Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/171

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agement of the South Boston Iron Com- pany ; d. in Washington, D.C.

Alger, William Kouuseville, 1823-. A. ; W. R. A. An American clergyman ; b. at Freetown, Mass. ; Cambridge Theol. School, 1847; Hon. A.M. at Harv. Univ., 1852 ; pastor in Boston, 1855-74; in New York City, 1875-78; resided at the West, 1878-81; in 1881 returned to Boston.

Alison, Sir Archibald, 1792-1867. A Member of t/ie Fiicalt,/ of Advocates. An eminent British historian ; b. at Kenley, Shropshire ; educ. at tlie Univ. of Edinburgh; called to the bar in 1814; contributed extensively to "Blackwood's Magazine," besides writing his history (which had a wonderful sale) and other works ; d. at Glasgow.

Allen, Rev. Benjamin, 1789-1829. Juba ; Osander.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 330.

Allen, Charles Grant Blairfindie, 1848-. Cecil Power; J. Arbuthnot Wil- son. An English naturalist ; b. in Can- ada ; educ. at Oxford ; professor in Queen's Coll., Jamaica, 1873, and its principal, 1874-77 ; since 1877 has re- sided in England, engaged in literary work.

Allen, Rev. George. A Massachu- setts Freeman ; Vindex.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 330.

Allen, John, M.D., 1770-1843. A Retired Practitioner ; A Physician.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 330.

Allen, Rev. John. Sidneij. An American clergyman ; professor in the Univ. of Maryland.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 330.

Allen, Rev. Joseph Henry, 1820-. J. H. A. An American clergyman and author ; b. in Northborough, Mass. ; educ. at Harv. Univ. ; has for many years resided at Cambridge, Mass., with- out pastoral charge, but employed chiefly in literary work ; in 1887 editor of the " Unitarian Review."

Allen, Ralph, 1694-1764. Mr. All- worthij ; Squire AJlworthy. An English gentleman ; b. at St. Blazey, Corn- wall ; d. at Bath ; was called ' ' The Man of Bath," and a caricature por- trait of him was entitled, " The one- headed corporation." Pope wrote of him : —

"Let humble Allen, with an awkward shame, Do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame."

Allen, Samuel Adams(?), 1805-65. Si/r. An American writer ; b. in Pitts- field ; Williams Coll., 1825; became a clergyman, but, his voice failing, he

only preached occasionally, residing in his native town, where he died.

Allen, Willlain Francis. Marcel. An American educator; brother of Rev. Joseph Henry Allen; born in North- borough, Mass.; educ. at Harv. Univ.; professor in the Univ. of Wisconsin since 1867.

AUlbone, Samuel Austin. The Re- viewer.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 3.30.

Alllngham, William. Pottex and Others.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 330.

AUyn, Robert, D.D., LL.D., 1817. Richard Rinrpvood ,* Royal h. Srent. An eminent American clergyman ; b. at Ledyard, New London Co., Conn. ; Wes- leyan Univ., 1841 ; resident at Carbon- dale, Jackson Co., Illinois, in 1881.

Almkvlst, Prof. H. —k—. A Swed- ish author and translator.

Alinon, John. The Author of the Re- view of Mr. Pitt's Adrainistration.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 330.

Almond, Hely Hutchinson. A Lay Head-Master. An English educator; head-master of the Loretto School.

Almquist, Carl Jonas Tjudvlg, 1793- 1866. C. J. L. A. A Swedish dramatist, novelist, clergyman, and journalist ; d. at Bremen.

Alsop, Anthony, -1720. Tony Alsop, a late Editor of the " yEsopean Fables." An English poet and miscellaneous writer; educ. at Westminster School, and at Christ Church, Oxford ; Rector of Bright- well, Berks., where he died.

Alsop, Richard, 1761-1815. The "Hartford Wits."

See'" I. and P.," First Series, p. 331.

Alvensleben, Karl Lud-wlg Fried- rich Wilhelni Gustav von, 1800-68. Clodwig ; Gustav Selien. A German novel- ist ; b. at Berlin ; was for some years an officer in the Hanover and the ]?russian service ; but from 1828 devoted himself at Vienna to literary labor, and d. there.

Ames, Fisher. Un Americain, ancien Membra du Congres ; Hercules.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 331.

Ainhurst, Nicholas, 1706^2. A Member of the Constitution Club ; Colley Cibber ; Humphretj Oldcastle, Esq.

See " I. and P./' First Series, p. 331.

Amory, Thomas, 1691-1789. English Rabelais.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 331.

Amslnck, G. Inquisitor. An Eng- lish brewer (?).

Anderson, Alfred. — Lfr—. A Swed- ish writer.