Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/423

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St. Austell ; removed to Bodmin in 1859 ; and to Bath in 1865, where he died.

Drew (afterwards Bickersteth), Mona. H. B A Biitish poet.

Drew, Pierce William. P. ir An Irish (?) antiquary

Drewe, Edward An Officer of the British Army. An English writer; Major of the Goth Regt. Foot.

Drewe, Patriot. A Lover of the Ch wchof Englan d.

Driggs, George W. . W. D.; A Non- Commissioned Officer. An Ameri- can officer, in the 8th Wisconsin Vol- unteers

Drinker, Anna. Edith Hay An American poet , a native of Pennsylvania.

Alhbone has the name DrinJcer; others, D) ml water.

Drinker, John. A Tradesman. An English writer.

Driver, Thomas. Uncle Tom's Neph- zic An American writer.

Drohojowska, Countess Antoinette Josephine Frangoise Anne (Symon de Latreiche), 1822-. Chevalier A. de Doncourt. A French writer; b. at St. Chily (Loztre); in 1847 married Count Felix de Drohojowski, an Austrian offi- cer.

Drummond, Mrs. Mrs. D m-

m d. A Scottish poet.

Drummond, Henry, Esq., 1786-1860. H. D. ; One of his Constituents An Eng- lish gentleman; son of Henry Drum- mond, Esq., of the Grange, Hants ; was founder (1825) of the chair of Political Economy in the Univ. of Oxford; M.P. for West Surrey, 1847-1859 ; d. at Al- bury Park, Guildford.

Drummond, Robert Hay, D.D., 1711-76. Robett, Lord Bishop of Sarum. An English prelate ; b. in London ; Christ Church, Oxford; Bishop of Salisbury, 17(51 ; Archbishop of York, 1761-76.

Drummond, Kev. Spencer Rodney, II. A. S. JR. D An English clergyman ; Christ Church, Oxford, 1818; in 1880, resident at St. George's Place, Brighton.

Drummond, Sir William, -1828. Another Considerable Personage. A Scot- tish author, and a profound and elegant scholar, of Logie, Almond, North Briton; d. at Borne.

Drummond, William Abernethy, TT. A. D. A Scottish bishop.

Drury, Henry Joseph Thomas, M. A., F.B.S., F.S. A., 1779-1841. Detector. An English clergyman; King's Coll., Cam- bridge, 1801 ; Hector of Fingest, Bucks., 1820-41; and lower master of Farrow School ; d. at Harrow-on-the-Hill.

Dry den, John, 1631-1700. W.D n. A celebrated English poet.

Drysdale, William. W D. An American journalist, of New York City.

Duane, William, 1760-1835. Anti- Monopoly; Camillus; Jasper Dwight. An American politician and journalist; b. near Lake Champlam, N.Y. ; educ. in Ireland; editor of the Philadelphia "Aurora," 1795-1822; d. in Philadel- phia.

Daane, William, 1S08-. W. D, An American lawyer; b. in Philadelphia; grandson of the preceding. " Duboc, Karl Edward, 1822-. Rob- ert \Valdmuuer. A German author; b. at Hamburg; was or some years en- gaged in commerce, but in 1856 devoted himself entirely to literature ; in 1859 he settled at Dresden.

Du Bois, Edward, Esq , 1775-1850. A Kmght Errant ; Count Reginald de St. Leon ; Old Kniclc An English lawyer and litterateur; called to the bar at the Inner Temple in 1800 ; editor, tor a time, of the " Monthly Mirror"; was for many years Deputy Judge of the Court of Re- quests in Holborn ; d. in London.

Du Bose, Mrs Catherine A. (Rich- ards), 182S-. Leila Came) on. An Amer- ican "Southland" writer; b. in a vil- lage in Oxfordshire, England ; her family came to the United States and settled in Georgia; then removed to South Caro- lina; in 1848, she married Charles W. Du Bose, a lawyer of Sparta, Ga., where in 1867 she resided.

Dubourg, Felix. Augusts New-die. A Trench dramatic artist, first in the provinces, later in the The'atre des Vari- ete*s ; b. in Champagne.

Dubuison, Paul Ulrica, 1746-94.

      • , Ame'ncam A Prench dramatist

and ardent revolutionary; b. at Laval; beheaded at Pans.

Duche, Jacob, D.D., 1739^-98. Tamoc Caspipina ; A Gentleman of Foreign Ex- traction; A Gentleman who resided Some Time in Philadelphia. An American cler- gyman ; educ. at the Univ. of Penn., and at Cambridge, Eng,; his loyalty became suspected, and he fled to England in 1777, but returned in 1790; d. in Phila- delphia.

Duchesne, Henri Gabriel, 1739- 1822. >***#. A French naturalist; b. in Paris; keeper of the archives of the clergy before the Revolution ; and from 1807 counsellor at the Court of Ac- counts.

Duck, Eev. Stephen, -1756. Sn D k. An English uneducated poet;