Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/289

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gyman ; rector of Grace Church, Jamaica, L.I. ; Union Coll., 1814.

Scaddiug, Henry, and others. The Editing Committee of the Canadian Insti- tute. — Scadding, Henry, D.D., 1813-. A Canadian author and clergyman; b. at Dunkeswell, Eng. ; educ. at U. C. Coll., Toronto, and St. John's Coll., Cambridge, Eng. ; rector of Trinity Church, Toronto, from 1847.

Scantlebury, . A Layman. An

English controversial writer of one hun- dred years ago.

Schaflf, Philip, 1819-. P. S. An American theologian ; b. at Chur, Swit- zerland ; Univ. of Berlin, 1841 ; studied also at Halle and Tiibingen ; has been a teacher and professor in this country since 1844.

Schiff, Hermann. Isaak Bernays. A German novelist.

Schlinnielpennlnck, Mary Anne (Galton), 1778-1856. Dom Claude Launcelot. An English lady; daughter of Samuel and Lucy Galton, Friends of Dodson, near Birmingham ; in 1806 mar- ried Lambert Schimmelpenninck, and re- moved to Bristol, and in 1818 joined the Moravians.

Schmidt, J. P. Old Book. A French antiquary ; maitre des requetes; inspector of monuments.

Schmidt-Weissenfels, Ernst. Ernst Hellmuth. A German novelist.

Scholander, Prof. Fredrik Vilhelm, 1816-1881. Acharius.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 544.

Schreiner, Miss Olive. Ralph Iron. An English novelist of the day.

Schulze-Smidt, Bernhardine frau. E. Oswald. A German novelist of the day.

Sch\vartz, Mrs. Marie Sophie (Birath), 1819-. Fru M. 8. S***. A Swedish novelist.

Schwarz, Agnes Sophie (Becker). Sophie Becltfer. A German writer of the day.

Scot, Thomas. Sir Robert Cotton. An English writer early in the eighteenth century.

Scotland. Fergusia.

Scott, Clement. Almaviva.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 545.

Scott, Daniel J. U. D., -1759. Phi- lanthropus Londinensis. An English Bap- tist clergyman ; b. in London ; educ. at Utrecht ; settled in Colchester.

Scott, Eev. Daniel. A Preacher to a Christian Community at Leeds. An Eng- lish clergyman.

Scott, James George. Schway Yoe. An English writer of the day.

Scott, Sir Walter, 1771-1832. No Fisher but a Well-wisher to the Game ; Sir Tristram; W.S.; Wizard of the North.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 545.

Scott, Sir William, Lord Stowell. Cinna; Panurge.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 545.

Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866. " Old Chapullepec." An eminent American soldier ; b. at Petersburg, Virginia ; lieutenant-general, 1855-66; d. at New York City.

Scourfleld, J. H. ./. H. S. An Eng- lish poet of the dayC?).

Scudamore, Eev. William Edward. A Parish Priest. An English clergy- man ; St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1835 ; rector of Ditchingham (Norfolk) near Bungay, SuSolk, 1839-60 et seq.

Scudder, Horace Ellsha. R. Fellow.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 546.

Scudder, Samuel Hubbard, S.B., 1837-. A Rochester Fellow; Francis Lutterby. An American naturalist ; b. in Roxbury, Mass. ; Williams Coll., 1857 ; Harv. Scientific School, 1862 ; secretary of the Boston Natural History So- ciety, 1862; editor of "Science," 1878- 87.

Seabrook, Whitemarsh Benjamin, about 1795-1855. A South Carolinian. An American writer ; governor of South Carolina, 1848-50; d. in St. Luke's Parish, S.C.

Seabury, Samuel, D.D., 1729-96. A Member of the Episcopal Church ; A. W., Farmer.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 546.

Seager, Charles, M.A. A Priest.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 546.

Sealy, Thomas Henry. T. T. T. An English author or compiler.

Sears, Edmund Hamilton, 1810-76. E. H. S. An American clergyman ; b. in Berkshire, Mass. ; Union Coll., 1834 ; Cambridge Divinity School, 1837 ; pastor at Weston, Mass., 1865-76.

Sears, Newton. Mrs. Kismet.

Sears, S. The Editor of the "Little Gleaner." An English journalist.

Seaver, W. A. Editor's Drawer. An American journalist.

See, James W. Chordal. An Amer- ican writer of the day.

Seebright, . A Friend to the

Clergy. An English writer early in the eighteenth century.

Scllman, Julius. /. S — n. A Swed- ish writer.

SeUon, Priscilla Liydia, 1821-76. The Superior of the Society. An English woman ; chief founder of the conventual