Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/220

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to Dr. James Douglas; surgeon to the Westminster Infirmary.

Douglas, Sir John. A K — (. An English array officer, whose original name was Mackenzie ; colonel of the 58th foot, and major-general.

Douglas, Sholto, M.D. A Retired Phi/sician. An American writer.

Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-61. The Little Giant. An eminent American statesman ; b. at Brandon, Vt. ; United States senator, 1847-61; d. at Chicago, 111.

Douglas, William, 4th Duke of Queensbury. Ever-Green Votary of Ve- nus. An English nobleman.

Douglass, William. W — m D — g — s, il.D.; W.D.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 413.

Dove, John. J. D.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 413.

Dowe, William. W. D. An Amer- ican poet and prose writer, of Chelsea, Mass.

Dowell, Rev. Thomas. One of her ministers. An English clergyman; Oriel Coll., Oxford, 1883; P.O. of Wellington Heath, Ledbury, Herefords., 1841-60 et seq.

Dovpling, Penelope. A Wandering Pilgrim. An English writer of the day.

Downes, Henry. H. K. An Irish clergyman ; successively bishop of Kil- lala and Achonry, of Elphin, of Meath, and of Derry; early in the eighteenth century.

Downes, Joseph. A Gentleman of the Bar. An English writer; printer to Her Majesty's police, and editor and printer of the " Hue and Cry Police Gazette."

Downes, Samuel. ;S'. D. An Eng- lish controversialist of the first part of the eighteenth century.

Downes, William Howe. Downsey. An American artist; art critic of the Bos- ton "Daily Advertiser."

Downlo, John. AMemherof the Court. A Scottisli writer of Urray.

Downing, . A Juror. An Eng- lish writer of Earlsoham.

Dow^ning, Miss Mary Patrick. Mary. An Irish writer of Cork.

Downley and Dunning, Messrs. An English Freeholder. English writers of one hundred years ago.

Doyle, Major Charles. Carlos Bey. An English officer on the staff of the British army.

Doyle, Rt. Rev. James Warren, D.D., 1786-1884. A Bonian Catholic Clerqi/man.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p.' 414.

Doyle, John. H. B.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 414.

Doyle, Richard. B.D.; Brown, Jones, and Bobinson,

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 414.

Doyle, Thomas, D.D., 1793-1879. Father Thomas. An English Catholic clergyman ; studied at St. Edmund's Coll., Old Hall ; served as missionary and senior priest at St. George's, St. George's Fields, Southwark, where he died.

Doyly, Rev. Robert. The Rector of Fryerning. An English minister .early in the eighteenth century.

Dragomanov, Michael. Stepniak. A Russian writer and journalist of the day; formerly editor of " Zemlia I Volia " (Land and Liberty) ; in 1883 resident in Italy.

Draing, Samuel. Salomo Nigard.

Drake, E. E. D. A Swedish writer.

Drake, John Pode, 1794-. Observer. An English artist and inventor ; b. at Stoke ; went to America, where he lived as an artist ; claims to be the inventor of armor-plating for ships of war, the steam ram, the Snider rifle (in 1835), and revolving platforms for great guns ; was living in 1879.

Drake, Rev. William. The Chap- lain of the County Gaol, Northampton. An English clergyman of seventy years ago.

Drakeford, I. Ser Father. An Eng- lish writer.

Draper, George. An Old Business Man. An American writer of the day, of Boston.

Drayson, Alfred WUks. One who has served. An English soldier ; a writer of the day.

Drew, Jacob Halls. His Eldest Son.

See " I. and P ," First Series, p. 414.

Drew^e,Mrs.E.D.(Longlands). Miss Longlands. An English poet ; daughter of Rev. W. D. Longlands, and wife of Rev. W. B. Drewe, vicar of Longstock, Stock- bridge.

Drewitt, Rev. Thomas, -1803. The Contrastor. An English clergyman of Chedder, Somersetshire.

Dreyfus, Morice. Marcus Nothing.

Drlsko, G. L. A Citizen. An Ameri- can writer of Maine.

Drummond, Charles Edward. An Unfortunate Nobleman.

Drummond, Henry, M. P. A Layman.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 415.

Drummond, Sir A\'illiam. Vindex; Biblicus and Candidns Vindex.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 415.