Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/155

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Tiger, The. Dr. William Dunlop, in " Blackwood's Mag."

Tiger liily. LilUe Devereux Blake.

Tiinanus, Sara J. Mrs. Wilbur F. Crafts. Tlie infant class. By . . . Ciii- cag'o, 1870.

Tlraon. Eugene Lemoiiie Didier.

Tiniou. James Bri/dges, 1st Duke of Chandos.

" In 1731 Pope published his ' Epistle to Lord Burlington, * in which occurs the famous descrip- tion of ' Tinaon's ' villa, and ' Tiraou ' was at once identltled with the Dulse of Chandos.'*

Tlniotheus. William Oldisworth. 1711.

Timothy. Sylvester Holmes. Fifty- flye reasons for not being a Baptist. By . . . New Bedford, 1830.

Tinman, Philippe Hamlin. John Wolcot.

Tippling Philosopher of the Royal Society, A. William Oldisworth. The delightful adventures of honest John Cole, that merry old soul . . . By . . . L. 1732.

Tippy. T. P. Cooke (as he was al- ways called).

Tlsh. Sir Edward George Earle Lyt- ton-Bulwer, 1st Baron Lytton. Intro- ductory chapter to the " Parisians." "Blackwood's Mag.," p. 115, 1872. Paris, Aug. 28, 1872.

Titmarsh, Michael Angelo. Wil- liam Makepeace Tliackerai/. Titmarsh v. Tait. " Punch," March, 1846.

Tittle-Tattle, Sir Fopllng. Daniel Defoe, in " Mist's Journal," March 26, 1718.

Titus. William Maginn. The last words of Charles Edwards, Esq. " Black- wood's Mag.," October, 1823.

Tlvag. Daniel E, Gavit.

Toby, Sir. Scott Sutton.

Tombo, Mons. .John Armstrong.

Tonim. Minot. 1877.

Tonsenlus. Charles Townshend, Vis- count Townshend.

Topics, Minor. John Swinton.

Tornow, Dr. Karl Valentin Imman- uel Loffler.

Torrence, Cousin. John D. Coughlin.

Tory, A. Edward Hugesson Knatch- buU-Hugesson, Baron Bradbourne. Pro- tectionist parodies. By . . . Oxf. 1850.

Tory of the Old School, A. Plumer Ward. The reviewers reviewed . . . ad- dressed to the editor of the "Quarterly Eev." (L.), 1839.

Touchstone. John Darcie.

Touchstone. Herring. Touch- stone to the people of the United States on the choice of a president. N.Y. 1812.

Touchstone, Timothy, of Saint Peter's College, Westminster. R.

Ollphant, J. H. Allan, Sir W. E. Taunton, W. Aston, the Hon. T. J. Twistleton, etc. The trifler . . . By... L. 1788.

Tongue-loosed Doctor, The. Henry Sacheverell. Isaac Bickerstaft's [Sir Eichard Steele] letter to . . . L. 1713.

Town Crier, The. Charles A. Byrne.

Tramp, TUbury. Charles James Lever.

Translator, The. Thomas James Mathias. A translation of the passages . . . quoted in . . . " Pursuits of litera- ture ".. . By... Dublin, 1799.

Translator of Catullus, The. George Frederick Nott, D.D. Petrarch translated ... By . . . L. 1808.

Translator of Mlchaelis, The. Her- bert Marsh, D.D. Letters to Mr. Arch- deacon Travis . . . Leipzig, 1795.

Translator of that Worli, The. Francis Haywood. An analysis of Kant's " Critiek of pure reason." Bj' . . . L. 1844.

Translator of that Work, The. Robert Clifford. Application of Barruel's Memoirs of Jacobinism, to the secret societies of Ireland and Great Britain. By . . . L. 1798.

Traveller, A. William Stirling, M.P. Cosas de Espaiia; or, scraps from the portfolio of . . . L. 1847.

Traveller, A. Tliomas Liddell. Four letters . . . signed ..." a Traveller," "a Triggite," " a Parish Waywarden," and " a Contributor to the Way Kate," 1838. Bodmin, 18.38.

Traveller, A. ,Tohn Francis Campbell. Frost and fire, natural engines ; tool marks and chips . . . By ... L. 1865.

Traveller, A. J. Palgrave Simpson. Second love, and other tales from the note book of . . . L. 1846.

Traveller from New Zealand, A. D. Rough. Recollections of a visit to Europe in 1851 and 1852. By . . . Auck- land, 1853.

Traveller In the East, A. Sir .John Malcolm, O.C.B. Sketches of Persia . . . L. 1827.

Traveller Maude. Thomas Maude. — See " Fraser," I., p. 753.

Trebor. Robert Emmet. The London pride and shamrock : a fable. In " The Press," (Dublin), No. 11, 1797.

Treddlehoyle, Tom. J. Rogers. The Bairnsla Foaks Annual, and Pogmoor Olmenack, for 1843 (for 1882). Be . . . Barnsley, 1843-82.