Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/255

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and under-secretary for the colonies, 1871-74.

Knight, Charles. The English Ed- itor; C K.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 475.

Knight, Robert. A Calvinist. An English clergyman ; rector of Newton Nottage, Glamorganshire.

Knighton, WUIiam, LL.D. .1 Mem- ber of the Household of his late Majestj, Nussir-H-deen, King of Oude. An English colonial writer, for many years a planter in Ceylon.

Knipe, Delia, -1879. Cousin Daisy.

Knoi-ring, Oscar von, 0. von K. A Swedish autlior.

Konig, Ewald August, 1833-. Ernst Kaiser. A German novelist of the day ; b. at Barmen ; devoted himself to litera- ture.

Korsbloniman, Mrs. Tjina Berg (Sandell). L. S. A Swedish writer.

Kostlin, Christian Reinhold, 1813-. C. Reinhold. A German novelist and dramatist; b. at Tubingen; studied

there, at Heidelberg, and at Berlin ; pro- fessor of law at Tiibingen, 1840-56.

Kouns, Nathan Chapman. Nathan Ben Natlian ; Arias the Libyan ; A German - American lawyer residing in Kansas.

Kraemer, Lotten von. L. u. K. A Swedish novelist.

Krinitz, Mrae. de. Camille Sel-

den. A French writer of the day.

Kruse, Mathilda. Stella Kleve. A Swedish novelist.

Kiihne, August, 1829-83. Johannes van Dervall. A German novelist ; b. at Herford; served in the army, 1848-75;. afterwards lived in his native state, and d. at Wiesbade-n.

Kyrle, John, 1664-1754. The Man of Ross, An English gentleman who re- sided in the parish of Ross, county of Hereford, who was distinguished for his benevolence and public spirit.

"Richer than miser o'er his countless boards, Nobler tban kings, or king polluted lords. Here dwelt the Man of Eoss." — Ooleridob.

IJabadie, Lawrence. Un Amgricain. An American traveller and writer.

La Beaumelle, Laurent Angliviel

de, 1727-73. Krinebol le voi/agrur. A French writer ; b. at Valleraugue (Gard) ; educ. at the Catholic coll. at Alais ; he then went to Geneva ; passed his life, however, chiefly at Paris, engaged in literary work, and d. there.

Laboulaye, j^douard Lefebvre. X. Nadie

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 476. La Brunie, Georges, and ftautier, Pierre Jules Theophile. (i . . . G . . . French journalists of the day. Lacy, B. W. Belacee. La Fayette, Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert Motier, 1757-1834. Grnn- dison Cromwell. An illustrious French statesman ; b. at Chavagnae ; served in the American Revolution, 1777-81 ; re- visited this country in 1824. Laing, David, LL.D. D. L. See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 477. Lamb, Charles. A Water-drinker ; Suspensurus. See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 477. Lamb, Mrs. Martha Joanna Reade (Nash), 1829-. Crisp. An American journalist ; b. at Plainfield, Mass. ; resi-

dent in New York City in 1887 ; editor of " The Magazine of American History."

Lambert, Arthur Join. G. Morel.

Lanison, Alvau, D.D., 1792-1864. L. ; A. L. An American cleriirman ; b. in Weston, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1814 ; Divinity School, 1817 ; for many years pastor at Dedham, Mass., and d. there.

Lancaster, Rev. Thomas. A Clergy- man. An English clergyman of one hun- dred years ago.

Lane, Sarah. Mnry Kingston. An American writer of the day.

Lang, Andrew, LL.D., 1844-. A. Hutfo Longway. A Scottish author; b. at Selkirk ; educ. at Edinburgli, St. An- drev/s, and 0.xford ; is one of the most versatile writers of the day, and is specially known both by his light and humorous articles and his learned writings.

Lang, Heinrich. Eines Schlacht- enbiimmlers. A German artist of Munich.

Lange, Martin Hugo. Martin.

Langhorne, Mrs. . A Lady lately

Deceased. An English lady of the eigh- teentli century.

Langley, Rev. Daniel Baxter, D.C.L. An Anxious Enquirer after Truth. An English clergyman ; St. John's Coll.,