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clergyman; b. in Beverly, Mass.; Hary. Coll., 1826 ; Divinity School, 1832 ; pro- fessor at Harvard, 1860-81 ; Emeritus, 1881-87.

Peabody, Miss Elizabeth Palmer. E. P. P.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 519.

Peabody, Ephralm, D.l)., 1807-56. P.; E. P. An American clergyman; b. at Wilton, N.H.; Bowdoin Coll., 1827; Cambridge Divinity School, 1830 ; pastor in Boston, at King's Chapel, 1846-56, and d. in that city.

Peabody, Oliver William Bourne, LL.B. 0. W. B. P.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 519.

Peabody, William Bourne Oliver, D.D., 1799-1847. IF. B. 0. P. An American clergyman ; b. at Exeter. N.H. ; Harv. Coll., 1810 ; pastor at Springfield, Mass., 1820-47, and d. there.

Peachie, John, M.D. A Plujsician in the Countri/. An English physician ; M.D. at Caen, Normandy ; extra-licentiate of the Royal Coll. of Physicians of London, 1683.

Peacock, Rev. George, 1791-1858. A Member of the First Syndicate. An English mathematician ; educ at Richmond, in Yorkshire, and at 'I'riii Coll., Cambridge; Laudian professor of mathematics at Cam- bridge, 1837 ; dean of Ely, 1839.

Pearce, Pauline H. A iSea-Actor. An English dramatist.

Pearl, Cyril. A Home Missionary ; An Ohserver. An American writer.

Pearne, Thomas. Gregory Blunt. An English classical scholar

Pearsall, Elizabeth Sill, Countess of Harrington. E. S. H. An English poet of the day.

Pear.son, . Edgar Mansjield.

Pearson, George C A Penitent Peri. An American writer of the day.

Pearson, Karl. K. P An English editor of the day.

Pearson, Richard, M.D., 1765-1836. A Member of t/te College of Physicians. An English physician ; b. at Birmingham ; M.D. at Edinburgh, 1786 ; practised in his native town, 1788-1801 ; and at Lon- don for some years, when he returned to Birmingham, and d. there.

Peck, George Washington. G. W. P.

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 519.

Pecquer, Augustus. P. Q. S. An English journalist of Tunbridge Wells.

Pedder, James. Frank.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 520.

Peel, Capt. Jonathan. Dinks. A Canadian sporting writer of Amherst- burg.

Peel, Sir Robert. The Minister.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 520.

Pegge, Samuel, LL.D. An Antiquary.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 520.

Peirce, George Howard, 1842-. G. Howard. An American writer; b. in Salem, Mass. ; in 1886 resident in Boston.

Peirce, Thomas, 1786-1850. A Citi- zen of Cincinnati ; Horace in Cincinnati; Billy 2Ioody; The Printer's Devil. An American humorous poet ; b. in Chester Co., Penn. ; in 1813 removed to Cincin- nati and became a merchant ; was a fre- quent and popular contributor to the papers ; and d. there.

Pelham, Cornelia. Cornelia. An American writer.

Penelope, Viscountess Ligonier. Emilia. An English novelist of one hun- dred years ago.

Pennant, Thomas, LL.D., 1726-98. A Welch Freeholder. An eminent Eng- lish traveller, naturalist, and antiquary ; b. at Downing, in Flintshire ; educ. at Oxford ; when not travelling he passed his life in his native town, devoted to literary work.

Penneek, Henry, M.D., 1762-1834. Dr. Doseall. An English physician ; b. at Paul ; d. at Penzance.

Penneek, Rev. Henry. P. ; H. P., Penzance.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 520.

Pennell-Elmhirst, C. Brooksby. An English sporting writer.

Perceval, Hon. and Rev. Arthur Philip, B.C.L. A Clergyman; A Civilian.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 521.

Perceval, Sir John, 1st Earl of Eg-

mont. .7 P /, commonly

called E of E ,- A.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 521.

Perceval, John, 2d Earl of Egmont, 1711-70. A Gentleman in the Country. An English nobleman; b. at Westmin- ster; educ. at home; M.P., 1741-62; called to the House of Lords, 1762; first lord of the admiralty, 176.^-60 ; d. at hit, house in Pall Mall, London, and buried at Charlton, in Kent.

Perceval, Rt. Hon. Spencer, 1702- 1812. A Barrister. An English states- man; b. and d. in London; studied law and practised with success in the Mid- land circuit; M.P., 1796; solicitor-gen- eral, 1801 ; attorney-general, 1802 ; chan- cellor of the exchequer in 1807 ; and first lord of the treasury in 1809; in 1812 he was shot and killed in the lobby of the House of Commons, by John Bel- ingham, a London merchant.