Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/44

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Bird at Bromsgrove, A. John Crane. An, address to bachelors, and the apron farmer Birmingham, 1802.

BirkenbiiM, Karl Hans Gra&b&ger. Singcn und Sagen [poetry]. 18G9.

Birmingham Clergyman, A. John Cale Mill 1 1 , D.D The bicentary contro- \ersy. . L. 1802.

Birmingham Liberal, A. J Arthur Partridge. Citizenship lersus Secularists and Sacerdotabsts in the matter of national teaching. L. 1870

Bishop, The. John Barrett Kerfoot, D /). The bishop's address and charge to the . . . Diocese of Pittsburgh . . . June 14th, 1870 Pittsburgh, 1870.

Bishop, The Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta Final report of St. Paul's cathedral, Calcutta . . . 1847

Bishop of Capetown, The. Rev Robert Giay A statement relating to facts which' hare been misunderstood . . . in connexion with the consecration, trial, and excommunication of the Eight Rev. Dr. Colenso L. 1867.

Bishop of Cloyne, The. Dr. George llerleley. A miscellany containing sev- eral tracts on various subjects. By . . . L. 17^2.

Bishop of London, The. Archibald Campbell Tait. The dangers and safe- guards of modern theology. L. 1861.

Bishop of Montreal, The. George Jehoshaphat Mountain. Journal of ... during 1 a visit to the Church Missionary Society's North-west American Mission [Red River] ... L. 1845,

Bishop of Natal, The. Rt. Rev. Wil- liam Colenso, DJ>. The New Testament translated into Zulu-Kaffir. By ... Ekukanyena. 18-.

Bishop of Oxford, The. William Jackson. Rise, progress, and present state of the dispute between the people of America and the Administration. L. 1770.

Bishop of the Church of England, A. John Free* D.D. Matrimony made easy... L. 1764.

Bitter, Arthur. Samuel Haoerstich. Erzahlungen, Novellen, und Gedichte. 1865-66.

Bizarre. John Russell Young, in his contributions to the "Chronicle" (Wash., B.C.).

Bishop, Thomas. Mr, Hayes. Ko- ranzzo's feast ; or, the unfair marriage : a tragedy. L. 1811,

"This most extraordinary production (doubt- less the work of a madman) was written by one Hayes, A footman to Lord Belgrade. 150 copies were printed, of which more than 130 were burnt atSmeetoa's fire. The 16 plates are quite as unique as the text." Ms. JKote by GEORGE DANIEL, in his copy.

Black Dwarf, The. Thomas Jona- than Wooler. A political lecture on heads. L 1820

Black, Ivory. Thomas A Jianoiei. An effect in yellow, in the "Century " for August, 1884

Blackburne, E Owens Elizabeth Casey. Illustrious Irishwomen ... L 1877.

Blackmantle, Bernard. Chai les Jl/b,'% Westmacott. The English spy ... comprising scenes and sketches in every rank of society. . . drawn from the life . , . L. 1826.

" In the pages of this extraordmaiy -work fig- ure all the notabilities of the day, eithei openly or under slight disguise, and Tom Best, M'hite- headed Bob, ' Pea-gieen ' Hayne, Colonel Beike- ley, Beau Bmmmell, Pierce Egan, the Golden ' Ball, IDr.-fEett'Xknown as ' Horse Kett/ from his equine length of visage), Chailes Mathews, Jemmy 0ordoij and a host of others of equal notoriety, mingle, cheek by jowl, m the \ivid and mo\ mg panorama," See " The Maclise Portrait- -'

  • Samuel Fous' is Samuel

G-abery,' p. 240,

In JFitzalleyne

Foote, "Maria Pous,' his lovely daughter, JFitJ5- alleyne of Berkeley* is the lady-killing colonel,

  • William the Conqueror ,' as he was termed by


the buxom damsels of Cheltenham ; * Lord A y ' is the Regent's friend, Alvariley , * Major H r ' is Gteorge Hanger, not so well known as Lord Coleraine; Mr. Optimus'te Tom Best, under whose fatal pistol poor Lord Oaroelfoid fell, Mary Carbon' is Maiy Cole, the butcher's daughter of Gloucester, afterwards Countess of Berkeley , and the ' Pea-gieen Count ' is the nin- compoop, Hayne." See "TheMachse Portrait- G-allery," p. 239.

Blacksmith, A. John Witherspoon, DJ). A letter from ... to the ministers and elders of the Church of Scotland . . . L. 1750.

Blacksmith, The Learned. Ehhu Bumtt. Walks in the Black Country and its green borderland. L. 1868.

Black-well, James. Jonathan Swift, DD. A friendly apology ... by ... Operator for the feet.

Blair, Rev. David. Sir Richard Phillips. A million of facts . . . L. 1835.

Blake, Mary Mrs. Mary N. Blakes- lee, in her contributions to the "Cen- tury " on household matters

Blanche. Mrs. E. B Field, in her contributions to "Saturday Night"

Blank Etcetera, Sen. Robert Charles Winthrop, a member of the "Polyglot Club/' See the "Harvard Register," December, 1827.

Blaze, Henri. Anqe Henri Blaze de Bun/. Etudes de Beethoven, Paris, 1833, in the "Kevue des Deux Mondes " ; Musique des drames de Shakspeare, Paris, 1835, in the same.

Blenkiasop, Vicesimus,