Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/112

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mar of the Bakile language. By . . . N.Y. 1854.

Missionary, A. J. Lloyd Breck. A communication on parish sisterhoods . . . By . . . n.p. 1863.

Missionary from the Honorable Society for Propagating the Gospel, etc. James Wetmore. A letter from a mhiistLT of the Cliurch of England [Samuel Johnson, D.D.] . . . showing the noi.'cssity of unity and peace ... By . . . N.Y.n.d.

>Ir. Seward's Pet. Charles Hale. The history of ... in Egypt. W. 1866.

Mnason. William P. Smith, D.D. "ScottisI) tracts for the Times," No. 1. " The Bible," by the Rev. Walter Wood, A.M., Elie examined. By . . Aber- deen, 1880.

Mnemonicus. Robert Nares. Mr. Feinagle's art of memory not new. " Gent. Mag.," February, 1814, p. 107.

Moderator. Thomas Chatterton. His signature to a letter to Lord North. 177(1.

Modern Aristoplianes. Samuel Fovte. '

Modern BuddJiist, The. C'hcaj I'hi/a Trijiukon. The wheel of the law, illustrated from Siamese sources by . . . L. 1871. By Henry Alabaster.

Modern Calvinist, A. R. S. )Vyld. ■Strictures on Scottish theology and preaching. By . . . Edinb. 1863.

Modern Elnglisli Journalist, A. William jl/Mrray,Earl of Mansfield. The thistle : a dispassionate examiner ... of a late arrogant insult offered to all Scotchmen by . . . L. 1747.

Modern Pythagorean, A. Dr. Hub- ert Macnish, LL.D. The book of apho- risms. By . . . Glasgow, 1834.

Modest Merit. William Makepeace Thackerai/. Royal Academy. " Punch," May, 184(3.

Morlt, Halfdan. Karl Hemgren. En stormsvala blott. Sthlm. 1880.

Mohammed Pasha. William W. Howe. The Pasha papers : epistles of . . . rear admiral of the Turkish navy, written from New York . . . N.Y^. 1859.

Moina. il/rs. Anna Peyre Shackteford hiiinies. The floral year, 1846, consist- ing of one hundred compositions, ar- ranged in twelve groups to illustrate that number of bouquets gathered in the dif- ferent months.

3Ioldwarp, Nicholas, B.A. Miss Anne }[aiining. Passages in the life of the faire gospeller. Mistress Anne Askew, recounted by ye unworthie pen of L. 1866.

Molly. Judith Have. 1804.

Molony, Slaster aiolloy. William Makepeace Thackeray.

" On reading of the general indignation occa- sioned in Ireland by the appointment of a Scotch profesflor in one of Her Majesty's godless col- leges. Master Molioy Molouy, brother of Thad- deus Molony, Esq., of the Temple, a youth only fifteen years of age, dashed off the" following spirited lines: ^

" 'As I think of the insult that's done to this nation. Red tears of rivinge from ray faytures I wiish, And uphold in this pome to the world's daytis- tatioo, The sleeves that appointed Professor M'Cosh.

" ' O false Sir John Kane I is it thus that you praycli me? I think all your Queen's Universities Bosh; An if you've no neetive Professor to taych me, 1 scawurn to be learned by the Saxon M'Cosh.' "

IMonadnock. Dr. Nicholas.

Jlonitor, Kllas. Noah Worcester. The stranger's a[)ology, etc. 1812.

illonitoriiis, Aurainantulus and Deliciitiiliis. William CollmSy Warton, and another. Three poems hy three schoolmates, in the " Cent. Mag.," for (_)ctol)er, 17:!!l, p. 546.

Montague, Lady j>Iary AVortley. Horace Walpole and others. IjCtters of ... L. 1763.

" Lady Craven, margravine d'Anspaeh, avance, dans ses * M^moires ' (Paris, 1825), qut' Latly Bute, tille de Lady Montague, a lui dit que sfM ' Lettres ' ^taient suppos^es; Walpole et deii.\ autres beaux-esprit« de ses amis s't'laiem i-euiiis pour s'amuser de la cr^dulit" du public anglais en composant cet ouvrage."

Montauban. Sir John St. Aubyn. " Canzonets and sonnets occasioned by the amours of . . ." In " Poetic trifles " of Rev. Richard Polwhele. L. 1796.

Montgomery, Charles Montague. Sir Thomas Dick Lander, Bart. Loch- andhu : a tale of the eighteenth century. Edinb. 1825/a.A«t^ a^yi^S^i-

Montgomei^, Cora, ilirs. William Leslie. Eagle pass. By . . . N.Y. 1852.

Monticola. James Hews Bransby. In 1841 he printed in the "Christian Re- former " a series of papers.

Montreal. B. Edan. 1837.

Moody, Billy. Thomas Peirce. In 1825 he wrote a second series of satirical poems for the " National Republican " of Cincinnati, under this signature. — Sec " Horace in Cincinnati,"

aioral Philosopher, A. Peter Annet. The resurrection of Jesus considered. By . . . L. 174-.

Moral Philosopher, The. Thomas Miirrjan. A defence of the moral phi- losopher ... L. 1737.