Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/319

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"Applebee's Journal" (L.), Aug. 15, 1724.

HubWe-Bubble. Gold Is not omnipo- tent : a story. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Sept. 10, 1720.

Humanity. Of humanity even to traitors. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Dec. 22, 1722.

Hushai. On rumoiirs of the Pretender coming. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Sept. 22, 1722.

Impartiality, Anthony. Banter on Whiggish South Sea directors. In "Ap- plebee's Journal" (L.), Dec. 31, 1720.

Indifferent, Jack. Public libellers meet with no sympatliy. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), July 11, 1721.

Inoculator, The. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), April 28, 1722.

Insolvent. Appeal for insolvent debtors. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), Jan. 8, 1719.

Ivy, P. In "Mist's Journal" (L.), Feb. 27, 1720.

The article was entitled " Character of Tom Oaken Plant," and was an answer to a threaten- ing letter which Hist had received, signed

    • Oaken Plant." But who the author was that

signed himself thus, I am unahle to say.

John-Joan. The story of John and Joan. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Oct. 6, 1722.

A sequel to " The Merry Story of John and Joan," which Defoe had contributed to the same journal for Sept. 29, signed " Wallnutshire."

Journal. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), Feb. 8, 1718.

li. Ij. Ij. On doings in Excliange Alley. In "Mist's Journal" (L.), Feb. 20, 1720.

IJeicestershire. A country man's ac- count of the stock exchange. In "Ap- plebee's Journal" (L.), Oct. 1, 1720.

Liihertas. On liberty. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Jan. 20, 1722.

Liiherty. (1) Trade is not dependent on liberty. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Feb. 17, 1722.— (2) On temporary shelter for unfortunate debtors. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Oct. 6, 1723.

liOve, True. A burlesque marriage proposal. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Nov. 14, 1724.

Love- Wit, Leonard. Platonic love. In "Mist's Journal " (L.), May 7, 1720.

In the same journal, June 4, be wrote another article called "Lovewit Outwitted," and signed it " T. Lovewit."

Lovevrit, TheophUus. In "Mist's Journal " (L.), Feb. 28, 1719.

Liye-Alone, Iiionel. On caution against love. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), Feb. 13, 1720.

M. G. A plea for charity schools. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), July 13, 1623.

Man, Livery. A satire on city poli- tics. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Sept. 26, 1724.

Manywtfe, Tom. Story of an un- fortunate matrimonial adventure. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), April 3, 1725.

Marjory, Lady. On matrimony, and the most suitable age for ladies. In "Ap- plebee's Journal" (L.), March 20, 1725.

Meanwell, Miranda. Miranda de- sires a husband. In "Mist's Journal"' (L.), Feb. 21, 1719.

In the same journal for Feb. 28, Defoe wrote two answers to this, which he called " Mi- randa's Oifers," replied to, and signed them " Frank Faithful!, " " TheophiluB Lovewit," and " Christopher Carefull." On March 14 ap- peared a third article signed as above, giving the supposed Miranda's reply.

Meeting House. Against religious persecution. In "The Whitehall Even- ing Post" (L.), Dec. 30, 1718.

Member, A. The secret history of the October Club ... L. 1711.

Member of the Honourable House of Commons, A. A vindication of the rights of the Commons of England. By ... L. 1701.

Meteor. On the ball of fire. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), June 20, 1719.

He had already written for the same journal, April 18, on the " G-reat Meteor."

Ministring Friend of the People called Qualters, A. A trumpet blown in the North, and sounded in the ears of John Erskine ... By . . . L. 1715.

Miser. South Sea tide turned. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Aug. 27, 1720.

Misericordia. A plea for unfortu- nate ruined debtors. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), April 22, 1721.

This was a continuation of an article upon the same subject which he had published the previ- ous week, but had signed " Gyaris."

Modern. On fools. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), June 19, 1725.

This was a continuation of an essay upon the same subject in the same journal for the previous week, signed " Antho' Hubble Bubble."

Moll. Signature to a letter, dated from Rag-Fair, which appeared in "Ap- plebee's Journal" (L.), July 16, 1720. This letter is a precursor of his cele- brated work, "Moll Flanders," which appeared in January, 1722.

Myra. Signed to a supposed letter from the ladies of Northampton to Mr. Mist. In "Mist's Journal" (L.), June 11, 1720.