Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/199

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Carstalrs, Miss Christian. A Lady. A Scottish poet of one hundred years ago. Carte, Kev. Thomas, 1686-1764. R. A., Esq. ; A if ember of Parliament. See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 380. Carter, Agnes P. A. P. C. An English poet.

Carter, John, 1748-1817. John Ram- bler.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 381. Carter, Robert, 1819-79. R. C. An American editor; b. in Albany, N.Y. ; in 1841 he went to Boston, and resided there and in Cambridge, engaged in lit- erary and other work till 1859 ; and after- wards chiefly in New Yorii; City ; d. at Cambridge, Mass. Carter, Samuel. 5. C. See " I. and P.," First Scries, p. 381. Carter, Timothy H. T. H. O. An American financier of Boston ; house at Newtonville.

Carteret, John, Viscount Carteret and Earl Granville, 1G90-1763. His Excel- lency L. C. An English nobleman, thus described by Lord Chesterfield : " Lord Granville had great parts, and a most uncommon share of learning for a man of quality. He was one of the best speakers in the House of Lords, both in the declamatory and the argumentative way . . . His character may be summed up in nice precision, quick decision, and unbridled presumption."

Cart^vright, Anson William Henry. A. W. H. C. An English clergyman ; Queen's Coll., Cambridge, 1856 ; origi- nal secretary A. C. S., 1872-81; in 1887 resident at the Brinley House, Teign- mouth.

Cartwright, Frances Dorothy, 1780-1863. F. D. C. An English poet; youngest child of Eev. Edmund Cartwright, D.D., inventor of the power- loom, etc., and niece of Major John Cartwright ; on the death of her uncle she retired with his widow to Worthing ; d. at Brighton.

Cartwright, Major John. A Private Gentleman. See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 381. Cartwright, Eev. John, B.A. C. ; J. C. An English clergyman and trans- lator; Christ Coll., Cambridge, 1827; minor canon of Durham Cath., 1834-64 ; in 1880 et seq., resident at Old Elvet, Durham.

Carvosso, Benjamin, 1789 - 1854. His Son ; His Father ; Her Father. An English Wesleyan minister; b. in Glu- vias parish, Cornwall; became a mis- sionary to Australia in 1820, returning

to England in 1830, and acting as a min- ister till his death at Tuckingmill, Corn- wall.

Cary, Henry. A Member of the Uni- versity of Cambridge. An English classi- cal scholar ; son(?) of the following.

Cary, Henry Francis, 1772-1844. Mlusmu]s. An English poet; b. at Gi- braltar; educ. at Eugby and Oxford; vicar of Abbot's Bromley, 1796; of Kingsbury, in Warwickshire, 1800; in 1807 he removed to London, and became reader at Berkeley Chapel, still retaining his country benefices ; afterwards he re- signed his readership, and became after- noon lecturer at Chiswick, and curate of the Savoy ; d, in London, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, by the side of Samuel Johnson.

Cary, Thoma.s Greaves, A.M. An American.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 381. Casey, M iss Elizabeth Owens Black- burne. E. Owens Blackburne.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 381. Cass, Lewis. An American Minister at Paris.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 381. Cassidy, John L. Larkiu. Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Lord Viscount, Marquis of Londonderry, 1769-1822. Derrydown Trianyle; Lord C h. A British states- man ; b. in county Down, Ireland ; held high public offices from 1794 to his death.

Castleton, Henry. H. C. An Eng- lish poet of the first part of the eigh- teenth century.

Caswall, Rev. Edward, 1814-78. jScriblerus Redivivus.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 381. Cater, William. — See "Hudson, J., and Cater, William."

Catiey, Miss Anne, 1745-89. Miss C*t- l*y. An English vocalist; b. near Tower Plill, London ; remarkable for beauty of face and voice; as early as 1755 she amused the officers stationed at the tower by her singing; in 1762 she appeared at Vaux- hall, and soon became a favorite ; she sung at Dublin, at a salary of forty guineas a night; in 1770 she returned to London, and continued to have the greatest success ; afterwards she became the wife of Gen. Francis Lascelles, and was the mother of eight children, lived with her husband at Ealing, and d. there. Catlow, Maria E. M. E. C. An English writer for the young.

Cauffman, Joseph. J. C. An Amer- ican writer of the day.