Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/175

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try from his graduation ; in 1887 assis- tant in Harv. Univ. Library.

Badger, Stephen, 1725-1803. A Minister. An American minister; b. in Charlestown, Mass. , Harv. Coll., 1747 ; missionary over the Indians at Natick, Mass., 1763-1803.

Badham, Charles David, M.D., 1806-57. Scarabaius. An English natu- ralist; b. in London; educ. at Eton and Oxford ; afterwards resided a long time on the continent, especially at Rome and Paris ; still later he entered the clmrcli, and held curacies in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Backstrom, Per Johan Edvard, 1841-86. Edvard. A Swedish journal- ist, poet, and dramatist ; b. and d. at Stockholm ; educ. at TJpsala ; in 1877 became a journalist.

Bauerle, Adolph. Fels.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 346.

Bagger, Carl Christian, 1807-46. Johan Harring. A Danish poet ; pub- lished at Copenhagen in 1866-67.

Bags, John Dryden, P. Virgilius Maro.

The name is probably assumed ; it is too much like John Dryden {Bayes) , who translated Virgil.

Bagshaw, WUUam, 1628-1702. Apostle of the Peak. An English Non- conforming divine ; b. at Litton, in the parish of Tideswell ; educ. at Cambridge ; received holy orders ; preached for some time, when in 1662 he was one of the two thousand ejected ; he was buried at Chapel-en-le-Erith.

Bailey, Mr. . Edmund Alton. An

American writer of the day.

Bailey, George. Oliver Oldboi/.

Bailey, Rev. Henry. H. B.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 340.

Bailey, Philip Jaines, 1816-. The Nottingham Poet. An English poet ; b. at Nottingham ; educ. at the Univ. of Glasgow ; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1840; devoted himself chiefly to literary pursuits.

Bailey, Urania Ijocke (Stoughton), 1820-82. Una Locke. An American writer ; b. at Gill, Franklin Co., Mass. ; and married Mr. B. D. Bailey of Provi- dence, R.I.

Baillie, John. A Lover of Liberty. A Scottish advocate, of the first half of the eighteenth century.

Bailly, Jean Sylvain, 1736-93. An E ye - Witness ; Un Te'moin oculaire. An eminent French astronomer, philosopher, and eloquent writer ; b. in Paris ; first president of the States-General ; d. by the guillotine.

Bain, Donald. One of themselves. A Scottish accountant in Edinburgh.

Baine, James, 1710-90. J. B. An eminent Scottish minister; b. at llonhill, Dumbartonshire ; educ. at the the Univ. of Glasgow ; he was minister at Paisley (having John Witherspoon as a col- league), 1756-68; at Edinburgh from 1766, where(') he died.

Baird, Robert, D.D., 1798-1863. Americamis; An American; B. B. An eminent American theologian ; b. in Fayette Co., Penn. ; studied theology at Princeton, N.J. ; agent and secretary of the American Foreign Christian Union, 1839-55; d. at Yonkers, N.Y.

Baker, Anselm, 1834-85. F. A. [Frater Anselm]. An English artist; learned drawing and painting at Hard- man's studios, in Birmingham ; in 1857 became a Cistercian monk, at Mount St. Bernard's Abbey, Leicestershire ; and d. there.

Baker, Delphine Paris. Delphine. An American writer of Chicago.

Baker, George, 1781-1851. G. B. An English topographer; b. at North- ampton ; his first printed work was " A Catalogue of books, etc. ; printed at . . . Strawberry Hill ..." London, 1810 ; he was a Unitarian, and a magistrate of the borough of Northampton ; d. in that city.

Baker, George Melville, 1832-. Uno. An American author of amateur dramas; b. in Maine ; in 1887 publisher in Bos- ton, Mass.

Baker, Mrs. Harriet Newell (Woods). //. N. W. B.; Aunt Hattie.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 340.

Baker, Henry, F.R.S., 1698-1774. Henry Stonecastle.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. .340.

Baker, John Wynn, -1775. A Friend to the Nation. An English econo- mist; was from 1704 till his death ofli- cially connected with the Dublin Society, under the patronage of which he estab- lished at Laughlinstoivn, county of Kil- dare, a factory for making all kinds of implements of husbandry; d. at Wynn's Field, county of Kildare.

Baker, Mrs. Sarah S. (Tuthlll). Aunt Friendlij. An English autlior of the day.

Baker, Thomas. Nick Doubt. An English dramatist ; is said to have been the editor of the "Female Tattler," in 1709.

Baker, William, 1742-85. Alfred. An English printer ; b. at Reading ; he was apprenticed to Mr. Kippax, a printer of London; on the death of whom he