Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/56

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Dot. C. Bowyer Vaux. Canoe hand- ling . . . N.Y. 1885.

Dotter, En Svcriges. Emilia Ris- berq. Stora svenska man, tecknade for fol'ket af. Stiilin. l»i(i.

Double, Sir Thomas. Charles Dave- nant. Sir Thomas Double at court, etc. L. 1701.

Doubt, Nick. Thomas Baker, in the " Tattler," No. 90.

Doubting Disciple, A. Rev. John Henry Blunt. Things that I doubt : dedi- cated to the authoress of " Essays and Reviews," by . . . Oxf. n.d.

Douglas. Andrew Reed. A threaten- ing letter from ... to Lefevre [F. Bar- nett] ; with Lefevre's reply. L. 1822.

Doviglas, Franlt. F. E. Longley.

Douglas, George. Gertrude Douglas. Brown as a berry : a novel. L. 1874.

Dove, Walter. James n'luteliiw. The skater's monitor. By . . . Edinb. 1846.

Downsey. William Howe Downes. The boys' advertiser.

DoTvse, Ephraira. George Steevens. Letter to Mrs. Baldwin. In Nichols' "Il- lustrations of Literature," Vol. V., p. 4-34.

Draper, The. JJ. Pilkington. — See "l"— n, Mrs. L."

Draper, The. M. PilkingtonQ). An answer to a fool who modestly styles himself the Draper. Dublin, 1748. [Written by Mrs. L. Pilkington.]

Dreamer, A. Henry H. Davis. The fancies of . . . L. 1842.

Dromedary, The. William Maginn. The writer Tarn. "Blackw. Mag.," April, 1824, p. 445.

A criticism of Thomas Campbell.

Dromore, Thomas. Bishop Thomas Percy, D.D.

" Droylesden Bard, The." J. Bur- gess. Pictures of social life ; being select poems. Manchester, 1869.

Druid, The. John Witherspoon. Es- says in newspapers.

Druid,The. Henry Hail Dixon. (l)The poet and the paddock.. . By... L. 1856. — (2) Scott and Sebright. By . . . L. 1858. — (3) Silk and scarlet. By . . . L. 1858.

Du Pradel, Abraham. N. de

BUgny. Livre commode des addresses de Paris. 1692 . . . Paris, 1878.

Duboc, Edward. Robert Waldmiiller. Die Somosierra: roman aus dem span- ischen Buhnenleben. N.Y. 1881.

Dudley, Uncle. M. C. Russell, tj. D.'s odd hours : the vagaries of a country editor . . . Duluth, Minn., 1882.

Dufourquet, Thalares. j\lme. Fanny (Dufourquef) Bastide. Le concierge : drame dans le palais des Tuileries. Paris, 1833.

Dufruit, Th., maltre de langues. M. EtienneQ) Cabet. Voyages et aven- tures de lord William Carisdall en Icarie; traduit de I'angl. de Francis Adams. Paris, 1840.

Duhecquet, H. M. H. D. Robinson. The comet. N.Y. 1832-33.

AvvajjiiKos. Lynall Thomas. Rifled ordnance . . . By ... L. 1856.

Dunbar, Sydney. Mrs. Alexander Ctirleil. An oath to the dead; or, the love of life's young day. L. 1886.

Dun-Cuddy. Henry Dundas, 1st Vis- count Melville. — See "Pitti-Clout."

Dunelmus Bristollensis. Thomas Cliatterton. Under tliis assumed name he first appeared in "Felix Farley's Bristol Journal," Oct. 1, 1768 ; afterward he used it frequently, especially contributing to the "Town and Country Mag." in 1768.

Dunlap, Col. Walter B. Sylvanus Cobb, Jr.

Dunning, Charles. Charles Dunning Wood.

Dunning, Charlotte. Charlotte Dun- ning Wood. Upon a cast. N.Y. 1885.

Dupuls, Mile. Athfenais, filleule de M. Cotonet. Louis Charles Alfred de Musset. Dupont et Durand, idylle. Facetiae imp. dans la " Revue des Deux- Mondes "... Paris, 1838.

Duthus. Alexander Taylor Innes, in " Good Words."

Duval, Emma. Mrs. Ann Hampton (^Harris) Brewster.

Dweller In the Temple, A. S. B. Briftan. — See " B., S. B."

Dy, W. H. W. H. Darby. Faith and works, and canon and truth. By... 1859.


e. Rev. W. Williams, of Winchester, in his contributions to the " Snob," and its successor the " Gownsman," 1829.

Q in the same periodical was William Make- peace Thackeray.

E. George Edward Ellis, D.D., in the " Christ. Exam."

E. C. C Egerton. T. Castle's "A manual of surgery," reprinted by E. L. 1839.