter to a friend [giving some account of the life and works of C. Hayes] : by ... L. 1761. '

Y., E. A. G. Mrs. K A. G. Young. Last leaves from the journal of Julian Charles Young. Edited by ... L. 1875.

Y., E. J. Edward James Young. George Harris. B. 1875.

Y., J. John Yardley (*). [Ricklfs] The Swiss peasant. Trans, by ... L. 1856.

Y. J. O. Mrs. Sarah S. Black. Ram- bling chats and chatty rambles. N.Y. 1872.

Y. M. William Pengettij. "The late W. J. Henwood, F.R.S.," in "Nature." 1875.

Y., M. J. Mrs. Maud J. (Fuller) Young, The legend of Sour Lake. Houston, 186-.

Y. N. John Fry. Pieces of ancient poetry . . . Edited by ... Bristol, 1814.

Y. N. fc. Rev. Timothy Horton BaU. The Lake of the Red Cedars ; or, will it live * Thirty years in Lake ... By ... Crown Point, Indiana, 1880.

Y., R. Robert Young. Rabbinical vocabulary ... By ... Edinb, 1853.

Y, W. William Yates. The Hitopa- desa; or, Salutary instruction, etc. Edited by ... 1841.

Y. Z. One of the pseudonyms attrib- uted to Junius

The letter thus signed was contributed to the "Public Advertiser," and was dated Dec. 5, 1767. It contained a copy of Burke's speech

against the Ministry, but the printer was afraid to insert the same.

Y****, A., Esa- Arthur Young, Esq. Reflections on the present state of affairs at home and abroad. By ... L. 1759.

Yankee, A. Richard Grant White. American correspondence in the " Spec- tator" (L. 1863-67).

Yankee, A William H. Thorns. The bushranger: a Yankee's adventures- during his second visit to Australia. B. 1866.

Yankee, A. John Kearsley Mitchell, HJ>. Saint Helena : a poem, by , , . P. 1821.

Yankee, A. Joseph Holt Ingraham. The South-west . . . N.Y. 18S5.

Yankee, A. Asa Gt eene. A Yankee among the Nullifiers. N.Y. 1835.

Yankee, A. Henry David Thoreau. A Yankee in Canada ... B. 1866.

Yankee Conscript, The. George, Adams Fisher. The Y. C. ; or, eighteen months in Dixie, 1861-62. P. 1864.

Yankee Farmer, A John Lowell, LL D. Peace without dishonour war without hope ... B. 1807.

Yankee Ned. George Edward Glark* Seven years of a sailor's life ... B. 1867.

Yankee Officer, A. Henry L. Esto> brooks. Adrift in Dixie ; or ... among the Rebels, 1865. N.Y. 1866.

Yankee Prisoner, A. John James Geer. Beyond the lines . . . loose in Dixie, 1862-63. P. 1864

Yanko-Seguor. Martin Regul Pilon. The Yanko-Sequor : disquisitions upon several things in America . . . N.Y. 1874.

Yarmouth. Isaac H. Bailey.

Yates, M. Mary Anne Yates Cork- ling. Bread reform league. Wheat- meal bread. L. 1882.