Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/356

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senting Minister. An English Unit. Min- ister, of Manchester.

Beasley, Rev. Frederick William- son, D.D., 1808-78. Caspar Almore. An. American clergyman, of Philadel- phia; b, at Albany, N.Y.; Univ. of Perm., 1827; rector at Eddington, Penn, ; d. in Philadelphia Co

Beattie, James, LL.D., 1735-1803. Oliver Old Style. A Scottish poet ; b. at Laurencekirk, Kincardmeshire j was Prof, of Moral Philosophy and Logic in Marischal College at Aberdeen, 1760- 180-.

Beatty, Ajme. A. B. An English poetess, of Manchester (?).

Beatty, John. A Volunteer.

Beaufort, Bear Admiral Sir Francis, Ent, K.C.B., F.RS., etc., 1774-1857. F. B. A British hydrographer ; b. at Collon, Co. Louth, Ireland ; entered the navy, 1787; retired in 1846; hydro- grapher to the Admiralty, 1832-55 ; d. at Brighton.

Beauchamp, Francis Ingram Sey- mour Couway, Viscount, 1719-94 A Member of tl\& British Parliament. An English nobleman; created Yiscount Beauchamp in 1750 ; Lord Lieut, of Ireland, 1766; Earl of Yarmouth, 1794.

Beaufoy, , A British Subject. An

English writer.

Beaufoy, Henry, of Hackneywick. H. B. &. J5. ; A Oorporcd of Riflemen. .An English gentleman*

Beaumont, George Ductett Bar- ker. George Barber; 0-eorge Beaumont. An English lawyer; Trin. Coll., Cam- bridge, 1824.

Beaumont, Rev. James Akroyd, M.A. A Former Curate of Hunslet. An English clergyman; Tnn. Coll., Cam- bridge, 1841; Rector of Poughill, Credi- ton, Devon., 1850-61; Domestic Chap- lain to the Earl of, Fitzwilliam, 1842-83 et seq,

Beaumont, John Thomas Barber, Esq.., F.S.A., 1774-1841. JBfostato*; A Magistrate for Middlesex. An English gentleman; Managing Director of the Provident Institution, Southampton Street, London ; b. in the parish of Ma- rylebone ; d, in London.

Beauaoir, Alexandre Louis Ber- trand, 1746-1823. JSolmeau. A French dramatist; fc. in Paris; he became suc- cessively director of the theatre of Bor- deaux; of the theatres of Saint Peters- burg, during the Revolution; and on his return to Paris in 1804 was employed in the literary division of the ministry of

the police, supplying all the theatres of Paris with successful pieces,

Beauvoir, Edouard Roger (de Bully) de, 1809-66. Eugene. A French writer of poetry and romance ; b. and d. in Paris; he published numerous romances and also wrote for the thea- tre.

Beaver, Be v.\V. H. Pimpernel. An English writer.

Beazeley, Samuel, 1786-1851. Bease- ley. An English architect and author; b. in London; besides erecting many great buildings, he wrote more than 100 dramas, and two novels ; d. at Tunbridge Castle, in Kent.

Beck, Edward, 1804-61. An Old Gardener. An English Friend, of Wor- ton Cottage, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Beck, Nicholas F., -1830. A Citizen of New York. An American lawyer ; b. in Schenectady, N.Y. ; Union Coll., 1813 ; settled in his profession at Albany, N.Y.

Beck, Paul, Jr., about 1760-1844. A Citizen of Philadelphia An American merchant and philanthropist ; b. in Phil- adelphia; served in the Revolutionary War; for many years Port Warden at Philadelphia, where he died.

Beck, Rev. Thomas, 1765-1808. Tim- othy Touch'em. An English poet and Dissenting Minister, of London.

Beckford, Peter. A Sportsman of Berkshire. An English sportsman; a relative of the famous William Beck- ford, of Bristol Hot Wells.

Beckford, William, Esq., 1760-1844. A Gentleman; Viator; The Eight Hon. Lady Harriet Marlow; Jacquetfa Agneta Manana Jenks^ of Belgrove Priory in Wales, An eminent but eccentric Eng- lish author; b. in London; after travel- ling and residing some years on the Con- tinent, he built a magnificent residence at Fonthill, which cost 273,000, which he sold in 1822, but built another near Bath, where he lived till his death, and d, there.

Beckner, Samuel W. E. Belle Z. Bubb; Mr. CfPaJce. An American edi- tor, of Kew York City.

Bedford, Rev. Hilkiah, 1663-1724. A Priest of the Church of England. An English non-juring divine.

Bedford, John T. The City Waiter; Joseph Greenhorn; Robert. An English writer; Member of the Corporation of the City of London.

Beebee, Charles Washington. J?a- venswood. An American novelist.

Beecher, Mrs. Eunice W. (Bui- lard). A Minister's Wife, An Ameri-