Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/313

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AVilson, William Dexter, D.D.,

LL.D., IHK!-. W. D. W. An Ameri- can scholar ; b. at Stoddard, N.H. ; studied theology at the Harvard Divin- ity School, 1838; professor at Cornell Univ.

Windham, Sir William. Will Wild- fire.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 596.

Wines, Enoch Cobb, D.D., 1806-. The Commissioner. An American teacher and author ; b. at Hanover, N.J. ; Mid- dlesex Coll., 1827; was the latter part of his life engaged in the organization of an International Prison Congress.

Wlnkelblech, Prof. Karl Georg. Karl Mario. A German Radical of the day.

Winkley, Rev. Samuel Hobart. The Pastor ; The Superintendent. An American minister ; Harv. Divinity School, 1846 ; minister at large in Bos- ton for many years.

Wlnscom, Mrs. Jane (Cave). Mrs. W . An English poet of one hun- dred years ago.

WlusloTF, Rev. Hubbard, 1800-64. Evangelus Pacijicus. American Congregational divine ; Williston, Vt. ; Yale Coll., 1825; ied theology at Andover and Haven, 1828 ; resident at Brooklyn, N.Y., 1861-64 ; d. at his native place.

Winston, James. A Theatrical Ama- teur. An English writer of the first part of the eighteenth century.

Wlnterfield, Charles. A Kentuchian. An American writer in Whig Review."

Winter-Hjelm, Chr. man.

Wlnthrop, Robert LL.D. The President.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 596.

Winthrope, Winifred. Clara Au- gusta.

Wintle, Thomas, 1737-1814. A Member of the University of Oxford. An English clergyman ; b. in Glou- cester ; scholar, fellow, and tutor of Pemberton Coll., Oxford ; rector of Wit- trisham, Kent, 1767-74, and of Bright- well, Berks., 1774-1814.

Wirsen, Prof. Carl David af, 1842-. C. D. W. A Swedish poet and author ; secretary of the Swedish Acad.

Wirt, William, LL.D. One of the People ; A Young Gentleman of Rank.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 596. Wlse,HenryAugustus,1819-69. The Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance. An American naval officer; b. at Brooklyn,

D.D., An

b. at stud- New

the "American .Tohannes Nor- Charles, Sr.,

N.Y. ; entered the United States Navy, 1834 ; captain, 1866 ; d. at Naples.

Wise, Rev. John, 1652-1725. Amicus Patriie. An American clergyman ; b. in Roxbury, Mass. ; Harv. Coll., 1673 ; min- ister at Chebacco, Ipswich, Mass., 1683- 1725, and d. there.

Wise, Rev. Joseph. A Sussex Clergy- man. An English poet of one hundred years ago.

Wise, Thomas Turner. A Sincere Well-wisher to the Colunij. An English political writer.

Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Ste- phen. Bishop Bloiigram.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 597.

Withers, Rev. John. A Citizen. An English Presbyterian divine of the first part of the eighteenth century.

Withers, Philip, D.D. Alfred; An Old ]\Iemher of Parliament.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 597.

Wltherspoon, John, D.D., LL.D., 1722-94. The Druid ; A Citizen of the United States ; Dr. Silver spoon ; The Real Author of that Performance.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 597.

Wltherspoon, Dr. Orlando. Democ- ritus, Junior. An American writer of the day.

Withington, Leonard, D.D. G.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 597.

WItte, George Andrew. A Member of the Church. An American religious writer of Baltimore(?).

Witter, Marina. Th. Armin. A Ger- man historian of the day.

Wltzleben, Charlotte v. Charlotte Wollmar. A German novelist.

Wodhull, Michael, 1740-1816. L.L.; Orlando. An English poet ; first imbibed the love of song at Twyford, Bucks, at the school of the Rev. Mr. Cleaver; was after- wards removed to Winchester School, and finally to Brazennose Coll. ; d. at his seat at Thenford, Northamptonshire.

Wofflngton, Mrs. Margaret, 1718-59. The Queen of Babylon. An English actress ; b. in Dublin ; d. in London.

Wolcot, John, M.D. Carnaby Curry- comb j Esq, ; Philippi Hamlin Tinman.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 597.

W^olf hagen, Priederilce. Marie Nor- den. A Danish(?) writer.

Wolford, Frank. An Union Army Officer.

Wood, Charles. A New Writer. An English writer of the day.

Wood, Charles Dunning, 1820 -. Charles Dunning. An American writer; b. in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; Union Coll., 1858 ; residing in his native town.