Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/142

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bition. Another epic. By himself. N.Y. 1867.

Roosevelt, Blanche. Mme. Blanche Rooseoelt ( Tucker) Machetta. Life and reminiscences of Gustave Dore . . . By ... N.Y. 1885.

Roscius. David Oarrick. — See"Nyky."

Roselle, Marquis de. A. L. Elie de Beaumont. — See "***, Madame."

Rosen, Ludwig. Ludwig Volrad Jiingst. Werner Thormann. Breslau, 1859.

Rossaeus, Georglus Gulielmus. William Gijford.

Rothschild, Melchis6dech, ban- quierd Capharnaiim. William Duckett. L'art de gagner de I'argent rendu a la fois facile et agre'able . . . par . . . Tra- duit de I'hebreu . . . par Nathan-le-Sage. Paris, 1848.

Rothwell, J. S. S. S. S. Thorville.

Rover, Roderic, and others. Charles Prentiss. The thistle. By... n.p., n.d.

Rowel, M. Waldemar Adolf Thisted. Letters from hell. Given in English by L. W. J. S., with a preface by George Macdonald. L. 1885.

" Rough and Ready. Zachary Tay- lor.

Rowena. Mrs. Sophia L. (^Bobbins') Little. (1) Thanksgiving : a poem, 1828. — (2) The pilgrim's progress in the last days in imitation of Bunyan, 1843.

Rowley, Thomas. Thomas Chatter- ton. — See " Canynges, William."

Rub. George Vtttiers, 2d Duke of Buckingham.

Ruhland, Marie. Ufarie Calm. Durch arbeit frei. With Henning, Lud- wig Priedrich.

Rummer, Matt. Matthew Prior, so called because he had been a drawer in a tavern. — See " Hermodac- tyl," etc.

Rupert of Debate, The. Edward Geoffry Smith Stanley, Earl of Derby, in Lytton's " New Timon."

RuraH Divine, A. Archibald Bruce. Poems serious and amusing. By . . . Edinb. 1812.

Russian, A. M. Poletika. A sketch of the internal condition of the United States of America . . . By . . . Trans. . . Bait. 1826.

Al8o ascribed to Alexis Eustaphieve.

Rusticlericus. Rev. John Jones. An- swer to the instructor. " Gent. Mag.," Vol. XIX., p. 311.

Rusticus. John Dell. In journals.

Rusticus. Bev. Richard Wheatley.

Rusticus. Rev. St. George Armstrong Williams. Biographical sketches and various letters, under the names of " Rus- ticus," " Vindex," " Clericus," and " Sion ap Myrddin," in Welch periodicals.

Rusticus. Frederick Denison Maurice,. B.A. Subscription no bondage . . . By . . . Oxf. 1834.

Kyley, Sir Heister. Charles Povey. The visions of . . . L. 1711.


S. Thomas Sherwin, in the " Christ. Exam."

S. Charles Card Smith, in the "Christ. Exam."

S. .Tared Spm-ks, in the " Christ. Exam.," XL., p. 140.

S. Henry John Shepherd. The law of copyright ... In the " Law Mag." (L.) May, 1838, pp. 365-78.

S. Daniel Strock. Read's poems. "Amer. Whig Rev.," September, 1849, p. .301.

S. John Skelton. Thalatta; or, the great commoner: a, political romance. L. 1862. — See " I. and P."

S. Gerrit Smith. Thoughts for the people . . . Peterboro, N.Y., 1865.

S. andP. Samuel Bishop. Numerous essays and poems in " Publick Ledger," 1763-64, signed "S. and P."

S., A. August Strindberg. Lustiga historier frSn Danbury ; ofvarsattning af A. S. Sthlm. 1879.

S., A. B. Alfred Billings Street. (1) His signature to poetry in the "Amer. Monthly Mag.," 1836-37. — (2) The simoon. " Amer. Monthly Mag.," March, 1830, p. 863.

S., A. P. Anders Fredrik Sondgn. Om bibel-ijfversattningsfragans nuvarande standpunkt. Sthlra. 1883.

S., A. W. Amos W. Stetson. Is our prosperity a delusion 1 Our national debt and currency. By a Boston mer- chant. B. 1864.

S., C. Caleb Stetson, in the " Christ. Exam."

S., C Charles Sumner, in the " Christ. Exam.," XL., p. 122.

S., C. Charles Sprague. E. B. [Edwin