Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/430

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of the Viceroy* An American writer, of Boston, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1807; was the son of Thomas English, Boston.

Ensor, George, Esq., 1769-1843. Christian Emanuel, Esq. An Irish writer ; b. in Dublin, and d. at Ardress, Co. Armagh.

Ensworth, Mrs. Kate. Kathleen. An American writer, of the West.

Enton, Henry. Val Versatile. An American journalist.

Epps, John, M.D. Medicus. A Scottish physician and phrenologist.

Erck, John Caillard, LL.D. J. 0. E. An Irish lawyer.

Ericsson, Prof. Olaf A. 0. A. E. An American author, of Richmond, Va. His work, it is said, may appropriately be called ' Modern Canterbury Tales in Prose.'"

Ermatinger, Edward. A British Canadian. A Canadian journalist; was for 10 years hi the service of the Hudson Bay Company, and traversed the terri- tory from the Atlantic to the Pacific several times.

Erskine, Sir David. D. E. A Scot- tish advocate,

Erskine, Rev. Ebenezer, A,M., 1680- 1754. A Learned, Faithful, Zealous, and Reverend Minister of the Church of Scot- land. A Scottish divine ; b. in the Prison of the Bass ; first minister of Portmoak, Co. of Fife ; aiterwards one of the minis- ters of Stirling.

Erskine, John, D.D., 1721-1803. A Freeholder; A Friend in the Country. An eminent divine of the Church of Scot- land ; minister of Kew Greyfriars, Edin- burgh.

Erskine, Rev. Ralph, 1685-1752. A Minister of the Gospel in the Church of Scotland. An esteemed Scottish Dis- senter ; b. in Northumberland ; Minister at Dunfermline, in Fifeshire.

Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823. K; Alexander, the Copper- smith) LL.D. A Scottish peer, lawyer, orator, and wit ; Lord Chancellor, 1806- 7 ; d. at Almondell, near Edinburgh.

Escoffier, Marie Henri Amedee, and Others, 1837-. Thomas Grimm. A French journalist and romance writer; b. at Serig- non (Vaucluse) ; commenced his literary career at Paris in 1857.

Esdaile, David, D.D. D. E. ; A Rural D.D. A Scottish minister, of Rescohie.

Essington, Rev. Robert William, M.A. An, Etonian;^ A Kingsman; Robert Nolands. An English clergyman; King's Coll., Cambridge, 1841 ; Vicar of Shen- stone, Lichfield, 1848-83 et seq.

Estabrooks, Henry L. A Yankee Officer Estourbet, Hippolyte Regnier d'.

Eugene de Palman. A French histo- rian.

Estwick, Samuel, LL.D. A West Indian. An English clergyman.

Etches, John. Argonaut. An Eng- lish writer.

Etough, "Rev. Henry. A Young Gen- tleman of Cambi idcje An English clergy, man ; Rector of Therfield, Hertfordshire*

Ettingsall, Thomas. Geoffrey Grey- drake. An Irish writer on angling.

Eusden, Rev. Lawrence, -1730. Le* the Second. An English poet; b. at Spotsworth, Yorkshire; educ. at Trin- Coll, Cambridge; took orders, and be- came chaplain to Eichard, Lord Wil- loughby de Broke; d. at Coningsby, Lincolnshire.

Eustace, John Skey, 1760-1805. An American Officer in the Service of France. An American officer of the Revolution ;. after the war he resided some time in Georgia; in 1794 he visited France, and,, entering the army, became Ma/jor-Gen- eral ; he returned to the United States in 1800, and, settling in Orange Co., N.Y., devoted himself to literary pur- suits till his death, at Newburgh.

Eustaphieve, Alexis. A Russian* A Russian gentleman, long resident ini the United States.

Evans, [of Bradbury & Evans].

Pater. English publisher, of London

Evans, Arthur Benoni, D.D. 1781 1855. Barnaby Fungus, Esq.; An Old Hand on Board. An English clergyman, poet, and miscellaneous writer; b. at Compton, Beauchamp; head master of the Free Grammar School, Bosworth^ Leicestershire, 1829-56; and d. there.

Evans, Caleb, D.D., 1737-91. Ameri- canus; A Lover of Truth and the British- Constitution. An English Bapt. minis ter; b. in Bristol; was for many years President of the Baptist Academy, and Pastor of the Prot. Dissenters in that city ; d. at Downend, near Bristol.

Evans, Gen. Sir De Lacy, D.C.L,, G.CB., 1787-1870. Officer serving as- Quarter-Master General An Irish sol- dier; b. at Moig; entered the army in- 1807, and, in 1846, rose to be Major-Gen- eral; M.P., 1831, 1833-34, and 1846-65.

Evans, Elizabeth. Dinah Morris. An English Meth. preacher, at Wirks- worth.

Evans, Estwick. Belanus of Cym- beline. An American writer.

Evans, Rev. Evan, 1732-79. Ad~