Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/70

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Church. An epistle to ... at Oxford. L. 1749. By Thomas Tyrwhitt, Esq.

This iu " I. and P." is ascribed to Dr. William King; in Nichols's " Literary Anecdotes," Vol. III., p. 147, it is ascribed as above.

Florry. J. Frank Kernan. Eeminls- cences of the old Are ladders of New York and Brooklyn . . . N.Y. 1885.

Floyd, Margaret. Margaret Crosby. Passages from the journal of a social wreck. N.Y. 1884.

Foaming Fudge. Henri/ Peter, Lord Brougham and Vaux, in Disraeli's " Vivian Grey."

Pontanelle. Anne, Queen of England.

Footman, A. Daniel Defoe and Boberl Dodslei). Servitude : a poem . . . By . . . L. 1729.

Tbe prose by Defoe, the verse by Dodsley.

Fore-top-man, A. Henri/ James Mer- cier and William Gallop. Life in a man- of-war. P. 1841.

Foreign Protestant, A. Rev. Archi- bald Bruce. Strictures on the form of swearing by kissing the gospels ... L. 1782.

Foreign Resident, A. Thomas Hay Sweet Escott. London society. L. 188-.

Forge of Vulcan. Leon N. Salmon. The spawn of Lcion ; or, the biter bit. n.p. 1846.

Former Member of tlje University of Cambridge, A. William Giles Dix. An American tract for the times . . . By ... B, 1843.

Forrester, Mrs. Mrs. Colonel

Bridges. Author of " Viva," " Mignon," «tc.

Forrester, Fanny. Mrs. Emily (^Chubbuck) Judson. (1) The great secret ; or, how to be happy. — (2) Allen Lucas ; or, the self-made man. — (3) Memoir of Mrs. Sarah B. Judson. N.Y. 18—.

Forty Years' Cultivator of the Eartli and Follovcer of Nature, A. L. Mitchell. The Christian mythology unveiled in a series of lectures. By . . . L. 1840.

Foucher, Paul. Victor Marie Hugo. Amy Kobsart, played at the Ode'on in 1828.

This first drama of Hugo, under the name of his brother-in-law.

Foul--weatlier Jack. Commodore John Byron, so called by the sailors on account of his ill-fortune at sea.

Four Years' Resident, A. James Bryce Brown. Views of Canada and the colonists ... By . . . Edinb. 1844.

Fox, Bitha. Mrs. William Rey- nolds {Fox) Lloyd. Studies of Christian character. By . . . L. 1860.

Frail, Lady. Anne Vane, Viscountess Vane. The history of a woman of qual- ity ; or, the adventures of . . . L. 1751.

Frangais, Un. Le Marquis Francois Alexandre Fre'd^ric Bochefoucauld-Lian- court. Pensees d'un ... en 1814. Paris, 1817.

Frangais, Un. Louis Simond. Voy- age d' ... en Angleterre pendant Ics an- ne'es 1810 et 1811. Paris, 1816.

Francli, Dr. Gustav, ritter von Frank. Autorsquallen ; lustsp . . . n.d.

Francis. Francis Cornu. 1829, 1832, 1833.

Francis, George. George Francis Thomas. Legends of the land of lakes . . . Chicago, 1884.

Francis, Miss Sophie L. Frances Lathom. L'inconnu; ou, la galerie mys- terieuse, traduit de I'anglaise par Mme. Viterne. Paris, 1810.

Francisco, Don. Francis Charteris. The life of Colonel ... L. 1730.

Franco, Harry. Charles F. Briggs. The adventures of Cupid Smith. " Amer. Whig Eev.," October, 1846, p. 339.

Frangois, Un. Jean Bernard Le Blanc. Lettres d' . . . La Haye. 1746.

Frank. James Pedder. 1876.

Frank, Paul. Oscar Faul. 1858.

Franklin, Benjamin. L'Abbg Andre Morellet. Avis aux faiseurs de constitu- tions. 1789.

Prater Jocundus. Wilhelm Miiller. Schabiade : leben und thaten des Fritz Schabig . . . Milwaukee, Wis., 1886.

Free Church Layman, A. John Watson. The present position of Pro- fessor Smith's case . . . By . . . Edinb. 1879.

Free Churchman, A. Rev. Charles Leslie. A new association of those called moderate churchmen with the modern Whigs and fanatics ... L. 1702.

Freeholder, A. Sir James Campbell, Bart. An address to the Commons of Ireland. By . . . Dublin, 1771.

Freeholder, A. Alexander Carlyle, D.D. The question relating to a Scots militia considered . . . By . . . Edinb. 1742.

Freeholder, A. WiUiam Wagstaffe, M.D. The state and condition of our taxes considered . . . By . . . Dublin, 1716.

Freeholder North of Trent, A. William Hutchinson, Esq. Letters ad- dressed to the minister. By ... L. 1798.

Freeholder of Cornwall, A. Fran- cis Gregor. Two letters . . . By . . . L. 1810.