Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/37

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Candid Enquirer after Truth, A.

Hopton Hayiies. The Scripture account of the attributes and worship of God, and the character and offices of Jesus Christ, by . . . L. 1749.

Candid Man, A. Sir James Marriott. Political considerations : being a few thoughts of . . . L. 1762.

Candidus. Henri/ White{'^). A des- ultory conversation between two young aristocraticCeylonese. ColomboC?), 1853.

Candidus. George Cornelius Gorhani. Errors respecting Cranmer's Greek Bible, 1540. L. 1826.

Candidus. Henry Mayo. [Gill's] infant baptism, a part ... of popery . . . To which is added [an] answer to six letters of Candidus on . . . baptism, etc. L. 1766.

Candidus. Dr. William Smith. Plain truth addressed to the people of America [against Thomas Paine]. 1776.

Cannibal Jacls. Mai/ne JReid.

Canterbury, FoUtstone. William Makepeace Thackeray. — See " An Old Paris Man."

Canynges, William. Thomas Chatter- ton. An examination of the poems attrib- uted to T. Rowley and W. Canynge, etc. L. 1783.

Capability Brown. Launcelot Brown.

Capricornus. Tho.nas Frognall Dib- din. — See " Sylvanus.

Caractacus. Peter Oliver, Esq. His signature to articles in the "Gent. Mag.," Vol. LXVII., pp. 369 and 457.

Carbasius, Quintlnus. Bernhard von Beskow. Papperskr^korna. Strengnas, 1840.

Carion, Franz. Franz Lubojatzky. Der alte Dessauer; historische roman. Leipzig, 1867.

Carisbroolce. Miss E. Nesbit. Sig- nature in " Good Words," " Sunday Mag.," etc.

Carl. Rev. Charles Hanbury Wil- liams.

Carleton, Cousin May. Mrs. May Agnes Fleming. Stories in the " Mer- cury " and " Metropolitan Record." — See •• American Bookseller and Liter- ary News," and "Literary World" for April, 1880.

Carlino. Prof. Carl Rupert Nyblom. Bilder fran Italien af . . .

Carlisle, The late Earl of. George William Frederick Howard. Lines on Yorkshire. By . . . L. 1865.

Carlisle, The Bight Honorable the Earl of. George William Frederick Howard. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. By . . . L. 1855.

Carlos, Bey. Charles Doyle. A non-military journal ; or, observations made in Egypt, by an officer, etc. L. 1803.

Carlton, Carrie. Mrs. M. H. Cham- berlain. Wayside flowers. Milwaukee, 1862.

Carlton, Ethel. Helen E. Smith.

Carlylian, A. James Hannay. Black- wood V. Carlyle : a vindication. L. 1850.

Carmichael, Miss Sarah E. Mrs. S. E. (O.) Witliamxon. Poems . . . San Francisco, 1866.

Carolina. Miss Macintosh.

Carolinian, A. Daniel M. Goodloe. Inquiry into the causes which have re- tarded . . . the Southern States ... By ... W. 1846.

Carolinian, A. Edward J. Pringle. Slavery in the Southern States. By . . . Camb. 1853.

Carpenter, John. Samuel Hook. The life and death of . . . alias Hell Fire Jack . . . who was executed April 5, 1805 . . . L. 1805.

Carr, Beryl. L. Mia Byrd. Mar- ston Hall : story of Southern life. N.Y. 1881.

Carribber. Sir George Duncan Oibb, Bart. Odd showers ; or, an explanation of the rain of insects, fishes, and lizards, etc. By . . . L. 1870.

Carrie, Aunt. Mrs. Caroline L. Smith. American home book of games.

Carrie, Aunt. J. Miller. Rhymes for children. 1855.

Carroll, Susanna. Susannah Free- man Centlivre. The beau's duel: a comedy. L. 1702.

Cary, Apoth. E. Robert Greene.

Cashier, The. Henry P. Shed. Bank of Mutual Redemption. Statement of. ... B. 1862.

Cassius. Theodoric Bland. Signature to a series of indignant letters published against the governor. Lord Dinsmore, of Virginia.

Cassius. .JSdanus Burke. Consid- erations on the society or order of Cin- cinnati. Charleston, S.C., 1783.

Castlgator. William Naylor. — See " Criticos."

Castine. Noah Brooks.

Catch, Jack. Richard A rea- sonable hue and cry after the Pretender. By . . . L. 1719.

Catholic Apostolic Church, The. Irvingism. The ... its pretensions and claims, considered in connection with the facts of its history ... By a late member, etc. L. 1872.