Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/130

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ries to all the serious, honest, and well- meaning people of Ireland. Dublin, 1754.

Philadelphus. Thomas Curteis, Rec- tor of Wrotham, Kfiit.

Philadelphus. Increase Mather. A letter of advice to the churclics of the Non-Conforraists in the English nation ... L. 1700.

Philadelphus. Saxc Bannister, M.A. Remarks on the Indians of North Amer- ica, in a letter to the " Edinburgh Re- viewer " (L.), 1822.

PhUagathos. Ezm Stiles, D.D. A poem eommemorative of Goftc, Whallcy, and Dixwell, three of the judges of Charles I. By . . . B. 1795.

Philaletes. Joseph BacMund. 18.39.

Philalethes. Alexander Comrie. 1752- 54.

Philalethes. Jolin Siainton. 17.38.

Philalethes. Thomas Curleis, Rector of Wrotham, Kent.

Philalethes. Laurence Echard. An answer to Dr. Edmund Calamy's letter to . . . Archdeacon Echard . . . L. 1718.

Philalethes. J~iev. John Cameron. The Catholic Christian defended, etc. Bel- fast, 1771.

Philalethes. Elisha Williams. The essential rights and liberties of Protes- tants. L. 1744.

Philalethes. Charles Patpiter. In- stinct and mind. By . . Plymouth, 1868.

Philalethes. John Pomfret. " Rea- son," written in 1700; and "Dies noves- sima"; or, "The Last Epiphany" [poems]. L. 170-.

Philalethes. James Sluiinton Bab- cock. (1) Xunia and Egeria. Classical ballads. No. 1. " Amer. Whig Rev.," October, 1746. — (2) Road song of earth's traveller. "Amer. Quar. Rev,," April, 1845, p. 362.

Philalethes. Robert Findlaij, D.D. Remarks on Mr. Lindsey's dissertation upon praying to Christ ... L. 1781.

Philalethes. Per. John Bruce. Re- marks on Philanthropos' [Rev. James Morrison] answer to the question " What must 1 do to be saved ? " By . . . Kilmarnock, 1841.

Philalethes. Richard Challoner, D.D. A specimen of the spirit of dissenting teachers ... By . . . L. 173(>.

Philalethes Antichubbiiis. F. Hor- ler. Memoirs of T. Chubb ... a fuller and more faithful account. L. 1747.

Philalethes Cantabrigieiisis. .fames Jurin. The minute mathematician ; or, the freethinker no just thinker. L. 1735.

Philalethes Cantabrigiensls. Bishop John A'lii/e. (1) Remarks on Dr. Wise- man's lectures ... By . L. 1838. — (2) Reply to the " Travels of an Irish gentleman in search of a religion " [by Thomas Moore] . . By . . . L. 1884.

Philaletlies, Eugenius, Jun. Robert Samber. A treatise on the plague . . . By . . . L. 1721.

Philalethes Rusticans. Richard Shepherd, D.D. Reflections on the doc- trine of materialism ... By . . . L. 1779.

Philalethes or Lover of Truth, T..AI. Tlunnas Maute. For the service of truth. By... P. 1703. — See collections of Essex Institute, Vol. III., p. 238.

Philalethes, Theodorus. Thomas Maule.

Philalethius, Ireueiis. If. Teelinck.

Philander. Reu. John Cameron. His signature in the "Theological Reposi- tory," Vol. II., 1771.

Philanthropist. Willia m Evans. History. Syracuse, N.Y., 1858.

Philanthropos. Beu. ilurijan John Rhees. Letters on liberty and slavery : an answer to . . . " Negro-slavery de- fended by the Word of God." By . . . N.Y. 1798.

Philanthropos. John niomas Barber Beiinmoiil. Life insurance. L. 1814.

Philanthropos. Rev. .Tames Morrison. The question " What must I do to be saved ? " answered by . . . Abont 1840.

Philanthropos, Theophilus. Robert Poole, .]f./i. Physical vade mecum ; or, fifth gift of .. . L. 1741.

Philanthropus Londinensis. Daniel Scott. An essay towards a demonstra- tion of the Scripture Trinity. By . . . L. 1725.

Also ascribed to .fames Tierce, of Exeter.

Philanthus. Jolm Sharpe, Jr. The retrospect ; or, review of the memorable events of Mona in the year 1790. By . . . 1790.

Philaretus. Edmund C'nrll, Atter- buryana . . . By ... L. 1727.

Philargyrius Cantabrigiensls. J. C. de Pauw. Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis reliquas. Astelodami, 1711.

Philargyrius Cantabrigiensls.

Joshua IJariies, 1711, 1712.

Philet^clesia. Rer. Charles Henri/ Davis. Suggestive sketch of an Irish church constitution and canons . . . By . . . Dublin, 1870.

Phileulethere de Leipzig. Richard Bentlet/. La friponnerie laique des pre- tendus esprits forts d'Angleterre, ou re- marqucs de . . . .sur le " Discours de la