Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/80

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Croxvqulll, Alfred. {fi ed Henry For- rester. The pictorial grammar. L 1S7-.

Crowquill, Alfred. Charles Robert Fan ester, as well as Alfred Henry, Trho used this pseudonym conjointly from 1SJO to 1844.

Crucelli, F. James A. Sideij. Mis- tura curiosa . being a higgledy piggledy ot Scotch English Irish Kigger golfing curling comic serious and sentimental odds . . . and fables . . . Edinb. 1809.

Cruiser, Benedict, M.3I. (mamed man). George Augustus Sala. HOTV I tamed Mrs. Cruiser . . . Edited ... L 1858

Crusoe, Robiusou Daniel Defoe The life and surprising adventures of ... of York. Mariner. Written by him- self L. 1819.

Crust, Cliristie. Eliza Freeman Deni- son. Autumn leaves . . . Portland, Me., 1875

Cryptonymus. Joseph Gurney Sevan. A brief reply to Catholicus's season- able address to Disciplinarians ... L. 1708.

Cryptonymus. Kenneth Robert H. Mackenzie. The royal Masonic cyclo- paedia of history, rites, symbolism, and biography. L. 1877

Cub, The Charles James Fox. The cub: a satire [on his dismissal from office] L, 1774.

Cultivateur, Un Americain. Sector St. John Crevec&ur. Lettres . . . e'crites a Win. S., Esq., 1770-1786. Paris, 1787.

Cultivateur de New Jersey, Tin. William Livingston. Examen du gouveme- ment d'Angleterre ... L. 1789.

Cumberland Landowner, A. Sir James Robert George Graham. Free trade in corn the real interest of the landlord ... L. 1828.

Cumberland Poet, The. William Wordsu>orth.

Cumberraere, Ijprd Claudius Hast- ings. Jean Baptiste Alfred Assolant. Les aventures de K. Bninner . . . Paris, 1861.

Cuore, IJavinia Buon. Mme. Lavinia Buoncuore Urlino. Sunshine in the palace or cottage. B, 1854.

Curate of London, A. Rev. Arthur Ashley Sykes. A letter to ... the Earl of Nottingham ... L. 1721.

Curate of Wilts, A. Rev. William Fleeticood. A Letter to the Reverend Dr. Snape, wherein the authority of the Christian Priesthood is maintained . . . L. 1718. The letter is signed " S. T."

Curator of the Antiquities, The. Rev. Charles Wellbeloved. A descriptive

account of the antiquities in the grounds and m the museum of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society . . York, 1852

Curdle, Cream, Irving Broun The character of the nurse's deceased hus- band in " Romeo and Juliet " By . . Edited by\\ Ord Hunter, n p , u d.

Curieux Septuagenaire, Tin Bai on Felix Se'hastien Feuillet de Conches. ^Sou- venirs de jeunesse d' . . . Paris, 1877,

Curiosibhoy, Adersey. Joseph /S', Moore. The " Parsee " letters, addressed to Horace Greeley, Sahib. N Y., 1800.

Curioso, II Parlante. Don Ramon de jMasonero y Romanos. Panoiama ma- tritense. Madrid, 1835

Curiosus. G-eorge Oliver, I) D

IB 1S28, in conjunction with the Kcv J P. Jones of North Bovey, Dr Oliver published the "Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Devon and Cornwall," a series of papers first contnbuted to the "Exeter and Plymouth Gazette," under the signatmes of "Curiosus'* and "Devomeneis " He also " contributed for many yeara a valuable senes of letters, under the signature ' Ourtosus,' to the columns of the ' Exeter Flying Post.' "

Curiosus. John James Gibson Fuller. Brasses formerly in Crowan Chnrch. West Breton, 1868.

Curl-Fated John Hamilton Reynolds, in the "London Magazine."

Curtiss, Percy. Mrs. William N. Cox. Richard Peters ; or, could he for- give him ... B. 1872.

Curtius. Dr. William Jackson, author of letters in the "Public Ledger under this pseudonym.

Curtius. Noah Webster. His signature to a series of papers, in 1795, sustaining Jay's treaty.

Curtius. John Taylor (1). A defence of the measures of the Administration of Thomas Jefferson , . . Wash., D.C., 1804.

Curtius. William J. Qrayson. Let- ters of Curtius. Charleston, S.C. } 1851.

Curtius. John Thompson. Letters of Curtius Richmond, 1804.

Cusbmazi, LUla N. Anna M. S. Ros- siter.

Custos. Thomas Sevan. Lindley Murray Hoag and the Society of Friends. L. 1853

Cutting, Pierce. Charles Hull Webb, in his contributions to the "Boys and Girls' Weekly " (N.Y ).

Cycla. Mrs. Helen Clacy. Aunt Dorothy's will: a novel. L. 1860.

Cyclos. George E. Blackham, J/.Z). An American bicycler.

Cyclos, a Member of tlie Glasgow Skating Club. George Anderson, The art of skating . . . Glasgow, 1852

Cymon. Frederick Thomas Somcrly.