Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/90

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J>iver, Jenny. Mrs, Jane Jones.

Diversity William B. Scott. Essays oa taxation and reconstruction. 2T.Y. 1866.

J>ivine of the Church of England, A. James J/acsparam, D D. America dissected ; being a full and true account of all the American colonies . . In sev- eral letters, from . . . Dublin, 1753.

Divine of the Church of England, A. John King. AnimadTersions on a pamphlet (by Increase Mather) intituled "A letter of advice to the churches of the Nonconformists m the English na- tion - . L 1701

Divine of the Church of England, A. Thomas JZurnet. An appeal to com- mon sense . . L. 1719.

Divine of the Church of England, A. Rev Mr. Scott. An appeal to the understanding of the meanest capacities, for the truth of the Christian religion. L. 1728.

Dix, J. Ross. Georye Spencer Phillips.

Dix Queevidi. Prof. Edward North, LM.D, in his contributions to "North American Review/' aad "Knickerbocker Magazine"; and author of memorials of H. H. Curran and President Simeon North.

Dixie J. Dixie Doyle, Washington correspondent of the " Spirit of the Times" (NY).

Dixon. IT/ne. Clfmence (Harding) Massvn, author of numerous tales.

Dixxm. Sidney Andrews. The South since the war ; 14 weeks in Georgia and the Caroiinas. B. 1866.

Dixon, Granby. Henry Kingsley. Oakshott Castle: the memoir of an eccentric nobleman. L. 1878.

Dobbins, Peter, Esq.., R. C., IT. S. A. William Fessenden. The political far- rago . . . Brattlehoro, Vt., 1807.

Dobbs, Rev. Philetus, I>.D. Rev. Heman Lincoln Wayland.

Doblado, Don Leucadlo. Joseph Blanco White, M.A. Letters from Spain . . L. 1822.

Doctor, The. George Henry Kings- ley. See " Earl, The."

Doctor, The. Robert Southey. The Doctor . . L. 1853.

Doctor of Divinity, A, but not of Oxford. Thomas Raffles, DJb.(l). Hear the Church ! A word for all. By ... L. 1839.

Doctor of laaws, A, Hugh Bailhe. An appendix to a letter to Dr. Sheb- beare . . . 1775,

Doctor of Physic, A. W. M Tay- lor. The book of travels of . . P. 1871.

Doctor of Physick, A Probabh William Couard. A discourse concern- ing the certainty of a future and immor- tal state. L 1700.

Dodd, Charles. Hugh Tootell. An apology for the church history of Eng- land from 1500 to 1G88 . . . Being a reply to a ... libel, intitl'd "A specimen of amendments . under the name ot ' Clerophilus' " [John Constable] L. 1742.

Dodd, Derrick. FianL Gassaway

Dodd, Dr , and Chace Price TfV- liam Coombe, Esqr. A dialogue in tho Shades between . . L 1777

Dodger. Petei Thompson

Dods, Jeannie. Miss MacLay, in "Figaro" (L)

Dods, Mrs. Margaret, of the Clei- kum Inn, St Ronans. Mis Ohtis- tina Jane Johm>tone, The cook and housewife's manual . . . Edinb. 1826.

Dods, Meg Mrs Christina Jane Johnstone. See " Mrs. Margaret Dods."

Doe, Dorothy. Mrs. Galusha Ander- son, in the N.Y. " Examiner/'

Doe, John. Greorge Caiendish Ben- tmcl. Barefaced imposters. A farce, in one act. By ... Eichard Eoe [/ e. f the Hon E. G. B. Ponsonby] and John Noakes [z e., Toni Taylor]. L. 1854.

Doestieks, Q. K, Philander, PB. \Le. } Perfect Brick]. Mortimer M Thompson Doesticks. what he says N.Y. 1855.

Doggrel, Sir Iliad. Sir Thomas Bur- net, and George Ducket. Homerides ; or, a letter to Mr. Pope, occasioned by his intended translation of Homer. By . . . L. 1715.

Dogood, Mrs* Silence. Benjamin Franklin ; by whom the essays published in the "New England Courant " (B. 1722) under this signature are supposed to have been chiefly written.

Doherty, Sir Morgan O', Bart See"0'Doherty."

Dolent, Jean. Antoine Foumier. Le livre d'art des femmes ; peinture, sculp- ture . . . Paris, 1877.

Dolores. Miss Diclson. Music to numerous songs, more than 60. 1854- 68.

Dom Catalogus. Pierre Gf-ustave Brit- net. Curiosites bibliographiques et ar- tistiq.ues Geneva, 1867

Dom Jacobus. Charles Potvin. Les tablettes d'tui libxe-penseur. 1879.

Dom. Xd"ber. Charles Potvin. I/e faux miracle du saint sacrement de Bruxelles. 1876.

Domal, C. William Eenry Simmons,