Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/458

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Harris, John, 1784-1858. Q, in the Comer. An English Friend, of Bat- cliff, afterwards of Wapping, and lastly of Kmgston-upon-Thames.

Harris, John. Kuklos. A Canadian writer on natural philosophy, etc

Harris, Rev. Joseph Heinington, M.A. Anghcanus Presbyter. AD Eng- lish clergyman, Vicar of Tor-Morhun iv. Cockmgton, Devon., 1848-79; resi- dent at Sorel, Torquay, 1880 et seq.

Harris, Josiah, 1821-. Cantabar ; Ishmael; A Philanthropist; Saint Meva. An English journalist and miscellaneous writer, of Cornwall.

Harris, Mrs tally C. Chrysanthea. An American hymn-writer; wife of Thomas Lake Hams.

Harris, Rev. N. Sayre. Secretary and General Agent. An Epis. clergyman ; in 1882 of New York City.

Harris, Richard. A Barrister. An English lawyer.

Harris, Richard, 1833-. Benedick Whipem ; Cordrac Verdello. An English miscellaneous writer of the day.

Harris, Mrs. Sydney S., 1834-. Miriam Coles. An American novelist; b. in Long Island.

Harris, Thaddeus Mason, DB, 1708-1842. A Student of Harvard Uni- veisity; Dorcastnensis. An American Cong, minister, of Dorchester, Mass., 1793-1839; b. in Charlestown, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1787; d. in Dorchester.

Harris, Thomas Lake, 1823-. Chrys- antheus. An American poet and spiritu- alist; b. in England; founder of the order "The Brotherhood of the New Life " at Passaic, N.J , 1861-67, and at Brocton, N.Y., 1867-75 t seq.

Harris, W. C. A Ball's Bluff Pris- oner. An American soldier.

Harrison, Mrs. (Kingsley).

Lucas Malet. An English novelist; a daughter of Charles Kingsley.

Harrison, Mrs. Constance (Gary). Refugitta. An American "Southland" writer; b. in Mississippi ( 7 ); in 1866 married Mr. Burton N. Harrison, and in 1870 was residing with him in New York City.

Harrison, George. His Grandson. An English Friend, of Lancashire ; son of George Harrison, of vVandsworth, near London.

Harrison, John, 1706-1852. J. Jff. An English Mend, of Manchester.

Harrison, Susannah. A Young Woman. An English poet of the last century.

Harriss, Julia Mildred. The Min-

strel Maiden of Mobile. An American poet.

Harsha, David Addison, 1827-. A Pilgrim. An eminent American author; b. in Argyle, Washington Co., N.Y. ; since 1851 has devoted himself to lite- rary work in New York City.

Hart, Adolphus M, 1834-. A Hoosier. A Canadian writer and lawyer, of Montreal, from 1857.

Hart, C. W. A Member of the Bar. An American lawyer, of Steubenvillc, 0.

Hart, Charles B Mr. Benjamins. An English writer.

Hart, Ernest Abraham. Pupils of ihe City of London School. An English Shakespearian scholar.

Hart, Mrs. Fanny (Wheeler). A Clergyman's Wife. An English writer.

Hart, W. C. Chevalier. An Ameri- can journalist.

Harte, Francis Bret. Bret Harte. An American writer ; b. in Albany, N Y. ; went to California, dug for gold, taught school, engaged m the express business, set type, edited the " Calif ornian," was Secretary of the U.S. Mint at San Fran- cisco in 1864, started the "Overland Monthly " in 1864, was Professor of Mod- ern Literature in the Univ of Calif ornia, 1870-71 ; then returned to the East, and for some years has been United States Consul at Glasgow.

Harte, Jerome Alfred, 1854-. Zu- lano. An American writer; b. at San Francisco, Cal ; has been for several years a contributor to the San Fran- cisco " Argonaut/' of feuilletons, sketches, and translations.

Hartley, Mrs. May Laflfan. The lush Charles Diclens. An Irish writer; b. in Dublin ; her first essay in literature was a paper in *' Eraser's Magazine " for 187C, on Convent Schools,"

Hartley, Rev. Thomas, 1707-54. Un Ami. An English clergyman; Rector of Win wick, Northamptonshire; was a trans- lator of Swedenborg,

Hartley, Thomas, 1748-1809. Pho cion. An American soldier and states- man; b at Reading, Penn.; practised law in York; M.C., 1789-1800 ; d. at York.

Hartmann, Agnes (Taubert) von A. Taubert. A German writer; wife of Eduard von Hartmann.

Hartmann, Eduard von, 1 842-. Karl Robert. A German philosopher; b m Berlin ; and there devoted himself to the study of philosophy and natural science.

Hartmann, Moritz, 1821-72. Pfajfe Mauritius. A German poet and prose- writer; Duschnikin Bohemia; stud-