Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/367

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Bonar, Rev Andrew. A Resident A Scottish clergyman

Bonavino, Christoforo, 1821-. An- sonw Fianchi. An Italian philosopher; b. at Pogh, near Genoa He was a priest in his youth, but renounced that profes- sion About 1854, he founded at Turin a journal called "La Ragione."

Boniface, Joseph Xavier, 1797- 1865. X B Samtine. A French htte'ra- teur and dramatic author, of Paris ; b in Paris ; about 1823 he devoted himself to dramatic composition, and produced more than 200 dramas. His "Picciola" (1836), a work of different kind, was pe- culiarly successful, it having been re- printed more than twenty times, and translated into all languages. This work, in 1807, procured for him the cross of honor and the Montyou prize of 3000 francs. D. in Pans.

Bonnet, Amede*e, about 1795-1858. Bonnet de Lyon. A. French physician; b. at Ambe'rieux (Am); from about 1840 a professor at the Medical School of Ly- ons, where he was also an editor.

Bonnet, I. E. Un Cltoyen des fitats- Unis. A French writer.

Bonnye, J. H. Michel Carlm. An English physician, of Preston.

Boodle, B. A Barrister of Lincoln's Inn. An English writer.

Boosey, Thomas. An Old Angler and Bibliopohst. An English publisher and miscellaneous writer, of London.

Booth, Mrs. Eliza M. J. (Gollan) von. Rita. A Scottish writer; b. at Gollanfield, Inverness ; spent the greater part of her early life in Australia, is a contributor to '* Temple Bar " and other London magazines.

Booth, M. Touchstone. An English writer on geography.

Booth, M. I. M. L B. An English artist.

Booth, Miss Mary. See "Wright, Mrs Mary (Booth)."

Boott, William. A Bostonian. An American musical critic.

Borel d'Hauterive, Pierre, 1809-59. Petrus, or Peter Borel A French writer of romance ; b. at Lyons ; early went to Paris ; first worked as an architect, then wrote for the literary journals; for a long time, however, he abandoned litera- ture, and was inspector of colonization, at Mostaganem, in Algeria, and d. there.

Borlase, William Oopeland, M.A, F S.A., 1848-. B. An English anti- quary ; b. at Castle Horneck; Trin. ColL, Oxford, 1870; Pres. of the Boy. Instit. of Cornwall, 1877.

Borrow, George, 1803-81. Lavengro. An English traveller and miscellaneous writer, b. at East Dereharn, near Nor- wich, Norfolk ; Univ. of Edinburgh.

Borthwiek, John. A Scottish Bar- nster.

Bosanquet, James Whalman, 1803- 78. A Layman. An English chronolo- gist, son of Samuel Bosanguet, Esq , of Dingeston Court, County Monmouth; educ at Westminster; and is a banker in London ; resident at Claysmore, Mid- dlesex.

Boston, . A Fi lend of the Seces- sion. A Scottish writer, of Falkirk,

Boswell, Sir Alexander, Bart., 1775- 1822. Simon Gray. A Scottish antiquary and song writer, of Edinburgh ; a friend of Sir Walter Scott. He spent much time writing for the journals of the day ; and having in one of these communica- tions imputed cowardice to Mr. James Stuart, a leading Whig of Edinburgh, he was challenged by him to a duel, m which he was mortally wounded.

Boswell, James, 1740-96. Bozzy. A famous Scottish biographer; father of the preceding; b at Edinburgh; educ. at Edinburgh and Glasgow ; in 1773, set- tled in London, and d. there.

Boswell, John Whitley. Doctor Hastier, M.R.S.P Q. An Irish antiquary.

Boswell, Thomas Alexander. An Exile ; A Pedestrian. An English writer.

Bosworth, John. John, of Manches- ter. An English editor.

Bosworth, Rev. Joseph, D.D , LL.D., F.E.S., F.A.S., 1788-1876. A Vicar of the Church of England. An eminent Eng- lish Anglo-Saxon scholar ; b. in Devon- shire; educ. at Aberdeen, Cambridge, and Leyden; Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford, 1858-76, where he died.

Botsford, Charles H. Cornwall. AJI American journalist, of New York City.

Bott, Edmund. A Barrister at Law of the Inner Temple. An English lawyer.

Bott, Rev. Thomas, 1688-1754. Phil- anthropus. An English clergyman of the Established Church.

Botta, Mrs. Anne Charlotte (Lynch). A Recluse. An American poetess ; b. at Bennington, Vt. ; removed to New York City about 1841, where her house became the resort of persons con- nected with art and literature ; in 1855, married Prof. V. Botta.

Bottrell, William, 1816-81. An Old Celt. An English literary antiquary; b. at Raftra, Cornwall; after travelling in Spain, Canada, and Australia, he finally came back to his native country to lead