Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/127

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P****. J. B. Paris d", Meijziea. — See ■• A Gentleman in France."

Paclflco, Dr. Solomon. William Makepeace Thacherai/. (1) The proser : es- says and discourses by . . . On an inter- esting French exile. "Punch," June, 1850. — (2) On an American traveller. "Punch," July, 1850.

Paciflcus. John Eyland. A modest plea for free communion. By . . . 1772.

Padring, Ryi'ie BjoUa. Pntruk Vin- cent Fitz-Patrick. Thauiuaturgus. L. 1828.

Padwell, Peter, of Padington, Esq. Christopher Bullock. Woman's revenge ; or, a match in Newgate : a comedy . . . To which is added, A compleat key to the Beggar's Opera. By ... L. 1728.

Pagan„ The. Elisha Vedder. — See "Puritan, The."

Pain, Tommy. Thomas Paine. — See " Cobb, Billy."

Palaemon. William Macjinn. Cri- tique on Lord Byron. " Blackwood's Magazine," 1822.

Palm, Adolf. Adolf Miiller. Im laby- rinth der seele ; zwei novellen. Leipzig, 1872.

Palmer, Albert. Albert Nathan.

Palmer, Fr. H. Emma Hartmann. 1850-53.

Pandora. Mrs. Blanche Roosevelt (Tucker} Macchetta.

" * Pandora,' as the title by which the poet [H. AV. Longfellow] ueually addressed nie." — See note on p. 12 of her boolt on " The home life of H. W. L."

Pansmouser, Gottheb. Thcophilus Liiidsi' I. La iiitrtn^c de la Pologne.

Pautigrucl, (iariigantua. Knight of the Sable Purse. William. Rufns Chetwood. The stock-jobbers; or, the humours of Elxchange-Alley • a comedy . . . , L. 1720.

Panurge. William Scoti, in the " Pub- lic Advertiser," 1770.

Paoli, Betty. Burhe Elisabeth GlUck. Romancero. Leipzig, 1845.

Papa, Un. Pierre Jules IJelzel. Al- phabet de Mile. Lili. Paris, 1865.

Paper King. John Laio.

Paragraph, Peter. Geor(]e Fanlkner, in " The Orators," one of Samuel Foote's comedii'S. L. 1762.

Parens. Si/nge. 1831.

Parin, A. P. Li. Henry W. Faxon.

Parish Priest, A. G. H. R. Fletcher. — See " F., G. H. R."

Parish Priest, A. Jean Baptiste Bou- vier. A dogmatical and practical treatise on indulgences . . . abridged . . By . . . Dublin, 1839.

Parish Priest, A. Charles Leslie Gourtcnaij. Our new life in Christ. Ed- ited by . . . L. 180:1.

Parish Priest, A. Frederick William Faber. Examination of conscience ; safe advice about this duty . . . By ... L. 1845.

Parish Priest, A. William Edward Scudamore. Steps to the altar . . . Com- piled by . . . L. 1846.

Parishioner, A. liev. Ehenezer De- votion. The half-way covenant : a dia- logue between Joseph Bellamy, D.D., and . . . continued. By . . . New Lon- don, Conn., 1769.

Two letters to Rellaray from the •' Parish- ioner" were published at New Haven, 1770.

Parishioner, A. Richard Willelt. A memoir of Hawarden parish, Flintsliire ... By . . . Chester, 1822,

Parishioner of St. Peter's, A. George Bloomjield. Thetford Chalybeate spa: a poem by . . 1820.

Parisian, The. Mary Charlton. L. 1794.

Parisian devenu Muscovite, Un. Horace Gay. Deux anniJes d'excursions d' . . . Moscow, 1847.

Parley, Peter. William Martin. The holiday keepsake. By ... L. 1865.

Parmegiano of Auctioneers, The. .John Loche'e (Jack Loche'e) . So called by Dr. Dibdin.

Parochial Clergyman, The. Rev. Thomas Tregenna Biddulph. The P. C.'s ordination vows . . . Bristol, 1824.

Parochial Slinister, The. Thomas Tregenna Biddulph. The . . . 's affection- ate address, etc. Bristol, 1824.

Parson, A. Ruhert Jlcrbert Storij, D.O. Poems by . . . L. 18(53.

Parthenopaeus Hereticus. William Gordon. (1) An account of the supersti- tious ceremonies and wicked practices of the Church of Rome, in the Holy Week (2d ed., London, 1719). — (2) Popery against Christianity ... L. 1719.

Particular, Pertinax. Tobias Wut- kins. Tales of the tripod. Bait. 1821.

Partington, Mrs. Samuel P. Averi/. Mrs. P.'.s carpet-bag of fun. N.Y. 1854.

Pasquinus, Petrus, C.P.M. Thomas Comber. A scourge for adulterers, etc., of 1810. By . . Censor of public man- ners ; of Ballyn o' lichstein, in the island of Utopia. L. 1810.

Pastor. Sanfbrd J. Horton. P.'s offering. 1847. 'Providence, 1847.

Pastor, A. Very Rev. Edward j\hy- rick Gonllmrn, D.I). Farewell counsels of ... to his flock. L. 18—.

Pastor, A. Rev. I. C. Matthews. The