Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/59

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Editor, The. Thomas Tyers. Politi- cal conferences between several great men in the last and present century ; with notes by . . . L. 1780.

Editor, The. John Anstis. The register of the most noble of the Garter ... By . . . L. 1724.

Editor, The. John Payne Collier. A select collection of old plays ... L. 1825- 27.

Editor, The. Bishop Richard Hurd. Select works [of Abraham Cowley], with a preface and notes by . . . L. 1772.

Editor, Mary Singleton, spinster. The. Mrs. Pi-ances Brooke. The " Old Maid " : a periodical paper . . . By . . . L. 1764.

Editor of " Bellendene," The. Sam- uel Parr. The Parriad : addressed [by W. Chapman, A.M.], upon his elegant but Illiberal preface. L. 1788.

Editor of " Ben Mordecal's Ijetters to Ellsha Levi," The. Rev. Henry Taylor. A full answer to a late view, etc. ... By . . . L. 177-.

Editor of " Benjamin Ben Mor- decai," The. Rev. Henry Taylor. An inquiry into the opinions of learned Christians ... By . . . L. 1777.

Editor of " Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible," The. Charles Taylor. (1) The Baptist's self-conviction. By the Rev. William Anderson, of Dun- stable, in his remarks on the editor of "Calmet." L. 1819. — (2) Facts and evidences on the subject of baptism ... L. 1815.

Editor of "Enquire Within," The. Robert Kemp Philp. The family save- all .. . L. 1861.

Editor of "Good Words," The. Norman M'Leod, D.D. The old lieu- tenant and his son. By . . . L. 1862.

Editor of "Jasher," The. John William Donaldson. A brief exposure of the Rev. John S. Perowne, by . . . L. 1855.

Editor of " Letters of the Swedish Court," The. Julia Smith. The prison of Montauban ; or, times of terror . . . By . . . L. 1810.

Editor of "Madame du Deflfand's Letters," The. Miss Mary Berri/.^ (1) A comparative view of the social life of England and France ... By . . . L. 1828. — (2) Some account of the life of Rachel Wfiothesley, Lady Russell. By ... L.1819.

Editor of " Men of the Reign," The. Thomas Humphry Ward. Men of the time. 12th ed. L. 1887.

Editor of " Miss Sidney Blddulph," The. Mrs. Frances {Chamberlaine) Sher- idan. (1) The discovery. A comedy . . . Written by . . . L. 1763. — (2) The his- tory of Nourjahad. By . . . L. 1767.

Editor of "Moral and Political Dialogues," The. Richard Hurd, D.D. Dialogues on the uses of foreign travel ... L. 1764.

Editor of "Slortlmer's Commer- cial Dictionary," The. William Tate. Foreign exchanges . . . By ... L. 1819.

Editor of "Mortimer's Dictionary," The. W. Dikinson. The American negotiator ... By . . . L. 1818.

Editor of "Our Own Fireside," The. Charles Bullock. Home words for the heart and hearth . . . Conducted by ... L. 1871, etc.

Editor of " Pamela and Clarissa," The. Samuel Richardson. History (The) of Sir Charles Grandison. By . . . L. 1754.

Editor of " Political Conferences," The. Thomas Tyers. An historical rhapsody on Mr. Pope. By . . . L. 1781.

Editor of the "Beauties of Fox, North, and Burke," The. George Chalmers. Opposition politics exempli- fied. L. 1786.

Editor of the "Biographical Me- moir of Her Royal Highness," The. .7. Coote. Select extracts and beauties taken from . . . sermons . . . on . . . Prin- cess Charlotte of Wales and Saxe Coburg ... By . . . L. 1818.

Editor of" The British Workman," The. T. B. Smythies. The "Band of Mercy Advocate." Conducted by . . . L. 1879, etc.

Editor of the " BuU," The. George Edward Biber. (1) A letter to the Earl of Arundel and Surrey, on the Bull "In coena Domini." By . . . L. 1848. • — (2) Papal diplomacy, and the Bull " In cojna Domini ..." By . . . L. 1848.

Editor of " The Cabinet Lawyer," The. John Wade. Account of public charities in England and Wales ... by ... L. 1826.

Editor of the " Chester Chronicle," The. J. H. Hanshall. The stranger in Chester, giving an accurate account of its local history, etc. By . . . Chester, 1816.

Editor of the " Chester Chronicle," The. J. Hemingwaij. Chester election, 1818, 1826. Chester, 1818, 1826.

Editor of " The Churchman's Guide to Faith," The. Robert Brett. The oflBce of the most holy name ... L. 1866.

Editor of the "Court Journal,"