Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/106

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Martin. ^Tartin Hmjo Lavgi'. 18H:!-72.

Martin, Eusebe. Henri Morel. Reine a Paris : revelations. Paris, 1868.

Martine, H. Henri/ Fiizhardinge.

Marvel, Scott. J. Daicsim Findlay.

Marvellous Boy. Thomas Chatterton.

Mary. Miss Mary Patrick Dotcnirtg. A writer in tlie " Irish Nation," 1847.

Mary, Aunt. Mrs. Mary Hughs. Aunt M.'s library for boys and girls. 1845.

Mary, Aunt. Mary Hodgson. The Pliiladeipliia housewife. 1". lb.35.

Mary, Cousin. Mary E. Huston.

Mary, Cousin. Mrs. Mary H. Ma.T- weli . . . Letters to the children ... B. 185-.

Masdania. Benjamin Buck. Behe- moth ; or, bulls of Bashan. By . . . N.Y. 1874.

Massachusetts Freeman, A. Bev. George Allen. An appeal to the people of Massachusetts on the Texas question. B. 1844.

Master Mason, A. Henry Dana Ward. Freemasonry : its pretensions exposed . . . By . . . N.Y. 1828.

Master of a Grammar School, The. W. R. Goodluck. The French genders taught in six tables. By . . Revised by... B. 1826(?).

Master of Arts, A. William King, LL.D. A proposal for publishitif; ii poetical translation ... of Mr. Tutor Bentham's letter to a young gentleman of Oxford. By . . . L. 1748.

Master of Arts, formerly of Balliol College, of the University of Oxford, A. William ./ohn Birch. Paul an idea, not a fact. By . . . 1855.

Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, A. iSir Richard Hill. Pietas Oxoniensis ; or, a full and impartial ac- count of the expulsion of six students from St. Edmund Hall, Oxford ... By ... L. 1708.

blaster of St. Chloe School, The. Douglas H. Campbell. The essentials of geography . . By . . L. 185-S.

Master of the Company for the year 1873-4, The. Charles Mathew Gtode. Memorials of Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the city of London . . . Compiled and selected by . . L. 1875.

blaster of the Usk Grammar ! School, The. ir. H. Wrevford. State- ment made by Judge Falconer to the trustees of Edwards' charity, relating to the . . . Usk, 1866.

Matador. William L. Alden.

Mathers, Patrick. James Gregory.

Matilda. Matilda Anthony. Poems. By . . . Richmond, Va., 1851.

Mattis. Mrs. Mathilda Lund.itrdm. Dagslandor. Sthlm. 1867.

Matthaeus, Thomas. John Tindal.

Maurice, Walter. Walter Besant. All in a garden fair. L. 1883.

Maurice, W. Walter Besant and James Rice. Ready money : a drama ... L. 1850.

May, Ida. Mrs. Man/ H. Greene Pike.

May, Sophie. Sophie Frederike Eliza- beth Meyer, in a large number of transla- tions from Sir Walter Scott ; miscella- neous tales, etc.

Mayor, The. Josiah Quincy, .Jr. (1) Address of ... to the city council of Boston, Jan. 5, 1846. B. 1846. — (2) Address of . .to the citv I'imncil of Boston, Jan. 4, 1847. B. 1847.

Meade, L.T. iMrs. J.. T. tSmith. How it all came round. N.Y. 1886.

Bleanwell, M. William Cowper,M.D. II Penseroso : an evening's contemplation in St. John's church-yard, Chester . . . L. 1707.

Medico Campo, Don Kichardo de. Richard Liclifield. The trimming of Thomas N;ish', etc. L. 1597.

Also ascribed to Gabriel Harvey. — See " I. and P."

Medicus. Isiiiir Piddiick, Jf.D. Pro- posed national medical establishment ... By . . . L. 1848.

Medium, The. ./ohn Shoehridge Wil- liams. An address to the ofBcers and citizens of the United States ... To which is appended . . . the spiritual ex- perience of . . . Bait. 1854.

Medway, Lewis. William Paterson, founder of the Bank of England. An inquiry into the reasonableness and con- sequences of a union with Scotland. L. 1706.

Meleager. H. W. Sotheby. Ancient classical novelists. In " Temple Bar," 1860-01.

Melesigonus, Julius. William Jones.

Melusine. Moy O'Brien.

Member, A. Nathan Weston. Vindi- cation of the minority of the congrega- tion at church, in the South Parish, Au- gusta ... By . . , Augusta, Me., 1840.

Member for Kidderminster, The. Robert Loire. — See "Decimal Associa- tion," etc.

Member for Sussex, The. Edward Jeremiah Gurteis. A defence [by M. Stapylton] of the petition of the debtors in Horsham jail from the misconceptions of . . . 1828.