Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/239

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Grey, Sir George, K.C.B. His Excel- lency the Govei-nor in Chief of New Zea- land. An English civilian ; lieutenant- governor of South Australia, 18-tl ; governor of New Zealand, 1840 ; gov- ernor, etc., of the Cape of Good Hope, 1854.

Grey-Egerton, Sir Philip de aial- pas. P. de 21. <_t. E.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 448.

Gridley, Wayne. W.Q. An Ameri- can political writer of Charleston, S.C.C?).

Griffls, William Elliot, D.D. Curio. An American Congregational clergyman; Rutgers Coll., 1869; pastor in Boston, 1887.

Griffith, Richard. Antomathes; Henry; Trill Juncta in Uno, iJ.N.A., or. Master of No Arts.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 443.

Grimstone, Mrs. Leman. Oscar.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 444.

Grindle, Wesley. A Universalist. An American writer.

Griswold, Prances Irene Burge. Mrs. S. S. Phelps.

Griswold, Rufus WUniot, D.D., 1816-57. Ludwig. An American liter- ary critic ; b. in Benson, Rutland Co., Vt. ; spent his life chiefly in New York City, engaged in literary pursuits, and d. there.

Grogan, Mrs. Millicent. Erich Mac- kenzie. An Englisli(?) or ScottishC?) writer.

Grose, Erancis. Geoffrey Gambado, Hiding Master.

Also .attributed to Henry Bunhury.

Grosshei>ii, Julie. ./. E. JIund. A German novelist.

Grosvenor, Benjamin, D.D., 1675- 1758. JB. G. An English Dissenter; b. and d. in London ; educ. at the academy atAtterclifile, Yorkshire; pastorof an Inde- pendent congregation in London, 1704-58.

Grosvenor, H. S. H. 8. G. An American religious writer.

Grote, George, 1794-1871. Histori- cus. An English historian; b. at Clay Hill, near Beckenham, Kent ; educ. at the Charterhouse; at the age of sixteen

entered his father's hank as a clerk, and worked there for 32 years ; in 1830 be- came the head of the bank ; M.P., 1833- 41 ; from that time became simply a man of letters ; d. in London, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, in the Poet's Corner, near Macaulay.

Grousset, Pasohal, 1844-. Philippe Daryl ; Docteiir Blusius ; Leopold Virey. A Frunch journalist ; b. in Corsica ; studied medicine at Paris, and then threw himself into journalism ; first ap- pearing in the " ifctendard " ; then pass- ing to " Figaro " ; in 1871 he was exiled from France, and in 1872 was trans- ported to New Caledonia ; escaping in 1874 he fled to England by the way of San Francisco and New York.

Grove, Joseph, -1764. A Freeholder of the County of Surrey. An English attorney of Richmond, of the middle of the eigliteenth century.

Grover, S. T. An Original Republican. An American political writer of St. Louis(?).

Grumbine, J. C. F. May Wright.

Gu6zenec, Alfred. Alfred de Brghat. A French writer of the day.

Guild, Mrs. Caroline Snowden (Whltmarsh) and Mrs. Anne E. Guild. C. S. W. and A. E. G., of Boxbury, Mass.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 444.

Guillemard, H. M. A Broker. An English flnancial writer of the day.

Gullberg, Gustaf . GustafG. A Swed- ish journalist and miscellaneous writer.

Gundling, Julius. Lucian Herbert. A German novelist.

Gunn, Alexander, D.D., 1784-1829. Clericus. An American clerpN man ; b. at Digby, Nova Scotia ; Columbia Coll., N.Y., 1805; pastor at Bloomingdale, N.Y., 1808-29, and d. there.

Gurney, John, 1686-1740. The Nor- wich Quaker. An English Friend of Nor- wich.

Gwatkin, Rev. Thomas. A Country Clergyman. An English divine of one hundred years ago.

Gwinn, Hon. C. J. M. G. An American writer of Baltimore (?).


Haberstich, Samuel. Jeremias Gott- helf, Jr.

Habich, Edward. An American. See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 445.

Hacksell, Emilia. Elis Emil. A Swedish novelist.

Hadow, James, D.D. A Friend. A Scottish clergyman ; principal of the