Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/152

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Superintendent, The. Samuel Hurd Walleij. The S.'s offering. By . . . B. 1848.

Superintendent of Public Schools, The. John JJndleii Philhrick. Course of study for grammar schools ... By . . . B. 1808.

Superintendent of the Coast Sur- vey, The. Alexander Dallas Bache. Navy Yard at Patuxent Eiver. Letter from ... W. 1806.

Superior of the Society, The. Priscilla Lijdia Set I on. Reply to a tract by the Kev. J. Spurrell ... L. 1852.

Supernumerary, A. John Pring. On the principles of the common or incep- tive discipline . . . By ... L. 1840.

Surgeon Aurist, A. William Wright. A few minutes' advice to deaf persons ... By . . . L. 18.39.

Surgeon of tlie U. S. Navy. William S. W. Rnsrhc'iiherger. Remarks on the condition of the hospital fund of the United States ... P. 1848.

Suspensurus. Charles Lamb. On the last peach, in the " London Mag.," 1825.

Sussex, Jasper. William Maginn. The equality of the sexes. "Blackwood's Mag.," August, 1826.

Sussex Clergyman, A. Rev. Joseph Wise. The coronation of David . . . By . . . Lewes, 1766.

Swahn, Christer. Prof. V. H. Wich- strdm. En sjelfmordares anteckningar. Sthlm. 1882.

S^vellmore. William Makepeace

Thackeraij. Poor Fuggy. " Punch," October, 1851.

Sw^erdna, Mrs. Mrs. Andrews.

Ambrose Rodman. By . . . N.Y. 1865.

Swift, Jonathan. John Arbuthnot,. M.D. Le proces, etc. L. 1754.

Sycorax. Joseph Ritson. In Dibdin's " Bibliomania."

Sylvan. George Wright. 1772.

Sylvan. Richard Wright Proctor. Memorials of Manchester streets. Man- chester, 18 — .

Sylvanus. William Garleton.

Sylvan us. John Nichols. Visit to an octogenarian, July 17, 182.3; signed " Capricornus " [Dr. Thomas Frognall Dibdin]. In Nichols' "Illustrations of Literature," Vol. VIII., pp. 26-29.

Sylvia. Mrs. Sara Pfeiffer. Foster- barnet. Medaljongen. Sthlm. 1864.

Sylvlanus. Rev. William Duke. His signature to a pamphlet published in 1816, on the difficulties in the Church of Maryland with the Rev. George Dashiell.

Sylvius. Hugh Williamson. Letters from ... to the freemen inhabitants of the United States. N.Y. 1787.

Synergus. Rev. Robert Edward Gam- ham. Papers in " Commentaries and Essays," published by the society for pro- moting the knowledge of the Scriptures. L. 1784-96. — See "Gent. Mag.," Vol. LXXII., p. 1221.

Syphax. John Tucker Prince, in the Boston " Transcript."

Syr. Samuel A. Allen. My own home and fireside, P. 1846.

T. Samuel Johnson.

BoBwell flays that Dr. Johnson dictated the essays in the " Adventurer," signed " T," to Richard Bathurst (d. 1762), who wrote them down and sold them for two guineas each for his own benefit.

T. Thomas Broughton, vtIio contributed the lives marked " T," in the original edition of " Biographia Britannica."

T. William Henrg Trenwith. (1) Antichrist. P. 1866.— (2) The Apoca- lypse ... P. 1866. — (3) 'The crisis . . . P. 1865. — (4) God and his wisdom, etc. N.Y. 1877. — (5) Immortality . . . N.Y. 1878. — (6) Jerusalem. P. 1866. — (7) Liberty. N.Y. 1870. — (8) Prophecy. N.Y. 1868 — (9) Religion. N.Y. 1869. — (10) Rime. P. 1866. — (11) Treason ... P. 1866.

T., A. F., Miss. Miss Anne Fraser

Tytler. (1) Grave et gai. Rose et gris.

Trad Paris, I860. — (2) Leila en

Angleterre. Trad, de I'angl. Lausanne, 1853. — (3) Leila dans la maison pater- nelle. Trad, de I'angl. Lausanne, 1853. — (4) Leila, ou I'ile diserte. Trad, de I'angl. Lausanne, 1846. — (5) Marie et Florence k seize ans; par . . . Trad, de I'angl. Lausanne, 1852.

T., B. B. Benjamin Bussey Thatcher. (1) In the "Christ. Exam."— (2) Im- plora pace. " New England Mag.," Vol. VI., p. 504. 1834. — I will remember thee. Vol. IX., p. 105. 18.35.

T., B. N. Rev. Baptist-Noel Turner. Spe.cimen of a new translation of the Psalms. "Gent. Mag.," 1820, pp. 395, 396.

T. C. William Maginn. Letters from