Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/190

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Broderip, Mrs. Frances Freeling (Hood), l«30-78. His Daughter. An English lady ; daughter of Thomas Hood; b. at Winchmore Hill, Middlesex ; in 1849 she married Rev. John Soraer- ville Broderip, rector of Cossington, Somersetshire (1844-66) ; in 1857 she commenced her literary career; d. at Clevedon.

Brodie, Sir Benjainin Collins, Bart., D.C.L., F.R.S., ]78:!-18(W. n.CJ.B. An eminent English surgeon ; b. at Winters- low, in Wiltshire; sergeant surgeon to Queen Victoria ; d. at Bromepark, Betch- worth, Surrey.

Brodie, Erasmus Henry. Gerald. An English poet; one of Her Majesty's inspectors of scliools.

Broliel, Jolianna Antonie. Antonle Brook. A German novelist of the day.

Bromley, Walter, Esq. An Old. Officer. An English writer; paymaster of 23d Regiment of Welsh Eusileers.

Bromwell, William. E.B. An American writer; a Philadelphia(?) rail- road man.

Broolie, Miss . Fairfax Bi/rnne.

An American novelist of the day.

Broolie, Mrs. Frances (Moore), 1724-89. Thii Editor, Mai-ij Slmjleton, Spinster ; F. B. An English authoress ; daughter of Rev. William Moore ; was married about 17.56 to the Rev. John Brooke, D.D., rector of Colney, Norfolk, and chaplain to the garrison of Quebec ; soon after their marriage they left Eng- land for that city on his garrison duties ; d. at Sleaford, Lincolnshire.

Brooke, Rev. Henry, 1694-1757. John Collier. An English divine and schoolmaster; b. at Manchester; educ. at Manchester and at O.xford; head mas- ter of Manchester grammar school, 1727- 49 ; rector of Tamworth, Gloucestershire, 1730-57, and d. there.

Broolte, Jolin Charles, F.S.A., Esq., 1748-94. J.B.; ./. C. B. An English antiquary; b. at Fieldhead, in the parish of Silkstone, near Sheffield; became Somerset Herald in 1777 ; with Mr. Pingo, York Herald, and fourteen other persons, he perished in the fatal catastro- phe of the third of February, 1794, in attempting to get into the pit at the Little Theatre, in the Haymarket.

Brook, N.,M.D. A Gentleman, etc. An English physician, of Bath ; left England in 1785 to make an investigation of the commerce of Italy with Great Britain ; on his return, he was afflicted with blindness.

Brookes, E. A Pupil. A pupil at Bruce Castle School, Tottenham.

Brookes, ReT. Joshua, 1754-1821. ReiK Joseph Rivers; Rev. Josiah (Stream- let; Kmiue of Clubs; St. Crispin. An English eccentric ; b. at Cheadle-Hume, near Stockport ; his father, a shoemaker, who soon removed to Manchester, was a cripple, known by the name of "Pontius Pilate " ; the son was educ. at Oxford ; chaplain to the collegiate church of Manchester, 1790-1821.

Brookfield, William Henry, 1809- 1874. Friirik Whitestock. An English divine ; b. at Sheffield ; educ. at Cam- bridge ; rector of Somerby-cum-Humby, near Grantham, 1865-74 ; residing chiefly in London.

Brooks, Rev. Charles, 1795-1872. An American resident in Paris. An American clergyman ; b. in Medford, Jlass. ; Harv. Univ., 1810 ; pastor at Hingham, Mass., 1821-38 ; then passed four years in Europe, in the study of animals ; on his return led an active literary and philanthropic life ; d. at Medford.

Brooks, Charles Timothy. G. T. B.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 366.

Brooks, Charles William Shirley. The Late Genial Editor of " Punch."

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 366.

Brooks, Rev. Joshua William. The Editor of the '^Investigator on Prophecy y

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 366.

Brooks, Noah, 1830-. Casline ; John Biverslde. An American iournalist; b. in Castine, Maine ; in 1886 resident at Newark, N.J.

Broom, W. W. W. W. B.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 366.

Brotherhead, Alfred Paxson. The Boil Author. An American novelist of the day, of Philadelphia.

Brotherton, Edward, 1814-60. E. B. ; Libra ; Pilgrim. An English Swe- denborgian ; b. at Manchester ; was de- voted to the work of popular education ; editor and chief writer of the first volume of " The Dawn " (Manchester, 1861-62) ; d. at Cornbrook, Manchester.

Brotherton, Mrs. Martha (Harvey). An English writer, wife of Joseph Broth- erton, whom she married in 1806 ; they were Bible Christians, and as such, were vegetarians and total abstainers ; Mrs. B. published anonymously, " Vegetable Cookery " in numbers, first collected into book form in 1821.

Brotherton, Mrs. Mary. M. B. An English writer in " Temple Bar," etc.

Brough, Robert Barnabas, 1828- 60. An Old Bohemian.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 360.