Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/324

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Augustine Joseph TJickey, then about sixteen years of age, — an apprentice in the •Sentinel' office, — wbose contributions bore the pseudo- nym of ' Julian.' After leaving Fitchburg, Hickey assumed the name of * Duganne,' and became well known in literary circles as an author and poet." — " Journalism in Fitch- burg."

Retired Judge, A. W. W. Follett Si/nge. Bumblebee Bogo's budget. L. 1887.

Mr. Synge was H. M.'s Commissary Judge in Cuba.

S. F. Startled Falcon. 1844; or, the power of the " S. F." : a tale, devel- oping the secret action of parties during the presidential campaign of 1844. N.Y. 1847. By Thomas Dunn English.

Saint Caroliue. Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen Consort of George IV., etc. Extracts from the pilgrim- age of . . . with notes by an English- woman. L. 1821.

Soldier, A. Matthews, an artil- lery man of Woolwich. A word for the unwary . . .; or, letters from ... L. 1825.

Syphax. Patterson. — See " Pub-


Tallyho, Ben. Henri/ Aiken, drafts- man and engraver. His earliest produc- tions were published anonymously under the signature "Ben Tallyho."

Two Philosophers, The. Sir Wil- liam Hamilton and John Stuart Mill. The battle of . . . By an inquirer. L.

Ultra Octogenarian, An. .Judge .John Robertson, of Virginia. Opuscula. Seria ac Jocosa. Eound in the Scrutoir of . , , n.p. 1870.

Unknown Admirer of Genius, An. Sir Walter Scott, in his dedication of Waverley; the volumes being respect- fully inscribed to our Scottish Addison, Henry Mackenzie, by . . .

Wonder, Jak. Peter K. Ferguson. Ugliness and its uses : a lecture ... by . . . N.Y. 1852.

Y. N. T. Franklin Reed. — See " Pub- lius."

Z., Z. William Bowyer, in the " St. James's Chronicle," April 24 and 26, 1766, used these initials to two letters during the Bentley controversy.