Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/378

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literary career in 1860 ; at the commence- ment of 1869 he gave m London a series of "Readings" of selections from his poetical works.

Buchanan, W. B. W. B. B. An American poet, of Ellen dale, Va., in 1852.

Buck, Henry. Hotspur. An English journalist, of London.

Buck, James Smith. Tlie Prophet James. An American writer, of Mil- waukee, Wis.

Buck, Mrs. Laura A. Katherme Williams. An American novelist.

Bucke, Charles, 1781-1847. C. B An English miscellaneous writer; b. at Worhngton, Suffolk; for more than 40 years he prosecuted his literary labors in the midst of great poverty; d. at Poulteney-terrace, Islmgton.

Buckingham, James Silk, 1786- 1855. A Proprietor of India Stock. An English author and traveller; b. at Flushing, near Palmouth; passed his early life at sea, but afterwards adopted the profession of literature. In 1815 he went to India, and established a news- paper, but, attacking the India govern- ment, he was summarily expelled, and his journal suppressed. He went to India a second time, when the restric- tions on the press had been removed; and, on his way to and from that coun- try, visited various other countries, and published narratives of his travels. At a later period he made other tours, and published accounts of them. In 1825 he established, in London, "The Oriental Herald." He was M.P. for Sheffield, 1832-37. He was the founder of the London "Athenaeum," which was the "Asineum" of Bulwer's "Paul Clif- ford." D. in London.

Buckingham, Joseph H. J H. B. An American journalist, of Boston ; the son of the following; was an efficient assistant of his father in the editorial department of the " Boston Courier " for almost 20 years. While connected with that paper he made two voyages to Eu- rope, and furnished letters from England and Prance. He was on board the ill- fated ship "Poland," when it was burnt at sea in 1840, and was the last passenger to leave its flaming deck.

Buckingham, Joseph Tinker, 1779- 1861. J. T. B; Cobweb; Moth; Per- tinax Period fr Co. An American jour- nalist; b. at Windham, Conn.; at the age of 16, he entered a printing-office at Walpole, N.H , and a few months later became a printer at Greenfield, Mass.; and in 1800 removed to Boston, where

he distinguished himself as an editor and publisher, till 1848, a period of nearly half a century. D. at Cambridge, Mass.

Buckingham, Leicester Silk, 1825- 67. Matthews fr Co. An English drama- tist ; son of James Silk Buckingham ; b. at Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, London, and cl at Margate. He wrote, translated, and adapted a large number of farces, burlesques, and comic dramas, for the English stage, from 1854 to 1806.

Buckinghamshire, John Sheffield, Duke of, 1649-1721. An English noble- man and poet,

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan, M A., 1826-80. A Fisherman and Zool- ogist; Irondeguoit. An eminent English surgeon and naturalist; educ. at Win- chester and Christ Church, Oxford; served in the Life Guards as assistant surgeon, 1854-63; in 1866, with Mr W. Pfennell, projected and started "Land and Water," and aided in its conduct till the very day before his death ; d. at his residence in Albany Street, Regent's Park, London.

Buckley, Rev Theodore William Alois, M.A., 1825-56 Horace Fitsjersey ; Tom Hawlins. An English httfiateui ,* sent to Oxford, but wasted his opportuni- ties there ; then repaired to London, and became a "bookseller's hack" and a journalist, and wrote or edited a large number of books, and contributed a vast amount of matter to periodicals. D. in London.

Budd, G. H. G. H. B. An English author.

Budd, Rev. James. J. B. An Eng- lish clergyman, of West Horsley.

Budge, Rev. Edward, B.A., 1800- 65. E. B. An English Epis divine; Christ Church, Oxford, 1824; Rector of Bralton-Clovelly, Okehampton, Devon- shire, 1846-65.

Budge, Jane, 1832-. A Lady. An English educational writer; b. at Cam- borne, Cornwall.

Budge, John, 1787-1864 J B. An English Friend, or Quaker, of Camborne, Cornwall ; a minister.

Budgell, Eustace, 1685-1786. X An English writer; friend of Addison; b. at St. Thomas, near Exeter; lost 20,000 in 1720, in the famous South Sea scheme; drowned himself in the river Thames.

Budgext, Miss 1J. M. Acheta; Acheta Domestica. An English writer on insect life.

Budworth, Joseph. A Rambler. An English poet and officer.