Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/173

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saehusetts ; and when, in 1886, Governor Davis was elected senator, Mr. Arm- strong became acting governor.

Armstrong, William. An Old Resi- dent ; Kinmont Willie.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 334.

Arnett, Richard. Jack Catch. An English political writer of the first part of the eighteenth century.

Arnold, Thomas F. Kajetan. Franz Joseph Gall.

Arnold, Thomas James, 1804(1)-77. T. J. A. An English barrister ; son of Stephen James Arnold ; called to the bar in 1829 ; appointed magistrate at the Wor- ship Street Police Court in 1847, and trans- ferred to the Westminster Court in 1851 ; and held the latter appointment till his death.

Arnold, Thomas Kerchever. T. K. A.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 334.

Arthur, Grace. A Lady. An Eng- lish poet of one hundred years ago.

Arthur, Timothy Shay. Uncle Her- bert.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 335.

Arwidlsson, Adolf Iwar, 1791-1858. Sonen i Ornskog. A Swedish poet and historian.

Ashdowne, Rev. William, 1723-1810. An Impartial Hand. An English Unita- rian ; b. at Tunbridge Wells ; removed to Dover in 1767, and was pastor there of the General Baptist Church, without pay, for twenty-two years (1759-81); and filled the same position till his death in 1810.

Ashley, Eev. Edward. The Chaplain of the Regiment. An American clergyman ; chaplain of the 1st Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, Heavy Artillery, in the late civil war.

Ashton, Charles, 1665-1752. R. W. {R. Warren}. An English scholar and •divine ; b. at Bradway, in the parish of Norton, Derbyshire; Queen's Coll., Cam- bridge, 1682 ; master of Jesus Coll., Cam- bridge, 1701, and vice-chancellor of the Univ., 1702-52 ; d. at Cambridge.

Ashton, Thomas. Seborcus Basilicus.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 835.

Ashworth, John Hervey, M.A. An Englishman. An English writer; B.A., Oxford, 1819 ; M.A., 1825.

Askew, Miss . A Lady. An

English writer of one hundred years ago.

Aslund, Daniel. Gok Gokson Gok. A Swedish author.

Aspland, Rev. Robert. The Editor of the Christian Reformer, etc.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 336.

Aspland, Robert Brook. The Editor of the Christian Reformer, etc.. New Series. An English clergyman; son of the pre- ceding; pastor at Dukinfield.

Assheton, William, D.D., 1641-1711. A Divine of the Church of England. An English clergyman ; son of the rector of Middleton, in Lancasliire ; educ. at Ox- ford ; rector of Beckenham, in Kent, 1670, where he died.

Astell, Mrs. Mary. Madonella; Pla- to une ; A Lady ; A Very Moderate Person, etc.

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 336.

Atkins, Mrs. Anna. A. A.

Sfe " I. and P.," First Series, p. 336.

Atkins, Sergeant . An Officer of

the United States Armij.

Atkinson, Rev. Henry, 1802-63. 0. An English clergyman ; educ. at Magda- len Coll., Cambridge; B.A., 1828; mas- ter of Falmouth Grammar School, 1829- 42; head-masterofDrax Grammar School, Yorkshire, 1842-45; incumbent of Barm- by-on-the-Marsh, Yorksliire, 1845-63.

Atkinson, Sir Jasper

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 336.

Atkinson, Mary Ellen. T. W. 0. An American poet of Boston(?).

Atkinson, Thomas, Jr., about 1800- 33. Percy Yorke, Jr. A Scottish writer ; lived in Glasgow.

Atkinson, William Parsons, A.M. W. P. A. ; An Older One who has been through(1"). An American scholar ; Harv. Univ., 1838; in 1887, professor of Eng- lish and history at the Massachusetts In- stitute of Teelmology.

Atterbury, Francis, 1662-1732. Frank Scammonij.

See " i and P.," First Series, p. 336.

Atwater, Caleb, 1778-1867. A Citi- zen of Oliio. An American lawyer ; b. in North Adams, Mass. ; educ. at Williams Coll., and studied law; in 1811 he re- moved to Ohio, where he held important public offices ; d. at Cireleville, 0.

Aubert, Mrs. Ellse. E—e. A Nor- wegian novelist.

Aubln, Charles. Steeple Jack. An American mechanic, of Boston, Mass. ; repairs, paints, gilds, slates, removes the highest church spires, without erecting a staging.

Audubon, Mrs. Lucy (Bakewell), -1874. His Widow. An American lady ; wife of John James Audabon ; d. at Shel- byville, Ky.

Aufrere, Anthony, 1756-18.33. A. Viator. An English antiquary of Old Foulsham Hall, Norfolk; b. at Hoveton Hall, Norfolk ; d. at Pisa.