Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/267

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Mtchell, Thomas, 1836-. T. M., St. Petersburg. An Englisli gentleman; b. at St. Petersburg ; English consul at St. Petersburg, and 2d secretary to the Le- gation.

Michiels, Alfred Joseph Xavier, 1813-. Jules Perrier. A Erench writer ; b. at Rome ; went to France in 1817, and studied at the college of Saint Louis ; in 1834 he studied law at Strasburg ; then settled in Paris and devoted himself to literature.

Mickle, William Julius, 1734-88. William More. An ingenious Scottish poet ; b. at Langholm, in tlie county of Dumfries ; educ. at the high school in Edinburgh ; passed much of his life in Oxford, engaged in literary work ; d. at Eorresthill.

Bliddleton, Conyers, D.D. A Mem- ber of the Universiti/ of Cambridge.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 500.

MUes, Henry Adolphus, D.D. H. A. M. An American clergyman ; Brown TJniT., 1829 ; Harv. Divinity School, 1882 ; was f orsome years pastor at Lowell, Mass., then at Hingham, Mass., where in 1887 he resided.

Miles, Prof. James Warley, about 1819-. J. W. M.; M. An American scholar; b. at Charleston, S.C.; educ. at South Carolina Coll. ; was for a time missionary to the East ; the assistant- rector at St. Michael's, Charleston ; still later professor of Greek and history in the Charleston Coll., afterwards librarian ; in 1874 still at Charleston.

Miles, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth (Ap- pleton), 1807-. A. An American poet; b. in Boston ; in 1833 married Solomon P. Miles ; in 1875 resided at Brattleboro, At.

Mill, John Stuart. A.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 500.

Millaud, A. P. D. A. Labruygre. A French writer.

Millenkovics, Stephan v. Stephan V. Hfilnw. A German writer.

Bliller, Lady Anna (Riggs), 1740-81. An English Woman. An Irish (?) writer; daughter of Edward Riggs, Esq.; in 1765 married Capt. John Miller, of Bellecasey, county Clare, Ireland.

See "N. and Q.," September, 18G5, p. 192.

Miller, Charles H. Carl de Muldro.

Miller, Mrs. Harriet (Mann), 1831-.

Olive Thome. An American author; b.

at Auburn, N.Y. ; resident in Brooklyn,


Miller, J. Aunt Carrie. MUler, James, 1703-44. An English- man ; Harlequin-Horace. An English

dramatist and political writer; b. in Dorsetshire ; educ. at "Wadham Coll., Oxford ; took holy orders, and was appointed lecturer at Trinity Chapel, Conduit Street, London; he was after- wards presented to the living of Up- cerne, Dorsetshire ; d. in Cheyne Walk, Ch.'Uea.

Miller, Joseph, 1084-1738. FatJur of .Icsts. An English comic actor who was particularly dull, it becoming a standing joke to father all the smart sayings upon him.

Miller, Olive Thorne. Choynfryn. An English (■;) writer of the day.

Miller, Thomas, 1809-. TIm Basket- Maker Poet. An English poet ; b. at Gainsborough, Lincolnshire ; was self- educated, and a basket-maker; wrote poems and novels.

Miller, William. Lord Albemarle. An English publisher; predecessor of John Murray, Albemarle Street, Lon- don.

Millet, Francis D., 1846-. The Bul- garian. An American artist; b. in Mat- tapoisett, Mass. ; studied at Antwerp, and has practised his art in this coun- try and in Europe.

Millington, Philip. Cinto,

Mills, Rev. Alfred Wilson, M.A., 1832-. A. W. M. An English clergy- man; b. at Harrow-on-the-hill ; Lincoln Coll., Oxford, 1857 ; vicar of St. Erth, Hayle, Cornwall, 1864-80 et seq.

Mills, Charles K. C. M. K. An American writer of the day.

Milner, . Merlin.

Milton, Rev. William. W. M. An English clergyman; Worcester Coll., Ox- ford, 1839 ; vicar of St. Mark, Broom- hall, Sheffield, 1867-80 et seq.

Mines, Rev. Plavel S. One of the Three Hundred. An American clergy- man ; first of the Presbyterian, after- wards of the Protestant Episcopal Church.

Minot, . Tonim.

Minot, Mrs. Ij. L. M. An American writer.

Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight, 1810- 62. The Director. An eminent American astronomer; b. in Union Co., Ky.; gradu- ated at West Point in 1829 ; professor at Cincinnati Coll., 0., 1834-59; director of the Dudley Observatory, at Albany, N.Y., 1859-61 ; brigadier-general in the Union army, 1861-62 ; d. at Beaufort, S.C.

Mitchell, Donald Grant. Caius.

See " L and P.," First Series, p. 501.

Mitchell, Mrs. Elizabeth Harcourt. E. H. R. An English poet and novelist.