Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/552

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was again a forger ; transported to Port Arthur, and died there in 1842.

Sawtelle, Mrs. E W. Tracy Towne. An American ( l ) miscellaneous writer

Sawyer, Frederick William, 1810-. Carl; Canty Carl. An American lawyer and humorist; b. at Saco, Me. ; removed to Boston in 1808, and began to practise law there in 1840; was the originator and president of the Pawner's Bank.

Saxe, John Godfrey, LL D., and two Others, 1816-. X. Y. Z. Club. An emi- nent American poet, lawyer, and journal- ist; b at Eighsate, Yt.j Middlebury Coll, 1839; admitted to the Bar, 1843; has resided of late years in Brooklyn, SLY.

Saxon, Mrs. E. Iiydell (or Annot fcyle), 1832-, E. L. S. ; Annot Lyle. An American " Southland " poet and prose writer; b. in Tennessee ; in 1848, married Mr. E. L Saxon; in 1870, resided in oS T ew Orleans.

Saxony, Johann Nepomuk Maria Joseph., King of, 1801-. Pliilalethes. A German scholar and translator.

Scargill, WiUiam Pitt, 1787-1836. A Contributor to "Blachcood's Magazine "; A Briefless Barrister. An English novel- ist; had been a Unit, preacher, but joined the Church of England; d. at Bury.

Scarth, Rev. John. A British Resi- dent. An English clergyman; King's Coll., London, 1865; Vicar of Holy Trin- ity, Hilton-next-Gravesend, 1871-83 et sea. ; Honorary Canon of Bochester Ca- thedral, 1877.

Scharling, Carl Henrik, 1836-. Nic- olai. A Danish poet and philosopher; b. at Copenhagen; studied theology, then made a scientific tour in foreign lands, in which he visited the East, especially the Holy Land. In 1870, he became Professor of Theology in the Unir. of Copenhagen.

Schenek, IJeopolcL Capt. JScfireier. A German- American journalist, of New York City. *

Scherer, Edmnnd Henri A- dolphe {?), 1816-% The French Politi- cian. A French journalist and miscella- neous writer, of Paris.

Schiller, Henry Carl. Grey Anthony. An English poet, song-writer, and artist ; in 1836 residing at Hull.

Schindler, Julias, 1818-. Julius von far Traun. A German poet and prose writer; b. at Vienna; studied philosophy and medicine there. After holding vari- ous positions, he now, 1882, as a great land-proprietor, lives sometimes at his

castle Leopoldstron, in Salzburg, and sometimes in Vienna.

Schleiden, Matthias Jakob, 1804- 81. Ernst. A German poet and botanist ; b. at Hamburg; from 1860 was devoted to private teaching in Dresden and Wies- baden; d. in Wiesbaden

Schmid, Ferdinand von, 1823-, Dranmor. A Swiss poet; b. at Muri, in the Canton of Bern. Since 1875 he has resided at Rio Janerio, Brazil.

Schneider, kina Weller, 1831-. Wilhelm Berg* A German writer; b. at Weimar; principal of the Victoria Ly- ceum, at Cologne.

Schojea, Elisabeth. Paul Agathon. A Norwegian novelist; b. at Christiana ; studied in Copenhagen, Rome, and Pans, -where she has chiefly resided since 1875.

Scholander, Fredrik VlUielin, 1816- 81. Achanus. A Swedish poet and archi- tect; b. at Stockholm, and d. in the same city.

Schomberg, Rev. Alexander Crow- Cher, 1756-92. Cornelius ScnUerus A r o- thus; Scnbkrus Secundus. An English divine ; Fellow of Magdalen Coll , Ox- ford, where he became tutor; d. at Bath.

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, LL.D., 1790-1864. Henry Rowe Colcrcfi. A celebrated American genealogist, min- eralogist, antiquary, and ethnologist, of Washington, 1847-64; b. at Water vliet (now Guilderland), Albany Co., N.Y.; d, at Washington, D.O.

Schoolcraft, Oliver Johnson. Sx. An American poet of the day,

Schornstein, Oavid^ 1826-79, Georges Stenne. A French-Jewish journalist, translator, and novelist.

Schrader, F. F. Royal Keen. An American journalist of the day.

Schulz, Albert, 1802-. San-Marie A German literary antiquary; b. at Schwedt; since 1843, principal of the college at Magdeburg; has made him- self favorably known by his labors upon Literature and Sagas of the Middle Ages

Schulze, Friedrich August, 1770- 1849. Fnedrich Laun. A German poet and novelist; b. at Dresden.

Schuster, Miss Lizzie F. Polly Chromo. An American writer of the day,

Schwab, Moise. Le Marquis de M. A French bibliographer of the day.

Schwartz, Marie Sophie Birarth, 1819-. M. S. S. A Swedish novelist; b. at Boras ; in 1840, married Prof. Gus- tavus Magnus Schwartz, of Stockholm.

Schwarz, Marie Esperance