Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/68

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P., W., Master in the Holy Lan- guage. William Freke. The divine grammar . . . By ... L. 1703.

F., W. B. William Balmbro' Flower. A revival of old Church of England principles no new faith . . . By the Cu- rate of Stoke Damerel. L. 1849.

F., W. H. William Henry Furness, D.D., in the "Christ. Exam."

F., W. H. William Harris Falcon. Irish common law reports . . . By . . . 1852, etc.

F , Mr. Charles .Tames Fox. Mr.

E[draund] B[urke]'s answer to his own speech . . . 1780. With Mr. F's ani- madversions thereon, etc. L. 1780.

F , , Esq. Fitzgerald.

The Chester race ball; an heroic poem ... By . . . 1825.

P*»d, H***y, Esq. Henri/ Flood. Two translations from the Greek. Ad- dressed to . . . Dublin, 1774.

Fagerman. Annie E. Bartholomew.

Fair Maid of Kent, The. Joan Plantagenet. The . . . An historical and biographical sketch. Margate, 1877(?).

Fairfax, Mrs. Mynie Bell. First ap- pearance. L. 1872.

Fairfield, Caroline Elizabeth. Caro- line Elizabeth (^Fairfield) Corbin. Our Bible class. By . . . N.Y. 1860.

Pair Play. Malcolm (f) Cameron. To the editor of the " Chronicle." n.p. 186-,

Falrplay, Oliver. Benjamin Frank- lin Bache. Proposals by . . . for publish- ing the private and public life of the First Consul. P. 1804.

In " I. and P." this is ascribed to Thomas

Faith. George W. Cochhurn. An old soldier's farewell to the 42nd Royal Highland Black Watch. L.C?), 1877.

Falmouth, J. E. James Earle. Ex- tracts from history. In the " Selector or Cornish Mag.," 1826, p. 4.

FalstaflP. White. 1792.

Famous Balancing Captain, A. King George II. The late gallant exploits of . . . A new song. L. 1741.

Fanny, Aunt. Mrs. Fanny Barrow. How little Katie knocked at the door of heaven. By . . . L. 1864.

Fanny, Miss . Hon. F. Lygon,

Lord Beauchamp. — See " Bo'sun, The."

Farmer, A. Francis Douglas. The birthday ; with a few strictures on the time? : a poem . . By . . . Glasgow, 1782.

Farmer, A. George Logan. (1) Five letters addressed to the yeomanry of the

United States ... By . . . P. 1792. — (2) Letters addressed to the yeomanry of the United States ... By . . . P. 1791.

Farmer and Breeder, A. John Lawrence. The new farmer's calendar ... By . . . L. 1801.

Farmer, The. John Clubbe. The F.'s queries and resolutions concerning the game. Ipswich, 1770.

Father, A. Rev. Solomon Piggott.

Father, A. George Barclay. A F.'s letters to his son [Robert Barclay] . . . P. 18^.

Father, A. William Lee. The hog. Composed by . . . W. 1823.

Father, A. William Mavor. The juvenile olio , or, mental medley . . . Written by . . . L. 1796.

Father, A. David Thurston. Letters from ... to a son, an apprentice. Port- land, 1858.

Father, A. David Hale. Letters on the new theatre. 1827 (?).

Father, A. Charles Hyde. Parental training ... By . . . B. 1849.

Father (A) and a Daughter. Rev. J. A. Prowett and Hiss Prowett. Poems by . . . L. 1845.

Father of British Inland Navigar tion. The. Francis Eqerton, 3d Duke of Bridgewater.

Father of Jests. Joseph Miller, so called because he never made any.

Father of Ornithologists. George Edwards.

Faucit, Helen. Mrs. Theodore Mar- tin. Eminent women of the drama . . . L. 1877.

Pawcett, George. Miss Sophia Al- ice Fawcett. Blue eyes or brown f L. 1878.

Fawcette, Wyliaume. J. K. Ham- ilton Willcox.

Faxon. George W. Fellows. A cor- respondent to the New York " Commer- cial."

Feeling, Lord. A. Fontaney. Scenes de la vie Castillane et Andalouse. Paris, 1835.

Pello^ B. Horace Elisha Scudder, The game of croquet; its appointment and laws. By . . . N.Y. 1866.

Fellow Citizen, A. David Porter. To the tribunal of the American people. By . . . W. 1825.

"Fellow of a College," A. Rev. John liustat Crowfoot. College tuition. By . . . L. 1845.

Fellow of a College, A. Richard Hurd, D.D. The opinion of an eminent lawyer [Earl of Hardwicke] concerning.