Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/298

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of the first part of the eifthteenth cen- tury ; a shorthand writer.

Tanzer, Arnold, 1841-. Pierre De- touche. A German-American writer; b. in Prague ; Univ. of New Yorli City, 1859, where lie resides.

Tappan, Mrs. (Whldden). ^1

Sister. An American writer; sister of Robert C. Wliidden.

Tardy, Signora Laura. Sara.

Tate, William. The Editor of "Mor- timer's Commercial Dictionari/." An Eng- lish accountant of the London Commer- cial Finishing-School.

Tayler, Robert Walker, 1812-78. The Comptroller of the Treasury. An American lawyer ; b. at Harrisburg, Penn. ; in 1815 was carried by his parents to Youngstown, Trumbull Co., 0.; came to the bar in 1834; first comptroller of the United States treas- ury, 1863-78.

Taylor, , farmer in Fetteresse.

Auld Style. An English humorous writer.

Taylor, Abraham. A Dissenting Country Gentleman. An English Dis- senter of one hundred and fifty years ' ago.

Taylor, Benjamin Ogle. Viator.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 565.

Taylor, Charles, 1756-1821 or 1823. The Editor of "Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible." An English litte'rateur of London ; brother of Isaac Taylor (1759-1829).

Taylor, Rev. Daniel, 1684(?)-1747 or 1748. Griffin Jenkin. An American Con- gregational minister; b. at Saybrook, Conn.(l); Yale Coll., 1707; pastor at Newark Mountains [now Orange], N.J., 1721-47 or 1748, where he died.

Taylor, Edgar, Esq. A Layman.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 565.

Taylor, Rev. Edward Samuel, B.A. A Graduate. An English divine ; Cor- pus Coll., Cambridge, 1849 ; curate ot Chiddingstone, Edenbridge, Kent.

Taylor, George. A Lay Member of the Church of England; Zenas. An English religious writer of Manches- ter(').

Taylor, Rev. George Henry. A Vil- lage Curate. An English clergyman of fifty years ago.

Taylor, Rev. Henry. The Editor of "Benjamin Ben Mordecai" ; The Editor of "Ben Mordecai's Letters to Elisha Levi."

See "1. and P.," First Series, p. 566.

Taylor, Chevalier John. Henry Jones. An English oculist; left Eng-

land in 1733, stayed some time in Hol- land, and afterwards travelled on the Continent for more than thirty years ; in 1767 he announced his intention of settling in Paris, and is supposed to have died soon after ; he was oculist to George II. and other sovereigns. '* "Why Taylor the quack culls himself Chevalier, "Tis not easy a reason to render; Unless blinding eyes, that he thinks to make clear. Demonstrates he's hut a Pretender,"

Horace Walpolk.

Taylor, John. John Justinus.

Taylor, Mrs. Tom. Laura W. Barker. An English lady ; in 1855 married to Tom Taylor; was the third daughter of Rev. ThomasBarker, vicar of Thirkleby, York- shire.

Taylor, William Cooke, LL.D., 1800- 49. Censor. An Irish miscellaneous writer; b. at Youghal ; educ. at Trin. Coll., Dub- lin ; went to London in 1829, but d. in Dublin.

Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1858. "Old Zach." An eminent American soldier; b. in Orange Co., Va. ; president of the United States from March 5, 1849, to July 9, 1850 ; d. at "Washington, D.C.

Teelinck, W. Ireneus Philalethius.

Temperly, C. H. C. II. T. An Eng- lish poet of tiie eighteenth century.

Tempest, Stephen. A Layman. An English religious writer of the eighteenth century.

Temple, Anthony, 1723 or 1724-95. A Serious Enquirer. An English clergy- man ; master of the free grammar school at Richmond, 1750 ; vicar of Easby, York- shire, 1770-95.

Temple, Richard Grcnville, 1st Earl, about 1710-77. A Son of Candor. An English politician; was a brother-in-law of Lord Chatham ; first lord of the treas- ury in 1756, and keeper of the privy seal about 1758.

Temple, Rev. William Johnstone, 1746-96. Biographicus. An English clergyman ; vicar of Gluvias, 1776-96, where he died.

Ten Broeck, Mrs. J. H. Cousin Madge. An ^Vmerican writer of the day.

Terrick, Richard, D.D., -1777. The Bishop of London. An English divine ; preacher at the Rolls ; canon of Wind- sor, 1742 ; prebendary of London, 1749 ; bishop of Peterborough, 1757 ; of Lon- don, 170^77.

Terrill, W. H. H. The Adjutant- General. An American officer of Indi- ana ; adjutant-general, 1865-69.

Terrot, Charles Hughes, D.D., 1790-.